International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu

| May 20, 2024

Karim Khan, prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC), issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, Yoav Gallant, Israeli Defense Minister, and Hamas leaders, on suspicions of war crimes and crimes against humanity. This move received criticism from the United States. Neither the United States nor Israel are a party to the ICC. The ICC has limited jurisdiction, “stepping aside” when a nation investigates and prosecutes a criminal issue.

From Fox News:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken also took aim at the ICC’s announcement, saying in a separate statement Monday that the State Department rejects the “[p]rosecutor’s [sic] equivalence of Israel with Hamas,” calling it “shameful.”

“The United States has been clear since well before the current conflict that that ICC has no jurisdiction over this matter. The ICC was established by its state parties as a court of limited jurisdiction. Those limits are rooted in principles of complementarity, which do not appear to have been applied here amid the Prosecutor’s rush to seek these arrest warrants rather than allowing the Israeli legal system a full and timely opportunity to proceed,” Blinken argued.

Blinken noted that in other matters, “the Prosecutor deferred to national investigations and worked with states to allow them time to investigate” and “did not afford the same opportunity to Israel, which has ongoing investigations into allegations against its personnel.”

“There are also deeply troubling process questions. Despite not being a member of the court, Israel was prepared to cooperate with the Prosecutor. In fact, the Prosecutor himself was scheduled to visit Israel as early as next week to discuss the investigation and hear from the Israeli Government,” Blinken continued. “The Prosecutor’s staff was supposed to land in Israel today to coordinate the visit. Israel was informed that they did not board their flight around the same time that the Prosecutor went on cable television to announce the charges. These and other circumstances call into question the legitimacy and credibility of this investigation.”

Additional Reading:

Norman, G. (2024, May 20). Biden slams ICC’s ‘outrageous’ request for Netanyahu arrest warrant. Fox News. Link.

Category: International Affairs, Israel, Terror War

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What, no calls for arrests of Palestinians who started the latest shit on October 7? Until then, the ICC can go piss up a rope.


This isn’t true of course. Not your fault, the liberal media refuses to cover it in the United States.

Sinwar and Dief both have arrest warrants from the ICC. That is why they live in Qatar, because Qatar is not a signatory to the Rome Convention

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I would say this…
“How many divisions has the Pope ICC?”

Forest Bondurant

So many flaws behind the ICC…too many to list here.

Meanwhile, they can eat a bowl of dicks.


We could issue a warrant for the arrest of Karim Kahn, instead, for being a Krazy tyrant wannabe.
When found guilty he can be suspended by his thumbs over a 50′ drop.


Israel should try the judges of the ICC.

Then have Mossad bring them in.


“…circumstances call into question the legitimacy and credibility of this investigation.”

Hmmm…did the ICC take notes on how it’s done from a persecutor in Noo Yawk Shitty…or The ATL?

Good luck on bringing that ham sammich to trial.


Islamic Kangaroo Court is a sham and should be disbanded for not going after Hamas for war crimes which shows their corruption and contempt for justice.


Bernie Sanders backs Bibi’s indictment for “an unprecedented war of destruction against the entire Palestinian people,” showing he puts being a Leftist and Hamas fanboy before sense:


Netanyahu was heard to reply: מזיין את


לעזאזל עם בית הדין הפלילי הבינלאומי

The spam filter really liked your comment, Jimbo.
“To hell with the International Criminal Court”


Cue the mendacious mollusk…


To paraphrase President Andrew Johnson, “The ICC has made its decision; now let them enforce it!”


Jackson. Though I’ve read that he didn’t say it. Fits him though.


“you can call me Ray, you can call me Jay, you can call me RJ, but ya’ don’t have to call me Johnson”


If Bibi can be charged with war crimes, then almost every President/Prime Minister/whatever can be charged. Executing an armed conflict is a different animal. In the Balkans War under Milosevic, ethnic cleansing was the order of the day which is why he was guilty of war crimes. This is NOT the case. Hamas leaders are guilty of crimes against humanity on Israelis AND Palestinians for wanton negligence in my opinion.


You are not alone in that opinion.


I do not recognize any such legal authority as the ICC and if Netanyahu needs a place to sort of disappear he’s welcome in my guest cottage in deep south Texas.


D’s Cantina has a vacant guest room, and MRS D can cook kosher. I think the TAH mob can accommodate him indefinitely.


Kosher birria tacos sounds good


Tortillas are basically unleavened bread, after all…


This bullcrap is the same as getting your ass kicked by a bully and you both get suspended by left/libtards educrats for being “involved” in a fight because “all violence is wrong”– why not f*ck the bully up, you’ll both get a one-day vacation anyway?

Yes, this destroyed any sense that educators were just– or had any sense– and made one much less likely to listen to them. ICC? Yeah, you guys don’t have yer head up your ass do ya? /sarc

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

Obama and his foundation at work again
To bad trump was too busy of draining the
Swamp. In fact soros gets a lot of blame
With collage campus issues the you know who’s foundation has been busy organizing