Airman Sets Self on Fire- Gaza Protest

| February 26, 2024

U.S. Airman Self-Immolates in Front of Israeli Embassy in D.C. Yelling ‘Free Palestine’


A 25-year-old member of the United States Air Force self-immolated in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, yelling “Free Palestine!” according to reports.

The airman, identified as Aaron Bushnell, broadcasted his entire self-immolation on the streaming site Twitch.

In the minutes before his self-immolation, he says in the video, “My name is Aaron Bushnell, I am an active-duty member of the United States Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” according to Newsweek.

“I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal,” he adds.

A blurred video, posted on X, shows Bushnell dousing himself with liquid and then igniting himself into flames, screaming, “Free Palestine!” before simply screaming and falling to the ground.


Airman Bushnell telegraphed his intentions to reporters, who of course did nothing to dissuade him or alert local DC protective services. It’s unclear if he survived this senseless act.

Category: Gaza 2023, Israel, The Stupid is Strong

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We haven’t been recruiting some of the best and brightest as of late.


The “woke” AmeriKKKa-and-Israel-suck-dookie DEI bullsh*t seems to be working great for Leftists and Iran.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Some of these problems just solve themselves.

He may have had some second thoughts about 2 seconds after ignition, But it was far too late by then.


Yep. Like we’re heading for Mars? I thought you said ‘Bars’


Oh he glowed brightly for a minute or two. I smoked 2 racks of ribs yesterday, premonition?

A Proud Infidel®™



Darwin, like karma, always wins.

Prior Service

If he survives, given him an Article 15 for damage to government property. And another one for being a retard.


Did he thieve the POL?

Fill out an environmental impact survey?

Request Exception to Policy to wear a uniform to a demonstration or rally?

Was he wearing his dogtags?


No PT belt. He’s fooked.


CNN said it:

US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington,so it must be true.

So glad the turds at the Pentagone had that ‘extremizms stand-down’ to talk about the ok hand sign and the Gadsden flag.


Nice flag!


My son has a 3×4 foot version that he had on the wall in his dorm in Texas A&M and now has in his apartment.


I have this exact version as a moral patch.

When I wear it I get people asking a whole spectrum of questions on what it means. From thinking it is pro right wing, or pro libertarian, to ridiculing the right wing, or making fun of “freedom”, to even being a simp for Taylor swift.

People can’t seem to get their head around this version.


Is a moral patch anything like a nicotine patch?


He might have meant morale patch. But he loves to preach to us so I could go either way.


Typo. Or malapropism. Hard to know which in this case.

I know it is a “morale” patch.

I do that kind of thing a lot.

A Proud Infidel®™

If it makes you feel special, so be it, have you ever done anything actually productive to Society? I think not.


Does not being fruitful and multiplying count?

USMC Steve

Probably because most people don’t know shit about American history. But that is all part of the plan, isn’t it?


This wasn’t leftwing terrorism. This was left wing stupidity. There isn’t a class in any PowerPoint deck on earth that can protect you from that.


But there has been film:


No no no, being pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian is not extremist. It’s a core policy of the democrat party.


Admin, could you kindly replace “democrat policy” with “democrat party”? Many thanks.

Hack Stone

Freudian slip? Either one would work.


Seemed a little redundant.

Hack Stone

More redundanter? 🥴


Brought to you by the department of redundancy department.


I’m sure we have one, well staffed and well payed. The benefits are killer.

Oh wait, never mind.


Democrat = a person too stupid to know they’re a commie.

The Cutter


Old tanker

Sometimes the gene pool does a little cleaning all by itself. Hopefully before he reproduced.


One can only hope… The “crazy” was strong with this one. Would’ve been better if it took some of the other crazy DC scum along with it.


And yet again here I am…..


My field of fucks is still on the market. I’m not getting any offers, as nothing seems to grow there.


I traded mine for a planter box of cilantro and a side yard of chiltapins 😎


I guess I could plant jalapenos and tomatillos. They’ll grow damn near anywhere.


