Dr Matthis on Fort Hood murders
Matthis Chiroux, in his typically oblivious way, decided to politicize Veterans Day yesterday and sent emails to everyone he knows (I have the email addresses so I’ll be mailing this link to them) apparently for no other reason than to prove to the world that he’s a blowhard and he thinks he’s a lot smarter than the rest of us think of him (he also posted it on the IVAW website). Of course, he uses the opportunity to repeat his claim that he has PTSD from hearing war stories;
We military few are carrying a burden larger than most in this country would care to comprehend. Blood has been spilt, and the only solution we’re given is more spilt blood. So we kill, like they do in combat, like they did in Fort Carson, Fort Benning, Fort Bragg, Fort Hood…Oklahoma City.
We kill ourselves, like we do on every base, in every state, in my bedroom…all too close. I was called up for Iraq. Five years I survived to be discharged and recalled. While I never deployed, I was a journalist. I heard stories.
As Maj. Hassan heard stories. The kinds of which nightmares are made of and then medicated. If they were like the ones I heard, memories have rubbed off on Maj. Hassan of murder, torture, racism, rabid aggression, sexual deviance, mutilation, brutalization and dehumanization.
So we can expect that Chiroux will be knocking on the door of some poor overworked VA counselor pestering him about the horror…the horror of his six days (give or take) at the Bagram Air Base Baskin-Robbins.
Notice how he says “we” like he’s one of us combat veterans and not a chickenshit coward who didn’t want to disrupt his life just because he promised?
Oh, and he’s being persecuted like Black slaves;
I chose the path of outright resistance. I did not end my life. I reclaimed it and refused deployment to Iraq. I was found guilty of misconduct, but I know from experience how often the Army’s dead wrong, as is our nation. Resisting slavery was once illegal too.
See, how it all comes back to Matthis and how brave he thinks he is? And so what if Hasan yelled Allahu Akbar – everybody in the movies shouts stuff before they shoot, too. Well, Chiroux doesn’t say that, but that’s the only place he’s ever seen anyone shoot anyone else – in movies.
But the usual suspects are asserting that it’s not the war, the guns, or the Army’s brand of illness and callousness at fault here. It’s Islam and the terrorists, they say, while their ethnocentricity goes unchecked by good people and knowledgeable veterans.
So he screamed Allahu Akbar before he pulled the trigger. Ever hear what Soldiers scream in combat? It’s a combination of profane, blood-lustful jargon and cries for reassurance from the almighty. “Ain’t no such thing as an atheist in a fox-hole,” I’ve heard. What about Christians behind mass murder?
They happen in Iraq and Afghanistan all the time. There’s a million dead, and they didn’t all kill themselves. Knowledge of this is what drove Maj. Hassan to the realization that our wars are genocidal. Lack of legal recourse is what drove him to violent madness, as it nearly did me.
A lack of legal recourse? How many have walked away from this war so far? And he doesn’t have legal recourse. Chiroux wants everyone in the military to be a chickenshit coward like him amd walk away when the going gets too tough…or uncomfortable;
Soldiers must be given the right to walk away as Maj. Hassan tried to do so many times. If half the military quits, so be it. We’ll rest assured knowing our truly volunteer force is getting twice the care and attention. But the first step in repairing trauma is curtailing the trauma, a luxury not afforded to our troops, many on their third and fourth tours. What better way to put needless war in check?
