Wright man, wrong time
I remember a month or so ago, Barak Obama was trying to convince America, from Philadelphia, that Jeremiah Wright was no different than his grandmother. That the Reverend Wright was just a mainstream preacher in the Black community and the rest of us just didn’t understand his nuance. Apparently, according to the Washington Post, all of that has changed since yesterday;
“He does not speak for me,” the Democratic presidential candidate said as he campaigned across North Carolina. “He does not speak for the campaign.”
Obama aides said Wright had rebuffed their recent offers of public relations assistance. They stressed that they had no warning about a media blitz that included an appearance with Bill Moyers on PBS on Friday night, a nationally televised speech to the NAACP in Detroit on Sunday evening and yesterday’s appearance at the National Press Club.
Obama’s traditional defenders, like WaPo’s Eugene Robinson has also taken up the fight to soften the blow from Wright to Obama’s campaign;
The problem is that Wright insists on being seen as something he’s not: an archetypal representative of the African American church. In fact, he represents one twig of one branch of a very large tree.
But listening to the radio broadcast and then watching the crowd as they left the National Press Club yesterday, Robinson would have to convince me that the crowd Wright was playing to also didn’t represent more than a “twig of one branch of a very large tree”. The people leaving the event tried to shame the two Blacks protesting Wright into switching sides, probably in the same way they try to convince their families and neighbors to abandon common sense.
The hooting and hollering and wild applause inside the event at Wright’s parroting of Leftist drivel just shows how shallow this whole debate over race has become. All you have to do is mention the fact that Dick Cheney was too old to be drafted for the Vietnam War and you get applause. A god-daughter serving in Iraq insulates you from criticism. Having a few degrees and speaking some foreign languages means you’re not a racist.
It wasn’t that long ago, Wright was on the Obama campaign – after thirty years in the ministry, are we supposed to believe Wright was radicalized in just the last few weeks? Wright just suddenly decided to sabotage Obama’s campaign?
Now, I’m hearing on Fox News from Steve Doocy, that a Clinton supporter organized the event at the National Press Club.
As of 2:00 PM Tuesday, 29 April, Wright is even more like Grandma.
He just tossed him under the same bus. What a paragon of principle and steadfast loyalty !!!!
The Rev. Dudley-Do rides triumphantly to the rescue, firmly planted backwards on his Horse’s Ass Perception of America proclaiming, “I’ll save you, Hill!!!”