Darwin is dancing a jig. Wait… can I still say that?


What could anyone find wrong with jigs?


In the film dramatization she will be depicted by Sophia Nomvette.


AI will turn her into a short black girl with a 5 inch afro and a BLM sweatshirt.


All 235 lbs of her! Can I say that?


Stupid is as stupid does. Dumbass.


Will his family get benefits?

Son of Rusty Shackleford

They won’t have to deal with his dumbazz any longer; I’d count that as a big benefit!


So…one more retard flushed from the gene pool?




Darwin Award winner 2024


Genocide, colonizers, Palestine,

He hit most of the buzz words!


I wonder if the DoD is searching for this kind of “extremist”? This guy was fully indoctrinated in The Leftist Group Think. How many more of them are there? I’m sure the SECDEF has no interest in finding since he aligns with that type of thinking.


Somebody tell Milley his caring and sharing training effort is bearing results.
comment image

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

He skipped Apartheid.


Forgot MAGA/Trump


He definitely reduced his carbon footprint.


If the media scum knew it was coming I’d wager some of them actually encouraged it. Course we’ll never know the “real” truth of that… Pulling out my extra-heavy tinfoil helmet now.


Make it in the shape of a fedora, buy a convertible electric car and blend into the background. Nobody expects a tin foil fedora.

RGR 4-78

They scoped out Bushnell doing his campfire imitation.




He had a burning desire to make a commitment to his cause.

jeff LPH 3 63-66


jeff LPH 3 63-66

Did he use his coffee mug to pour the flammable product on himself???


A Serviceman and his coffee mug; a match made in heaven.

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog
jeff LPH 3 63-66

The El Domingos lived in Elmont Long Island NY and lived across the cross island parkway from Laurelton Queens NYC where I lived. Nice vocal group harmony street sound on the wax 45. Guys in my neighborhood used to chime off outside of our candy store and 4 black guys in my school were always hitting the notes in the school yard and I loved hearing them sing during that past era. All I can say is that listening to those street corner songs was Boss.


I’m not saying they’re related, but something is giving me Major major douchenozzle (Hasan) vibes.

Can a MFer get a paternity test righ’quick?

Stripes article.

USMC Steve

Is that Hassan guy dead yet?

A Proud Infidel®™

Unfortunately no, he’s still on Death Row waiting in a wheelchair.


3 months short of his 4 year Air Force enlistment.
Perhaps issues with workplace, job performance,
reenlistment, ETS, bennies grab, etc?


He probably got the daughter of a chesty puller type marine pregnant, and this was a far more preferable way to go.

Will ham ass make him a martyr? Will they celebrate that they claimed another infidel? Does his government issued life insurance policy become null and void with suicide? Was he tired of paying 25% interest on a 15 year old camaro that he would have paid off in 90 more months?


Those darned active duty Camaros.
The V8 Camaro sucks ’em dry on fuel.
Any lesser Camaro sucks ’em dry on depreciation.


The ME news services are eating it up like chocolate.


Hot chocolate 😉


No 72 virgins for you, infidel– hajji girls won’t give you a sympathy bang in the afterlife either.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

I guess this would not have interested him. He seemed to favor Palestinians over Jews.


Self-immolation. Most of us have seen the iconic photo of the Vietnamese monk who did the same, and while I don’t remember the full context, he was at least protesting the persecution of his own religion. Thích Quảng Đức – Wikipedia

This Airheadman died protesting a proxy war that’s full of propaganda from every side. I’m an American. I give two 💩 about what Israel, Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, The Holy Roman Empire, Indochina, or the Aztecs are doing… so long as it doesn’t affect me. Wrong answer? Maybe, but my generation was told that we go fight wars in distant lands to avoid fighting them on our own soil, only to see mass invasions of illegals and what seems to be a purposeful weakening of our internal defenses through defunding of the police and gun control. As a sovereign nation, we seem less united than ever, and more susceptible to an attack by those many countries that despise us.