Well, who better to address Chiroux than Chiroux the Elder, his father who emailed me this;
Many of you have received an email from my son, Matthis Chiroux, titled “VET DAY OP ED: The violence within is the Veteran Without”. Matthis has taken the opportunity to write an opinion piece on the trajedy at Ft. Hood which reads more about himself than the gunman and murders that took place. I do not believe my son has any personal experience of PTSD nor does he have any formal training on PTSD, let alone knowledge of the facts surrounding the gunman and events at Ft. Hood beyond that which we all have access to through the media. Use of this tragedy to push his own point of view and dramatization of his own experience is inappropriate. As are all of us I am deeply troubled by the events that took place at Ft. Hood and in general the heavy burden carried by our Iraq and Afghanistan deployed forces and veterans and the innocent caught in the middle around the world. We Americans enjoy the right of free speech and we also enjoy the right to rebuke abuse of that right and I do so here. On behalf of my family I apologize for my son to any and all offended by his use of other’s tragedy for his own agenda. Most Humbly, Dr. Robert C. Chiroux
And he sent me this in response to an interview Chiroux did about the Fort Hood tragedy;
Recently Matthis Chiroux made the following comments to the media concerning the massacre at Ft. Hood: “There’s a lot more of this out there, potentially. Anyone coming back from war with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) could do the same thing,” said Matthis Chiroux, a former U.S. army sergeant who refused to go to Iraq. “We’re talking about nightmares yet unseen here.”
To my knowledge,Matthis, a member of the Board of Directors of the IVAW, and thus a default spokesman for that oraganization, has absolutely no experience with PTSD and absolutely no formal training regarding PTSD.
Matthis served for 5 years as a journalist in the U.S. Army, entirely at Camp Zama in Tokyo and Heidelberg, Germany, except for a short stint with the Marines to Palawan (Matthis’ own description at the time) that somehow morphed into an excursion with his “Army buddies” and a “felt-like” rape of a local and a one week trip to Kabul where he recounted a local boy stepping out into the street and pointing a boot at the Humvee he was in and just for a moment the occupants thought it was a weapon. Other than that I cannot recall anything that would qualify as a PTSD inducing experience.
Granted Matthis may feel his “abuse” by his father was a source for PTSD but in fact Matthis was serious trouble and very manipulative as a child and when his father resorted to corporal punishment Matthis convinced his youth pastor to report it to the local child welfare office. The ensuing investigation totally exonerated his father, including the pastor of the church weighing in favor of the father. That did not stop Matthis from claiming abuse in his public confessional. If anyone has experienced abuse it has been his entire family and some of his fellow IVAW members, past & present. And I am still puzzled by his confession that he came from a “…poor, white southern family”. Matthis’ mother’s family is worth well in excess of 7 figures and his father has a Ph.D. The point being I respect the IVAW’s right to “peacefully” protest the war but with absolutely no basis for an opinion on PTSD one of your directors is grandstanding over the bodies of 13 murdered U.S. soldiers and the IVAW should have the good sense to reign him in and muzzle him or publically censure him if he does not comply.
Sometimes these posts just write themselves.
Thanks to Dr. Chiroux and ArmyVet11B for the links.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
Great post.
DR Chiroux is obviously a class act. How did the apple fall so far from the tree? I just hope and pray that Matthis doesn’t have any children to pass on HIS genetics to. My condolances to the senior Dr Chiroux and the rest of the family that has to put up with and tolerate this wayward son’s elephantine s**t.
As for the second half of Matthis’ idiotic rant — Out of ALL the commissioned Army shrinks, many of whom, I’m sure, have ACTUALLY BEEN STATIONED IN A FORWARD COMBAT ZONE, and counseled and helped innumerable soldiers with actual PTSD, how many have gone so totally beserkers as to have committed mass murder? (chirp, chirp, chirp). I thought so. And yet “Dr Maj” Hasan HAD NEVER been outside the US. Hmmmmm. Something to think about.
Ditto for the infantry, the combat, the support, and the service support soldiers, who have ACTUALLY been out front, fighting for other’s freedoms, who have seen the horrors of war, who have PTSD. And yet, they come home, get help when & if they want and need it, AND DO NOT COMMITT MASS MURDER.
Dr Maj Hasan could have walked away at any time. All he needed to do was write and sign a letter of resignation of his commission. I’m sure there may be a little bit more to it then that, but it’s NOT the Olympian hurdles Matthis seems to imagine it is. No one, especially in today’s military, is kidnapping people off the streets, putting them in chains, and forcing them to join & be in the military. It’s been an All-Volunteer service for quite a few years.
