Huffpo nimroddery

| November 3, 2009

Some dolt who goes by the name of Ryan Grim did exactly no research or background on this article at Huffington Post about some IVAW schlubs schlepping through the halls of Congress spreading their halfwit opinions.These two IVAW members are new to me and don’t have profiles at IVAW; Brock McIntosh and Jake Diliberto. Neither has a DoD record at, so they’re probably new civilians. But this Grim guy is a dolt. He writes about Vets for Freedom;

A new pro-war group calling itself Vets For Freedom plans to begin lobbying Congress Thursday, pushing for an escalation.

Yeah, IVAW was formed 18 months before VFF, so VFF is a “new…group”. More than likely, Grim didn’t have the gumption or wherewithal to do a bit of googling and find out that VFF isn’t all that new. Just new to his ignorant ass. According to his bio at HuffPo Grim is “the senior congressional correspondent for the Huffington Post”. So much for any real news coming out of HuffPo’s congressional staff.

So, master researcher Grim begins by taking shots at VFF’s Thomas Cotton with help from Diliberto;

Diliberto went mano a mano on CNN with VFF rep Thomas Cotton. Cotton had a simple appeal to authority: He’s for whatever General Stanley McChrystal wants — and that’s more troops.

Before they went on, says Diliberto, he could hear his opponent prepping himself. “He kept repeating, ‘General Stanley McChrystal. General Stanley McChrystal. General Stanley McChrystal.’ ”

Backers of escalating the eight-year-old war present a variety of complex arguments, but at their heart is Cotton’s mantra: “General Stanley McChrystal. General Stanley McChrystal. General Stanley McChrystal.”

Yeah, here’s a transcript of the interview. Cotton mentions McChrystal twice – the same number of times the interviewer, John Roberts, mentions McChrystal’s name. But that doesn’t make the pro-victory guys sound as bad as Grim likes them to sound.

Devon Read explains his child-like understanding of the conflict in Afghanistan;

The kind of training Afghans don’t need, the soldiers say, is military. We’ve been training young men to fight in Afghanistan for decades, they note, and look where it’s gotten us. An overwhelming number of soldiers trained by the U.S. go on to fight for the Taliban instead, which was itself originally trained by the U.S., notes Read. “So if we train 400,000 soldiers and 200,000 go fight for the Taliban, what have we gained?”

So, their solution? Just let Afghanistan go back to being an Islamist shit hole like we did in 1988.

I watched Diliberto on Larry King last night to get his side straight from him since I can’t trust HuffPo. I’m beginning to wonder if Diliberto is even in IVAW. Larry King says he’s a member of “Veterans for Rethinking Afghanistan” which I suspect sprang from the intellectually vacuous, Leftist navel-gazing YouTube video entitled “Rethinking Afghanistan“. So apparently, Grim didn’t even get Diliberto’s affiliation right.

But anyway, Diliberto’s plan for Afghanistan is to send cops out to arrest and imprison al Qaeda, I guess because no one is doing that already, huh? He claims more troops won’t solve our problem. He went up against that new VFF group’s ED, Pete Hegseth and Pete wore Diliberto’s ass out. I was hoping that Larry King would have video this morning, but alas, none.

See I don’t get this; when Shinseki said we needed more troops in Iraq, the Left said we needed to listen to Shinseki. When Petreus said we needed more troops in Iraq, the Left said it was fruitless. Now McChrystal says we need more troops in Afghanistan, no one wants to listen to the generals.

The thing about this Larry King interview is that no one mentioned IVAW, although this DIliberto has some kind of tie to IVAW, nor did they mention that Wes Clark (who was also on the show) is on the board of VoteVets. Funny, huh?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Terror War

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Weaseley Clark should be recalled to active duty, tried for treason and shot.

B Woodman

How many of these “vet” groups are out there? It seems there’s a new one every day, each one with an impressive-sounding title. But with how many members? One, maybe? The dude that’s acting (emphasis – ACTING) as the spokeshole, founder, president, and all around gopher.

Color me NOT impressed.


Well, IVAW has almost 1800 members. I don’t know much about “Veterans for Rethinking Afghanistan”, but isn’t it a good thing to have so many veterans getting politically involved? I think yes, sometimes people do drive an organization, but eventually it gets fleshed out with more-just like a first sergeant may be the face of an organization, but there’s a lot more folks and NCOs inside it.


“Well, IVAW has almost 1800 members.” who are in the pocket of the ISO & have even told you to your face on video that they are against having a strong military.

I understand why you have a beef with U.S. foreign policy, but you’ve picked a psychotic horse to hitch your cart to. Commies always kill the “useful idiots” after the revolution. Your friends think Lenin & Che were some groovy cats, you might want to reflect on their respective body counts.

A Heros Friend

I wonder if this “Ryan Grim” douche bag is Joe’s real name…just wonderin’…

Martin Gugino

Facts are more helpful than attitude at this point.