Hamas Pier

| June 20, 2024 | 48 Comments

Hadji Don’t Surf

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

US humanitarian pier reanchored to the coast of Gaza

By Cristina Stassis

The U.S. military reanchored its temporary humanitarian pier off the coast of Gaza, less than a week after detaching it ahead of high seas, a defense official said.

Despite again being attached to the coast, the pier isn’t yet shipping aid. The official didn’t offer a timeline for when those deliveries would restart. But they’re expected soon.

Even when they do, the aid rolling into Gaza won’t immediately reach the Palestinian people — more than 1 million of whom face “catastrophic levels of hunger,” according to the United Nations World Food Programme.
Since its installation, the pier has only been operational for about 10 days and delivered 3,500 metric tons of aid for further transport the aid into Gaza, according to Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh.

Military Times
By “soon” they mean when Hamas ceases rocket attacks on WFP warehouses. Hard to pin that down, and World Food Programme executive director Cindy McCain said in a CBS “Face the Nation” interview that she is unsure how the warehouses got rocketed since they are “deconflicted” from the Israeli military. Must be a misunderstanding.

Category: Biden, Big Pentagon, The Stupid is Strong

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Ham-Ass is “missing the boat” on this deal. The sooner they quit launching rockets and/or attacks on the aid warehouses/piers/convoys the sooner the trucks can roll and Ham-Ass can steal the stuff meant for hungry folks.

Another fustercluck brought to you by the Brib’em admin.


“Cindy McCain said in a CBS “Face the Nation” interview that she is unsure how the warehouses got rocketed”

If her husband were still alive I’ll bet he could answer that.
Then again….maybe not.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

He COULD….but WOULD he?


A classic excuse.


It’s almost like the Terror Group HAMASS don’t give a goat fuck about the civilians in the territory it occupies 🤔



We could go around to all of the college and university campuses that are protesting and advocating for “Palestine”, and either take the agitators to Hamas to help grow or process food for the Palestinians, or, they could work the WFP warehouses. Either way, they get to help their cause in a real way.

OR, they get to learn some world facts!


That’s a good plan. The one’s that aren’t immediately tossed off the tallest pile of rubble would curl into a ball, crying and shitting themselves within an hour once their ideals evaporate.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Doesn’t matter. Send ’em there, keep ’em there, until WE’RE ready to bring them back.
Or….we might just enjoy the peace & quiet.

Hack Stone

How many Starbucks cafes are in Gaza? They need a place to sip their $9 lattes while they condemn capitalism.


I wonder if Gaza has free WiFi and female run Organic Fair-Trade food co-ops?


Offer them college loan forgiveness in exchange for 1 year of humanitarian service in Gaza.

RGR 4-78

$50,000.00 in forgiveness for every year served.


Offer them the same education funds as the GI Bill ( or the modern equivalent?)
for the same length of ‘ service ‘


Make it 10k per year, and maybe we have a deal. Show them how hard life can really be.

Hack Stone

Much like some individuals in the inner cities redistributing the wealth of grocery stores by clearing the shelves in flash mob shopping sprees, then complaining about the “food deserts” created when the companies can no longer absorb the cost of the losses and flee the neighborhood.


Exactly. Fuck them and the Palis.. you made your bed, lie in it!

A Proud Infidel®️™️

More like they have SHIT in their beds and are now bawling about how badly it stinks!


You mean bad behavior has consequences? Who would have thought.

Hack Stone

Obviously this genius idea from the Biden-Harris Administration did not pass Pier Review. They should install a rollercoaster and a diving horse on the pier to attract tourists like they did in Frantic City.


They need a Wonderland dog track like we had in Revere
when I was a kid. And an amusement park on the beach.
Screw the pier…build that roller coaster instead.


Only if this is part of the entertainment:


I could only imagine the spazz fit Lefty Zoomers would have listening/watching Rodney.