Once again, I hope Matthis has no children. And as a preventitive measure, if someone happens to run across him (now THERE’s a thought) in a dark alley sometime, could they PLEASE do the rest of us a favor and neuter that boy so that he can’t breed? I leave the method and amount removed up to your imagination.
Ever hear what Soldiers scream in combat?
Actually, yes. In my case it went something like “HOLY FU@#ING SH!T” which I’m pretty sure has the same religious connotation as “ALLTOTHE SNACKBAR”……assmunch….
If he could be half the man his father is he’d be 100% better off…..
So lil’ Matthis turned into a coward, liar, mental case, and pussy because he got spanked as a child. Perhaps he will get better if we give him a time-out.
“Go to the corner, Matthis”
Good article!!!
“…so we kill..” Honest to God, is this kid for real? I just continue to shake my head, and feel much pain for his father, Mr. Chiroux.
I think Dawg is right, Matthis deserves a time-out. Props to his father, a true class act. And I think Woody’s idea for a “preventive measure” is right on.
I can’t even read anything this butt monkey writes or listen to anything he says. While his father is an honorable and decent man, I can’t say the same for butt monkey.
Thanks to Jonn for posting this. Those of us that knew Matthis appreciate your diligence.
Let’s view this as an ongoing game of Whack-a-Mole. Anytime this moron pokes his head up to try to capitalize on someone else’s pain, we should all take that opportunity to knock him in the head. One day maybe he’ll give up.
Matthis, your 15 minutes of fame was up about 2 years ago. Go away.
You know, I used to give IVAW the benefit of the doubt. Based on my own experience in Iraq, I too saw some of the worst and most notorious abuses of power and war profiteering imaginable. But how can IVAW prop up a glory-seeking, opportunist tool bag like Matthis?
It really speaks to the illegitimacy of IVAW and to their leadership that not only would they allow this two-bit swindler a place on their board of directors, but then go ahead and allow his self-absorbed dribble to be published on their website, especially at the expense of 13 dead soldiers. If that’s the best IVAW can do, then I say fuck IVAW. They (or ass-clowns like Matthis) do not speak for me or for any of my brothers whom I served with.
I feel sorry for Matthis’ family. I feel bad it takes his own father to expose the pathetic ramblings of his son. Matthis, if you read this, I want you to know that if you genuinely care about a noble cause, then just do yourself, your family, and the country that you shun a huge favor…Shut the fuck up for once. You’re a shallow, conceited child, and no one genuinely believes that you care about anything in this world other than yourself.
Army Vet 11B:
The Board of Directors are elected, not appointed, and the crop this year was not wide. Many members were too busy with other positions to run, and some of us, for whatever reason, could not appear in person to plead our cases. (In my case, the military wasn’t too thrilled with the idea).
Matthis wrote a Member’s Speak-which is essentially a blog. It’s not “published on the website” in the sense of being featured. He is using IVAW’s blog feature to blog his writing, just as I have and many others have.
Not all of us believe as he does about this. If you look at some other posts, you’ll see some very differing opinions. I believe it’s a sign of the Army’s failure in screening their psychiatrists, and that Hasan was crazy as all get out for reasons that had nothing to do with PTSD.
ArmyVet11B, there are a lot of different people in IVAW with a lot of different viewpoints. Please feel free to contact or email me if you’d like to talk more.
“I was a journalist, I heard stories”? WTF? What an ass hat. And sounds like you’re going along with the defense his attorney is trying to build, AS. He was crazy so he didn’t really mean it. I agree, his reasons had nothing to do with PTSD.
The sign of failure is the PC madness that is infecting the government. Have you read what what some of his fellow doctors have said, and what the Feeb’s said? That the Feeb’s were afraid they’d get in trouble over First Amendment issues if they questioned him about his postings on militant Islamic sites? Even though he was using multiple screen names to try to avoid raising any flags.
