Sunday FGS

| May 26, 2024

Colt Single Action Army

Suspect Arrested, Charged in Shooting Incident at 2525 South Voss Road

Charges have been filed against a suspect arrested following a shooting incident at 2525 South Voss Road about 8:45 a.m. on Thursday (May 23).
The suspect, Ryan Ameer Shah, 39, is charged with assault on a family member with prior conviction in the 262nd State District Court. A booking photo of Shah, who is hospitalized, is not available at this time.

The female shooter, 37, was not seriously injured.

HPD Major Assaults and Family Violence Division Detectives R. Mendoza and A. Chheav reported:

HPD patrol officers responded to a shooting in an apartment complex’s garage parking lot and located the suspect (Shah) suffering from a gunshot wound. Paramedics transported him to an area hospital in stable condition.

The female shooter told officers the suspect is her ex-husband. She stated she was visiting a friend at the complex when she received a text message with a photo of her vehicle from an unknown number she believed to be her ex-husband. She stated Shah also vandalized her vehicle.

The female stated when she went to the garage to examine her vehicle, Shah struck her, and in fear of for her life, she shot him.

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City of Houston

Surprise, Mr. Shah.

I can outrun a State Trooper pursuit vehicle in my Windstar.

Thanks again Gun Bunny.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Skivvy Stacker

Babes, if none of y’all don’t have the proper balls to handle the weapons of the ol’ wes…don’t go figgerin’ y’can win a gun fight with an Americano Vacaro!!!



Gives a whole new meaning to the term…”slap leather”…

She’s no longer into you, dood…but her boollitt is.

I had a Windstar back in the day. Pretty nice all around passenger and cargo hauler. Wasn’t worth a damn for a high speed escape or pursuit vehicle tho.

No secret that The Gunny Bunny loves him some wheeled gun SAA stuff. I do get perturbed when watching an old school cowboy/western TeeVee Show, that’s set in a pre 1873 time frame, and all the sidearms are…wait for it…1873 Colt’s SAA. Wagon Train (1867) is the most obvious violator.

Paladin’s SAA and Derringer (sic) was sold at auction a few years back for $32K +..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’m surprised that the Windstar had the horsepower to run that fast.
Between H/P and tires being properly balanced, I wouldn’t dare go that fast, I’d probably be off the road in less then a mile.


I remember seeing a (really bad) oater set in the Texas Revolution in which pretty much everyone was sporting Peacemakers. Works for rifles, I’ve seen many a cowboy US Army movie wherein Civil War troops have 1873 Trapdoor Springfields. Lots of Indians in the 1860s-1880s had access to 1892 Winchesters, too.


Yep, notice it all the time on weaponry…and zippers on the dresses…even Custer getting wiped out a few years early…time continuity…well…you know. What’s even worse is when you’re kinda sorta working as a “Technical Advisor” on a production and TPTB don’t want to follow your Technical Advice. rgr769 has BTDT. Got a Lady Friend that will ask me before we watch at a motion picture if I’m going to critique it or just watch the show. The struggle is real.

They may have well issued the “Indian Actors” some 40 watt plasma rifles as the 1892 Winchesters. *sigh*


Or, just with uniforms, the Nat’l Geo miniseries of The Hot Zone starring Julliana Marguiles… from real events in ’89. The Army dudes all wear modern unfaded after-market BDUs (no “fat tab” waist tabs which were new then or older “Elvis collar” ones), the modern “coyote” undershirts and no rolled-up sleeves, shiny boots or starch-o-mania.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I have the complete DVD set of Monogram westerns with Johhny Mack Brown and missing one dvd of the complete DVD set of the 3 Mesqiteers by Republic studios plus other 30’s-40’s oaters and never paid any attention to the guns they used which I should have to get involved in the movie western side arms.comments.


[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week. […]

The Pirates Cove

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Long cool woman in some black pants”
(h/t The Hollies)