The aforementioned Vietnamese monk died honorably and was martyred, using his faith to give him the strength to avoid showing the true agony of the means with which he chose to go out. The Airman, screaming and simply falling to the ground, is an example of what happens when you FAFO, thinking you’re going to be a martyr before realizing that you can neither take the heat nor get out the kitchen.

Last edited 7 months ago by fm2176
Eric (The former OC Tanker)

Burn baby burn, disco INFERNO.

Funny, he didn’t look Buddhist.

Perhaps more advance warning could be provided so someone can bring the marshmallows and hot dogs.


(Insert rim shot here).


Eric & Odie,
Found it.
The long version, over 10 minutes.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The pro-Palestinian propaganda has been very effective among much of the left.

Most of my leftists friends are all in on the side of the Palestinian cause. My neighbors have painted a Palestinian flag on the side of their porch.

And most bought into the bullshit that the Israel is just land stolen from Palestinians and given to the jews.

They also believe the nonsense claims that the Jewish people have n historical claim to any land in the region. Despite easily checked historical sources showing that the Jewish people have historical claims to the land that predate the existence of Arabs by nearly two millennia, predate Philistine settlements by a few centuries, and predate even the existence of the concept of a “Palestinian” people by 500 years.

Even my Antifa friends seem to be oblivious to or forget the fact that Palestinians as a people allied with the Nazis in WWII. Or that the Ottoman Empire, which governed and controlled the region in WWI, ceded it to the British after the Axis powers were defeated. It was not “colonized” by the British

And the British offered the Palestinian people their own state in 1917…but Palestinians rejected statehood because they opposed the plan to also establish an adjacent Jewish state. The Palestinians were offered statehood again in 1948, despite allying as a people with the Nazis, and again the rejected it. Allying themselves with Arab states and starting a war with the intent to ethnically cleanse the region of Jews.

Even today 2/3rds of Palestinians say they would reject any plan to establish a Palestinian state if it also meant accepting Israel’s right to exist.

The reason Palestinians don’t have a state – the reason Palestinians are not “free” – is because the majority of Palestinians hate Jews more than they love the idea of statehood.

I despise Netanyahu, and I do think war crimes are occurring…

But Israel absolutely has a right to exist, and Hamas deserves to be utterly destroyed


Had more to explain and clarify about my feelings on Israel and Netanyahu but hit the character limit. Meh, my feeling on this don’t matter much anyway.

I don’t seem to agree with either side, as usual.

Bottom line is I think Israel has a right to exist, and a right to respond to attacks, they just don’t have a right to commit war crimes, doing so also only serves to undermine their effort to eradicate Hamas and its base of support. Both on the ground and internationally.








Nice meme.

But war crimes are still war crimes…despite rarely having meaningful consequences.

In this case, at minimum, the consequence is it seriously undermines Israel’s efforts and the perceived legitimacy of their response and even their right to continue to try to destroy Hamas.

The reason militants use hospitals, schools, and religious sites as places to operate in, near, or from…is not actually because the hospital or religious site protects them from attack…it is because it causes the government/state to pay a huge cost in perceived moral legitimacy if they do attack the hospital/school /religious site.

A cost which is much higher than any loss of material or even manpower by the militants.

It is also why militants put themselves in places where civilians live, work. And seek refuge.

Attacks on civilians, no matter where the attack occurred, by the government/state undermines the legitimacy of that state.

And killing those that surrender is always a war crime. Hell, it is one of most important prohibitions in war because not allowing surrender prevents wars from ending.




Debating with someone that just posts memes seems a little like debating a shit throwing monkey.

I am out.


So that’s an A/B combination?
Bye Felicia

Last edited 7 months ago by Sapper3307

Joy, i has


“Debating with someone that just posts memes seems a little like debating a shit throwing monkey”.

Self-awareness was never your long suit, was it.


Are you going “leave forever” again or just out for the day when you got called on your bullshit?


All those talking points from his masters just went to waste.

That’s too bad really, as he made some points earlier that almost made 1 think he was finally waking up.