Selena tell everyone why there where not a lot of people who ran for the board the real reason is people where and are feed up with shit going on in IVAW and didn’t run. IVAW continues to back people like Matthis “I am a war hero” Chrioux and Carl “I support killing American troops” Webb and having someone like Matthis and a couple of the other people who are on the board represent IVAW is the reason IVAW is losing members and losing support. The numbers may say 1700 or 1800 hundred, but you know as much as I do around maybe 100 to 200 may be active in doing anything.
Jonn, you left out the part where Matthis Chiroux wrote (of Maj. Hasan), “He is one of us.”
Also, I beg to differ with Selena’s assessment that Maj. Hasan “was crazy as all get out.” I don’t think that Maj. Hasan is crazy; I think he is an Islamic terrorist.
Army Sergeant:
I don’t care to contact you or anyone else representing a fraud organization. If members of IVAW voted for Matthis, then its your problem as a whole, and quite honestly, it doesn’t reflect well on the ethics or intelligence of your organization.
Furthermore, if IVAW is a democratic organization, as you seem to be saying it is, then it is the democratic duty of the membership to put the reigns on an opportunist whore like Matthis, who by the way, as a elected board member, DOES represent the voice of the organization whether you believe his opinion or not.
Bottom line, IVAW should be ashamed of Matthis right now. Not because of his politics. Not because he’s a self righteous prick. But rather, because Matthis (and I suspect the rest of IVAW) is keen on using the Fort Hood tragedy as a pulpit from which to preach their own twisted positions and political aims.
And its clear why IVAW attaches itself to these kind of glory-seeking scumbags. You are desperate for attention because YOU HAVE NO LEGITIMACY. Did anyone in IVAW actually fight in this war, or did they all just hear about it on Olbermann? Did you ever fight in this war, “Army Sergeant”, or did you just hear about the horrors of war from the likes of Matthis?
I have a hard time believing that any combat vet would be tolerant of this kind of pettiness. So don’t try to recruit me or any other self respecting servicemember with your diversity line. Its obvious that IVAW represents nothing more than a delusional pile of dogshit. Fuck IVAW.
I think you are being overly harsh to Army Sergeant, who is a very good person and she actually is also a genuine Iraq vet.
I hope you will reconsider your attitude toward her, however, I do agree with your assessment about opportunists “using the Fort Hood tragedy as a pulpit…”
Now I don’t mind telling you I have been against this war from the start, but I have also been thoroughly disgusted to see antiwar leaders glomming on to this horrific attack against unarmed soldiers to use it as a springboard for their political messages without even so much as bothering to condemn the act. The stark crudeness of this is beyond the pale.
Another example is Code Pink. What was their Veterans Day message? Here is an excerpt:
“Our soldiers clearly need more care; the last thing they need is to be put into more harm’s way. Even US military officers think so–Matthew Hoh resigned from the Foreign Service in protest of the lack of clear mission and achievable results in Afghanistan, and of course the Ft. Hood shooter was a Major who did not wish to be deployed to Afghanistan.
“Yesterday, President Obama flew to Ft. Hood for the memorial service; today we can urge him to prevent future memorials by stopping the surge.”
Whoa. Was that a veiled threat?
I would like to make clear that I dissociate myself completely from these groups and their unconsciouable tactics. It has been very hard for me to understand why others don’t seem to see a problem with this.
I agree that AS is a good person, but not an Iraq Vet. Might want to keep your defense of her to teh facts. Or let her do it.
At this point, I don’t even blame Matthis. Stupid is as stupid does… what’s really disturbing is that the media and such allow this constantly contradicting dimwit – who barely passed high school, has no higher education and no experience in the matter of war – to voice his “opinion.” I know America is founded on the freedom of speech, but come on… ugh. I need some Tylenol.