Forest Bondurant

When asked how U.N. relief efforts in Gaza were going, McCain replied, “Well, right now we’re paused because I’m concerned about the safety of our people after the incidents yesterday. We also – two of our warehouses – warehouse complexes were rocketed yesterday. So we’ve stepped back just for the moment to – to make sure that we’re in – in – on safe terms and on safe ground before I’ll – before we’ll – we’ll restart. But the rest of the country is operational. We’re doing – we’re doing everything we can in the north and south.”

McCain was then asked, “How did your locations get rocketed? I imagine you do deconflict and share your locations with the Israeli military.”

McCain responded “We are deconflicted. I don’t know. That’s a good question.”

No news source I’ve read indicates the IDF was responsible for rocketing the U.N. warehouses (by mistake or otherwise), but the interview infers that. News sources also don’t suggest that Hamas may have been responsible for attacking the warehouse, but the line of questioning and McCain’s answer infers Hamas wasn’t responsible.

Cindy McCain and the organization she works for and the MSM are full of shit.

RGR 4-78

Cindy is avoiding the inconvenient truth.


To avoid getting her people blown up on purpose, no doubt. That’s why she was almost stuttering in answering; she didn’t want to (and this is a pure guess) make that implication.


US humanitarian pier or US humiliation pier. I get them confused.


File under “No Sh*t!”… Israeli peace activist kidnapped by Hamas on Oct 7th say “I don’t believe in peace; I don’t, sorry” now:

Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

A liberal is a conservative who hasn’t yet been mugged.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

An oldie but goody saying MC


And unfortunately, way too true.


Hamas didn’t get to loot enough aid?


Maybe they could build a stage on the beach with the sections
and have a “Feed Gaza” concert. Imagine the outpouring of
support from the music world.
It could be Gaza’s Woodstock..

Hack Stone

Don’t eat the brown hummus.


Meanwhile, Donald Sutherland his kicked the bucket:
comment image


Sad news indeed. One of the pre woke Hollywood finest.

A Proud Infidel®️™️

And just how much of that “Aid” has been stolen and sold elsewhere? Let’s not forget that the Ham-ass are little more than third world savages with no regard for human life or rights.


I would not be surprised if Hamas takes all of it and doesn’t even leave crumbs.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m certain that the Ham-ass warlords take all they want for themselves and ONLY give out crumbs if they get something they want in return just like the Somali Warlords did back in the days when we were stupid enough to think they could be made civilized.

Hack Stone

The whole reason they launched the October 7 attack is they knew Israel would strike back with everything they have, completely obliterating what little infrastructure that Hamas not already stripped for war material. Then, hundreds of billions in foreign, mostly American, relief funds pour into the country, which the leaders of Hamas, who run the country from 5 star hotels in Qatar for some reason, will divert all of that money to themselves. Prove Hack wrong.


You will get no arguments from me on that one Hack. Similar things have happened before.


Why are we helping these worthless clowns again? They attacked Israel and now they are crying because Israel decided to give them the no holds barred beat down they have been asking for. I have had the displeasure of hearing all sorts of nonsense about the Israelis being the bad guys and are evil because they got tired of Hamas sucker punching them. Sorry, but my support lies with Israel and Israel alone.

If you ask me, I think Israel has been way too nice and when you sucker punch someone, you lose any and all rights to a fair fight. Ask Japan or look at any other instance of a country trying to pull a fast one on another only to get their arms twisted. Maybe Hamas should stop provoking the bear, then the bear would not maul them.


The Hamastani’s can’t stop. Killing Jews is their reason for existence. When they say they want to make the area Jew free, they mean it.


Thankfully, the Israelis refuse to grant them that wish. If they truly want it, Israel will take as many of them as possible down with them.


I think this was a bad idea from day 1. Not it sunk cost driven. And yes, they are throwing good money after bad. Which, is the same thing.


Well we are definitely getting insight on how Bidens head works right now


Video proof of how his brain works.


Old tanker

It’s more the “play” rather than the results. In the theater of “global politics” this is just an act to entertain the rest of the globe and make a show of “doing something” while pandering to both sides.