The meme you find troublesome to debate is speaking the truth.

Do you have trouble with the truth, or just its delivery.


It’s not the truth if it doesn’t come from him. It’s just more MAGA lies, Fox News propaganda, and Right-Wing fever dreams.


It’s sounding very much like you approve of the use of human shields. Kindly refer to your previous training on “The Law Of Warfare”, where the responsibility for civilian death lies on the people using churches, schools, mosques, hospitals, and human beings as shileds from attack. I’m quite certain you recieved this training at least once.

USMC Steve

The arabs and various muslims want Israel gone, period. Nothing the Israelis do will change that. Given that they cannot win them over, then they should make the ragheads fear them like nobody’s business, and that will suffice.


I’d like to hear more about the war crimes you allude to. Also, what’re your feelings on brutal rape and sexual assault as a weapon of war.


If you do not want your children or your civilians killed or injured then your government should not start a war. Ask Germany and Japan for context.

Hack Stone

That’s called The FAFO Doctrine.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

they just don’t have a right to commit war crimes”

During the prosecution of the war civilians will die, purposely killing civilians is always questionable, but nations do it all the time. With our drone strike program we decided it was acceptable to murder the innocent civilian relatives of an HVT in the name of the greater good. A couple of wedding parties in Yemen became acquainted with that concept during the GWOT…

We pretend to consider it a war crime, but in reality we in the US use it when necessary to achieve our intended foreign policy goals.

So does Hamas, and no doubt Israel as well because sometimes it’s the only way to get at the people you want dead.

Your enemies set the ROEs, if they decide your children are fair game for bombings and random murders you need to decide what your options are in prosecuting a counter to their attacks.

There is no moral high ground in the response, there is only a response. At some point you have to decide if the enemy continues to target your civilian population while you try and avoid harming any of their civilians because they hide among them if the losses of your civilian population are an acceptable situation for you politically.

Morality seldom enters the equation in these considerations because while the consensus may be that killing is wrong, it is usually considered necessary to advance the foreign policy objectives of all nation states…war itself is a crime against humanity. Pretending their can be some sort of civil management of the killing of foreign troops and populations is an exercise in justification and little more.

Oderint Dum Metuant remains the reality for far too many hostile nations these days. We would be wise to remember the validity of that statement. When all your enemy respects is strength it is good to make them fear yours.


I should point out also, that if Israel wants to engage the final solution, it would all be over in a flash. And anybody else in the region that wanted a big meal could get theirs as well.


If Israel was truly committing the war crimes that Commissar believes, this would’ve been ended by noon on 9 OCT.


True that. I think they’re showing incredible restraint considering hamas taped and broadcast civilians being gun downed.

Isn’t turn about Fairplay any more?

Hack Stone

Hack thought the Hamas Doctor whining about three young Palestinian men who were about to turn their lives around were put down while sleeping. Apparently their is not a word for irony in Arabic.

Hack Stone

Apparently “there” is not a word for irony in Arabic.

This is what happens when you have Psul proofread your posts.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ham-ass operatives also murdered INFANTS via beheading as well as cooking them in microwave ovens and filming it. JUST TRY to convince me they’re not just a bunch of better-off-dead savages.


Killing civilians isn’t inherently a war crime. Civilian deaths are an unavoidable consequence of war. You can even target civilians providing direct aid and comfort to the enemy or providing labor or material support.

But Israel has crossed the line several time over the last months.

War crimes are occurring.


Please list them. Sometime this decade would be nice.


And you witnessed this how?


He appropriated Hack’s magic 8 ball.

USMC Steve

Well done and informative post, Commissar. I differ slightly with you on what Israel is doing though. The palis have a governing body that is a designated terrorist organization, so that makes them all terrorists to me. They have shouted loud and long that they will kill all the Jews and such, so I am good with them eradicating the palis. Israel has put up with their shit for waaaaay too long.




So, can have Judea again?


I don’t have Antifa friends.