There are a few people who know what I did, and I served with all of them. None of them post here. That is the ups and the downs of the intel field. You might be surprised, TSO. So might you, Debbie. I’m kind of in the middle, and that’s as far as I want to say about that. It always amazes me when people seem to make up their own ideas about me in my head. In some I’m some sort of rambo, in others I’m skipping along idly, cheerfully polishing doorknobs. However, I agree that people should let me talk for myself, which I’m happy to do. ArmyVet11B: Regardless of what precisely I did, I will agree that it did not involve direct contact with the major “horrors of war”. I am not a combat vet. I’m support. Was my work necessary? Yes. Did it save the lives of some combat vets, and end up taking lives of some guys who wanted to kill some? Absolutely. Did it involve me personally squeezing the trigger to kill people? No, it didn’t. I have never personally killed anyone. I lost soldiers in my unit, but I never had to personally watch them die. I won’t lie about that, ever. I never had to kill a child, but I did have to rock my macho buddy in my arms when he got back as he cried about doing so. He wasn’t a monster, he had to do it because of what the kid was doing. There was no other way. War is always horror. No matter what. Over 75%, and I’m trying to refine those figures further by going through the paper applications, of our members were deployed longer than 30 days to Iraq. It’s harder to check people deployed less than 30 days, because they don’t get campaign medals. Everyone serves in a different capacity. A lot of our guys are infantry. I don’t have numbers or stats, but I know I’m surrounded by them. The current system does not provide a way to remove board members. Trust me, there… Read more »
Ya know, AS, if the IVAW acted like they care more about the troops than they care about pleasing their anti-war masters, they’d get less crap about everything they do. When you have pictures of your membership standing on flags, members urging others to walk away from their jobs, members giving speeches on Veterans Day honoring those who haven’t fulfilled their commitment, members trying to convince others to sabotage equipment in theater it’s going to be real tough to pass yourselves off as sympathetic figures.
AS, if the IVAW has no mechanism to purge or even contain a virus from its board arn’t you saying the patient cannot be saved?
“Honestly, I wish everyone who’s pissed off about the situation would come up with some constructive suggestions for fixing it”. There’s an easy solution, that I think has been mentioned before. Walk away, let the malcontents and fools like Matthis and Karl stew, if the people who do the work leave, the bottom feeders will eventually leave, because they won’t have the free lunch.
Here’s a constructive idea, AS. You are obviously one of the decent, sincere members. So, grab all the like-minded current and former IVAW folks, walk away (like UpNorth suggested) and form a legitimate organization. It costs what $168 to form a new entity? IVAW is corrupted beyond redemption.
Army Sergeant:
Sorry for the angry tone. I do not mean to denigrate your service. And I totally agree, the grunts on the ground cannot do what they do without the support in the rear, and its no less important for the accomplishment of the mission.
Let’s put it this way, Army Sergeant: You should do something more deserving of your time and walk away from IVAW. I have followed them for a while now and I haven’t seen them do anything except pander to the Cindy Sheehan circus. Now they are getting as pathetic and low as to soak in the lime light of 13 murdered soldiers. I expect that from sneaky leftist turncoats, but not from former servicemembers.
The whole thing pisses me off, so this is the last I will say about it all…at least IAVA is an organization made up of GWOT veterans for the advocacy of veterans, and they are doing great things out there to take care of the troops. IVAW is a joke and is completely irrelevant. If you continue to work there, at least build up some pressure to force Matthis to apologize for his pathetic showboating at the expense of a horrible tragedy. It is just simply wrong, no matter what side of the aisle you are on.
You are wasting your time 11B.
“I’m kind of in the middle, and that’s as far as I want to say about that.”
For the gazillionth time AS, you’ve hitched your wagon (legit, IMO) to a horse with schizophrenia and advanced syphilis. The far leftards in that movement would drop your non-commie self into a deep fat fryer once you’ve outlived your usefulness to them….
