Quite possibly the stupidest article NYT ever published

| November 1, 2009

I can’t believe I read the whole thing. The New York Times has an article entitled “In Pain, Women Soldiers May Be Tougher” about a research program on whether men or women in the military report more pain.

In a review of the records of veterans of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs Connecticut Health Care System found that women were less likely than men to report any pain, 38.1 percent to 44 percent.

By a smaller margin, 18 percent to 21.2 percent, the women veterans were also less likely than the men to report having persistent pain.

Um, think maybe it can depend on whether men or women HAVE more pain? No, of course not;

“The findings were surprising to us,” said Dr. Sally Haskell, an associate professor of medicine at Yale who was the lead investigator.

What findings? Where? Why don’t they do a study to see if people who live in cities or rural areas report more automobile accidents and then announce that people in the city are compassionate than rural denizens because they report more accidents per capita.

“There is a lot more work to do,” she said. “This is the tip of the iceberg.”

As far as work goes, Sally, it’s the tip of the polar ice cap.

Category: Media

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Oh thanks, John. I think I lost 20 IQ points just reading that. >_< However stupid the NYT is for publishing an inane study claiming apples are redder than oranges, how much worse does it reflect on the ones who conducted the study?


Dr. Haskell, who is also works in women’s health care for the veterans affairs system, said more study would be needed to determine why women veterans might report less pain than men. But she said one possibility is that women are barred from serving in combat units where painful-causing injuries are common.

So, basically, this is like all of those ‘factual’ reports about wage gaps between men and women where they ignore the fact that men work far more hours, work at far more dangerous occupations (who knew that working on an oil rig paid more than a secretary) and take far less time off (for child-rearing, amongst other things) with the takeaway being: men get shot and blown up a lot more often than women in the military so it only stands to reason (to a reasonable person and not a reporter or editor at the NYT) that men just might(!) report that they’re feeling a bit more pain because they had a leg blown off by an IED.


Umm. Yale Med. and the CT. VA? I hate to point out to the NYT that they are one and the same in West Haven. When I left the service everyone of my VA doc’s were Yale grad students. Not one of them did an actual medical checkup on me and the Psychologyst said PTSD and stopped listening to me after he read “combat” in my file.
The CT. VA has treated me well since but only because I work with a reigonal office staffed by Vet Doctors. the VA Hospital in West Haven is just a teaching hospital for Yale med. as Newington VA is for UCONN

Old Tanker

WOW, apple meet banana………..


New experiment for me: biting my tongue on current issue. ;0)


But she said one possibility is that women are barred from serving in combat units where painful-causing injuries are common.”

All together now….Duh!