I am not surprised. Fascism is increasingly popular among the right.

The right wing being anti-fascist is so 1940s.

Hack Stone

So which Political Party has members calling for the destruction of Israel? Some people did something.


Antifa being antifascist is one of the biggest lies of the 21st century. And just in case you thought I forgot, you’re a fraud. Having antifa friends is not quite the badge of honor you believe it to be.

And you couldn’t stay away, could you. Always coming back for your fair share of abuse.

Last edited 7 months ago by SFC D

I know. Back when Trump was president they got us involved in wars in Asia and the Middle East and increased defense spending by a lot. Since Biden has been president it’s been nothing but peace dividends.


And you were doing so well!

Go look in the mirror asshole. You earned this. (below)

ConAIDS-1984 proved the magnitude of the democrat & leftoid threat to liberty, for all to see, no fig leaf.

Remember to go get that Trump Booster®!


Just because the majority of Democrats wanted to herd people into camps and Obama locked up crying babies in cages doesn’t make them Nazis. Maybe.


And this shit right here is getting bookmarked


Glad for it!




Nice try. The Nazis were the left wing progressives at the time


“In Italia i fascisti si dividono in due categorie: i fascisti e gli antifascisti.”
-Ennio Flaiano


Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and some of the troops he raised for Adolf on the promise they got to kill lots of jewish people in ’43:
comment image


Plus, Hamas much more recently:
comment image


I sense a pattern there.


Same team?


” Mr. Hitler. Do you really only have one ball?”


seems to be a common sense deduction about the ignorance of you “friends” ( I’m quoting you from above)! You seem to understand the ideals of the left that drive so many of us crazy. You have 16 thumbs up because you seem to Get It. Are you becoming right-wing? I feel like I need to be proud of you.


Never mind! I read further down.


Yeah, he was doing great and then went off his meds. Again.


I am strongly left wing.

I am just not an idiot.

Nor am I easily brainwashed.

I don’t think supporting Israel’s right to exist is left wing or right wing, and I don’t think having the desire to see Hamas obliterated is a left wing or right wing position either.

And I don’t think being against war crimes should be a left wing or right wing position…but it seems pretty clear opposing war crimes is primarily a left wing position.

Last edited 7 months ago by Commissar

“I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest…”

Yeah; I guess so. And he found out just how “extreme” it was going to be when he lit himself on fire. Dumbass.

I have a buddy who was badly injured/burned in an aircraft post-crash fire. He says that that fire shit really hurts, especially when you start to inhale flames.


Darwin award


How long before this dipshit becomes more famous as a meme than as a fire starter.

I wonder who greeted him on the other side with open arms and a smile.


Fire Marshal Bill.


Point of clarification, AW1Ed, the police and security were at the scene when this happened.

From the perspective of the police and security it was a lawful protest until he set himself on fire. (UCMJ rules about protest in uniform aside)

At which time, according to reports, some police drew their guns and ordered the immolating airmen to “get on the ground!”, while others scrambled to find a fire extinguisher.


Getting on the ground would have been a good idea too. But how often do people in the United States set themselves on fire on purpose? Not very often I can tell you that.


….The lad was apparently an IT tech of some sort.

I can and will grieve for anyone so damaged that they think an act like this is a valid, effective protest.

I would also hope that as of this morning, AFOSI is examining everything he’s ever done/handled, from his enlistment forms on. If he thought thus was reasonable, he may also have thought that passing classified data was reasonable, too.


I am sure this kind of check on activities and access is being conducted.

Passing or releasing any classified evidence of his perception of US military “complicity” does seem like something he might have been willing to do.

Though, a guy like this probably lives by a pretty solid moral code…even if distorted or misguided by perception or propaganda. That moral code likely would have tempered any desire to risk the lives of his fellow service members by releasing classified information.

This seems to have been a choice to make an entirely personal sacrifice.


It’s hard for me to imagine a “solid moral code” that allows for suicide.




I stand corrected.


I don’t think he lives by any code, anymore.