Ho Hum.
“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”
I’m very confused now, AS. Your story sounds to me like you served in Iraq…but you didn’t? That was the only conclusion about you that I have drawn, besdides that I see you as being a good person. My assumption that you’re an Iraq vet was based on things you have written and your references to PTSD. Or perhaps you are an Afghanistan vet and I mistakenly assumed Iraq vet. Whatever the case, my apologies for my inattention to detail, though I do know how to use a map. The only other conclusion I expressed was my belief that you are a good person, which I’m sure that most here would agree with as it is refelected in your writing and the way you express yourself.
By no means would I presume to speak for you, or for anyone, especially since I don’t even speak for myself all that well sometimes. Just that some of my other opinions might be interpreted as being harsh, so I was trying extra hard to be reasonable where I felt that I could.
I do like that IVAW sent a mental health counselor to Fort Hood. That seems like an appropriate response.
“I see you as being a good person.” HANGING OUT WITH THE WRONG CROWD!!! Geez, I worked some corrections time & we’d get good folks every now & then who slipped in their judgment and picked the wrong friends… That’s what I see in store for AS, it is frustrating to watch this slow motion train wreck,but hey, that’s all we can do.
Sorry for the delay in responding, my internet’s been iffy. I appreciate the good thoughts from all. I reiterate that I am not good at any of the paperwork, grantwriting, fundraising, etc. etc. that goes into creating an organization. It’s something I’ve considered from time to time. And yes, sometimes I have a real problem with the fact that the people I know in the organization and the work they’re doing aren’t always the ones that are “out in front”.
Right now, my new IVAW (ish) project that I’m going to be focusing on is getting the Veteran Center in my neighborhood up providing services again. It’s huge, it has a big plaque on the door proclaiming it a veterans’ center, but there’s nothing there for folks that wander in. I think we can do better. I’ll admit, I have no idea of how to get this thing started, but I’m going to do my damnedest anyway. We’ll see how it goes. I say IVAWish because I’m happy to take help from whatever veteran’s organizations want to join with me on this one, not just IVAW.
“is getting the Veteran Center in my neighborhood up providing services again.”
I take it that this facility isn’t a VA operation?
I don’t think so. To be honest, I’m not really sure. I can’t find anybody that seems to be associated with the veterans part there. I’m going to do some research on the building and places that might have historically operated there-it’s going to be an ongoing project.
If it was the VA, though, do you think they’d object to vets groups finding services to provide there if they weren’t doing anything?
Selena, I know of a contact who might be able to help you get started.
I had lunch one Saturday with a psychologist who has extensive experience with PTSD and was a longtime volunteer at the Atlanta Vet’s Center. As I understand it, Vet Centers are separate from the VA, though I can’t remember the details now. I think they are funded by the government, but were formed as a separate entity during the Vietnam era due to complaints that the VA wasn’t addressing the needs of the veterans. Maybe something like that anyway.
Anyway, I had lunch with this psychologist, along with several of my VFP members, at the Farmer’s Market in Decatur, GA following the weekly corner protest in that area of town. We explored the possibility of doing some kind of forum on PTSD. Nothing gelled as I was kind of the main VFP organizer in the Atlanta area at that time (I no longer live in Atlanta now), was already overwhelmed with responsibilities, including two jobs, and didn’t really know where to go with it. Nonetheless, I was very impressed with him and it was a very educational and enriching experience for me. I know he has lots of experience with how Vet Centers work and perhaps he could point you in the right direction. His website: http://pineriverpsychotherapy.com/agweiss.html
I also noticed he is on FB now (pretty sure that’s the one anyway, though there’s not a pic there).
Hope that helps. Good luck.
I forgot to mention when that was that I met that psychologist. It was a few years ago.
Selena, you know the power that stands behind you… and it will push you forward even more so when you take a step in the right direction. No word of mouth will direct you better… ahead or back.