He damn sure violated the fire code regarding open burning.


Too bad there wasn’t a Kongress Kritter around to pull the Fire Alarm.


“Sacrifice” would imply that something was to be gained by his death. Nope.


And to what purpose? Seems to have done nothing but inflict pain and grief on his parents.


Safety briefing just got two (2) days longer.

Hack Stone

You beat Hack to the punch by 35 minutes. Next thing you know, you’ll be directing media relations for a proud but humble woman owned business.


The Line of Duty Investigation should be quick and simple:

“Line of Duty – No, due to own misconduct.”

As a general rule injury, disease, or death directly caused by the individual’s misconduct or willful negligence is not in the line of duty, and it is due to misconduct (NLD-DOM).

Intentional misconduct is any wrongful or improper conduct that is intended or deliberate; willful negligence is the conscious and intentional omission of the proper degree of care under the circumstances. 

Hack Stone

Distance from Lackland to Washington DC is 1613 miles. Was he on approved Leave at the time? If not, was he “Out of Bounds”? The Marine Corps had a limit of distance that you could travel while on 24 hour, 48 hour, 72 hour and 96 hour Liberty. Anything outside of that “circle” required an “Out Of Bounds Liberty Chit.” Does/did the Air Force have a similar policy?


Andrew’s is within the allowable distance I would think. It seems the Air Force had a time limit of 30 minutes from base for response time in the early 80s. Don’t know if it’s changed or not.

Hack Stone

According to all sources, to include his listing the Air Force GAL, he was stationed at Lackland AFB, TX.

As to Andrews AFB (see what Hack did there?), it is in the National Capital Region, technically outside of the Beltway (by a few hundred yards). In one of the later seasons of 24, Jack Bauer was at the front gate of Andrews AFB, and ten minutes later he was in Alexandria. Not shown in those ten minutes was Jack Bauer being blinded by all of the DC speed cameras he was caught on as he raced through traffic.


My bad. I saw Lackland mentioned and didn’t make the connection.


Back in the day of “Swoop Circles”at Camp Lejeune the 48 hr limit was 350 miles. That was DC if going north. We routinely went to southern Vt. Dropping off riders along the way in NY ,Ct and Ma . Young and foolish.

Hack Stone

In 1986, Semper Fi Motors (We Finance E-1 And Up) was selling a green 1968 Dodge Station Wagon. Sign said “$50 Down, $50 A Payday. Great Swoop Car!”

Wondering how many times that car broke down 15 miles from the front gate and left abandoned, only to be towed back to dealers lot and sold again.


I was fresh back to the world in 69 and had bought a repossession 68 RoAd Runner with very low mileage. Had a pressure plate fail to disengage from a broken pivot pin near Philly on the way north. Had to find a new clutch when I got home and get it installed for the return trip.
Not much fun that week end.


How he thought it would look on Twitter vs reality.


That was my first thought when I saw the pic of this flaming asshole. There’s something wrong with us, Sapper. Something very very wrong.


Change the name pink floyd to flaming airman, and you got yourself a meme.

Or caption it “The devil welcomes another”.


This story warms my heart.

I hope that stupid motherfucker didn’t have any kids.


Jamesons Travels breakdown.

(edit: at 2:52 I’m pretty sure that’s a rice hatted farmer doge [shiba] meme sticker.)

Warnings: NSFW, harm to gov property, nutbag ranting, etc

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog

Of course youtube puts it behind “age check”.

Fucking insolent pieces of irrelevant monkey shit, no base principles-having assclowns who have issues wiping their own asses.

I wouldn’t fuck you for all the tea in china with Phildo’s 1 inch-while-aroused stank stick.

Ball-less seeyunts.

Provided with comment, ‘FUCK SCREWTOOB, VIVA RUMBLE!’:

Hack Stone

He is no longer on the rolls of the Air Force. Would saying that he is now toast be in bad taste?


Well Done, I would say.


It’s rare that anything at TAH isn’t in bad taste. It’s who we are.


But we DO like women that taste good, so there is that.


We do indeed.


Here ya go:

Hack Stone

Don’t know about you, but Hack Stone thinks that this would qualify as “extremism in the ranks.” Can we send this to the booth for review?

Hack Stone

The 1st Sergeant’s Weekend Safety Brief will now run additional five minutes to remind the troops not to set themselves on fire to protest the “current injustice” the Woke Left is telling us to be upset about.


Hack Stone

As of 13:07 Eastern, he is still listed in the Air Force GAL. I wonder if he set up an Out Of Office reply for any emails.

Hack Stone

Still listed in the GAL as of 15:22 Eastern. The Help Desk better get on it.


I’ll bet his cellphone is a burner.


The jokes just write themselves.

RGR 4-78

I guess he was a flaming liberal after all.


RIght up until his careeer went up in smoke.

Hack Stone

Still listed as 09:35 this morning.


Side note
Think the Flash had a TS clearance complete with background checks?


Let’s not get our superheroes mixed up. It was the Human Torch not The flash. In the last superhero movie with the fantastic four, the human torch was a diversity hire instead of the brother of the invisible woman as is canon. And therefore he was extra well done. So big points for the left wing. They might even be able to work in another movie tie in


(1994) FF was the best.


Chewbacca looks stoned…


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say he does/did have a TS/SCI for his position. Most, if not all 1D7s have a TS due to the nature of their duties.



The Man In Black singing about The Blacken Man…

David Arthur Brown seems appropriate


Because ‘ Flaming San Francisco Sailor ‘ would never be newsworthy 😉


Hack Stone

Some people will go to extremes to get out of donating to the Air Force Assistance Fund.

Hack Stone

Why does Hack Stone have “The Stunning Agency” stuck in his brain?

You Adorable Deplorables who have been around here for awhile will get that reference.

Forest Bondurant


Hack Stone

Flaming Squirrel, to be precise. Those survival tips were gold. Pounding steaks (not stakes) into the ground, planting orange seeds to grow food. Just how long does it take for orange seeds to sprout and produce fruit? Well, you have time, you’re not going anywhere, you’re stranded in the desert.


3 minute disturbing video of the incident…please turn on sound.


Stop, drop and roll.
Taught in elementary school when I was a kid.

Looks like he had trouble lighting it.
Must have stung his eyes pretty good.
Imagine if he couldn’t light it…..Shoulda just drank the stuff.
Looks to be in a thermos and clear liquid when he pours it.

In any case, at least he kept firearms out of it, infurriating the
left, I am sure.


26Limabeans, you NAILED IT….👍👍👍👌👌👌👏👏👏


His arms were flaming, so…


Well, glad I finished my beef jerky before viewing.

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog

Roh-Dog: The Queen Of Battle in the ninja family is STILL laughing…and said “I’m stealing it…”


The ninja family Queen of Battle also shared “Now let’s see what the King of the Battle will post..”

The QoB knows 26Limabeans and SFC D are Signal Corps and knows SFC D is good at comebacks…

And of course, the QoB is waiting for our favorite Punster, Jeff, for some funnies…🤭

Y’All, Thank You for the grins…😆


Many thanks, ninja! Just continuing to live up to my election as “Class Clown”, Teton High School 1980. Never let it be said that I failed to follow through on campaign promises.

A Proud Infidel®™

That Boy’s cornbread wasn’t cooked in the middle ifyaknowhutimean.


Can we start a pool on what his AFSC is?

I feel sorry for the folks in the casualty notification team and the folks in his unit stuck with cleaing up his administrative mess.



Hack Stone

And the guy who now has to pull his next Duty NCO.

Hack remembers back in May-June 1982 timeframe while attending MCCES out in 29 Stumps. Some dirtbag who rocked out of A Company (Maintenance School) and landed in B Company (Comm Operator School) went down to Palm Springs with some other idiot, got shitfaced drunk, and drove off Highway 62 off the side of the driving back to base. They had a memorial service for him in the Base Chapel, and they had to go far and wide to find any Marines who would be willing to speak about what a great guy he was. He stole from everybody and stiffed (no pun intended) a lot of Marines on money he borrowed.


1D7 I think based on what was listed in the global and my knowledge of ISRG/DCGS units. He was listed as a Cyber Transport Technician yet assigned to an Intel Unit.


This will come as a shock to everybody. But apparently the bright young lad was an anarchist who grew up in one of the most liberal enclaves in the world, Cape Cod.


The Che Guevara shirt is/was a clue.


If they fundraise for a bus trip to DC I’m dropping cash on them and sending (image) by the pallet.


I have little idea as to what in the hell goes through the minds of Leftists. Some of the images in the above link project Bushnell as a powerful and silent type, who martyred himself in protest of a “genocidal” Israeli nation hellbent on destroying the righteous people of Palestine.

I beg to differ, and this bunch o’ BS brings back the Dark Drill in me that would give some insight into how “gloriously” my Trainees might spend their last moments. The kid died in immense pain, likely regretting his displeasure with being “complicit in genocide”, and became a hero to a minority, a disappointment to those who knew him, and a complete failure to people with my mindset. Oh, and let’s not forget that his family and friends have to live with the fact that he decided upon a permanent solution to a temporary problem, because, well, that’s essentially what he did–self-deletion/unaliving–it doesn’t matter the excuse, he just figured that it was an easy, if painful, way out while being able to try to make his name known.

The kid was the same age as my oldest. I hope she has better sense than to waste her life trying to make a “statement” about some foreign conflict. Fortunately, she has had some good parental and other influences, but I obviously biased as to the former.

RGR 4-78

After watching the video, I am pretty sure his last scream was an “OH FUCK”.


I got a chuckle out of the cop with his weapon drawn
on the guy. Would have done the guy a favor if he
“put him out” before the guy with the extinguisher did.
Tough call for the cop. Curious what the book says in
such situations.


He’s dead, Jim.

RGR 4-78

Self-crispy crittered, to a crackly crunch.

Hack Stone

There’s not enough Motrin in the world to get him back on Full Duty Status.


He was fired up for that retirement party.


The venue was non-smoking so it’s been rescheduled.

Standby to stand by for the new location by:


Whole new meaning on the term “Fire Mission”.


So Light Duty it is?

Better laminate that chit… in asbestos.


A comment was made on another site that David Christopher Bushnell, Aaron’s Father, served in the US Army.

We found this:

“1989–1992 / Intelligence Analyst
US Army – Augsburg Germany”


Strangely those were the same years I was in Germany. I don’t recall ever going to Augsburg though.


What exactly are we teaching, or allowing to be taught in schools. It’s no wonder the youth of America are turning out the way they are. This fire starting protester seems to be a great example of the education (indoctrination) people pay good money for (and then want loan forgiveness) because of feelings or some other stupid shit.


Exactly– leftists want that, not for any constructive purpose.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Talk about a carbon footprint 🤣


I don’t know what was worse, the fact that I laughed or that it was just wrong.


He left two of them.


We remembered this incident in 2018:

“Air Force Veteran Sets Himself On Fire To Protest Treatment By VA”

And this one in 2016:

“Veteran Burned Himself Alive Outside VA Clinic”

And this in 2021:

“Lack Of Help Led Veteran To Fiery Suicide Attempt, Wife Says”


Oh, why not?
Van Halen (1 of 2).


Van Halen (2 of 2).
34 years after the above.


That’s up there with the PHONIES.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

WW2 firebombing Dresden and Japan considered a war crime??? Lucky the people in this century didn’t have control of how the military operated if they were around during WW2 and if they did, I would most likely be speaking German or not around at all due to my parents being gassed,


Does this qualify as “Burning Man, East”?


I can think of more than a couple I’d like to see immolate the light fantastic in that nasty hive of sin and decay.

Hell, they can sell tickets for all I care.


Snake and nape…


Rope or d.o.p.e.