15 hours?
The Washington Post reports this morning that the Obama Administration completed it’s review of the material that the Administration has assembled to aid in what he hopes we perceive as a decision-making process;
What was intended to be two or three weeks of intensive White House meetings has stretched on for almost a month. Obama and his national security advisers have sorted through the military and civilian aspects of the war, building toward a decision that many on the outside have urged be made sooner rather than later. Last week, the president concluded the five planned review sessions, roughly 15 hours in all, with top advisers in the Situation Room.
A month to conduct five sessions – 15 hours in total? Out of the 360 waking hours of the last month, they spent 15 poring over solutions to Afghanistan – 4.17% of their days. I’ve spent that much time thinking about what I’d have for lunch in the last month.
And, oh, the marathon 15 hours of strategy sessions ended last week and there’s still no decision.
But don’t worry, the Taliban and al Qaeda forces will be heading to their mountain hideouts for the winter soon and we can procrastinate for a few more months.
He no longer appears thoughtful about the process – Obama is a populist poll reader who is afraid to lead the nation. The problem is that Americans are dying while he dawdles.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Oh come on Jonn!!! I am sick to death of the beating you give this President. He is the most powerful man on the planet and has so many responsibilites that he can’t spend so much time on one little item. His time is valuable! There’s parties in the front yard to attend. Going to Denmark for a last hummer to the IOC. Campaign trips to shove Obama/commiecare down our throats, getting short sheeted by Iran in the negotiations in Geneva, bitch slapped by Russia over Eastern Europe and Iran, etc. You can’t expect him to have time taken away from such important matters to attend to something he wants to just go away; can you?
Someone is channeling ASH………;-)
Old Trooper…
I encourage you to remember how the left lambasted Bush for golfing after we went into Iraq…decision made. It must suck to be them, hey?
Chuck Z said it…
“if you lack the WILL to use overwhelming force and ferocity to retaliate against your enemies and those who support them, you will never stop them from attacking you. Policies which the soldier perceives as inhibiting his ability to do his mission, do inhibit his ability to do his mission. Perception being truth applies here, because if the soldier feels hamstrung by ROE, then he begins to doubt if his leaders, and their leaders, care more about him than they care about the perception of the public and his enemy.”
I wonder how many hours he’s given to the campaigns of his cronies….
And I’d fire my cable company for carrying the ash channel.
Well, I did try to show feeling, which is all that matters to the left. You can always tell who is a lefty and who is conservative in a conversation. The lefty says “I feel” and the conservative says “I think”.
Correction: the leftie says, “Show me the empirical evidence”, the conservative says, “I believe, facts be damned”…..
It appears we really ARE discussing a Messiah.
I’m more in line with conservative (although I suspect he is now a traitor to a lot of these contributors) columnist George Will, who says Bush/Cheney should have dithered more, not less, before making their ill-fated decisions. I’m all for giving President Obama a little more time to “dither”, maybe it won’t turn out so bad this time……
“The problem is that Americans are dying while he dawdles.”
No big deal, the Americans who are dying are like the ones his mentors, Bill Ayers and the Weathermen, were trying to kill during the Vietnam era… Remember Ft. Dix, New Jersey bombing plot, anyone?
According to one report, PrezBo has hit the links roughly 24 times since taking office…let’s say that he doesn’t play a full 18 on every outing…that’s still, how many hours? Now I’m not saying the man doesn’t deserve some time off, but seriously. There are men and women literally dying in theater awaiting his decision on what to do in a war that then candidate/senator Obama called “just”. But hey, between getting his short game right and going into battle against Fox News, I’m guessing the timing isn’t right.
“But don’t worry, the Taliban and al Qaeda forces will be heading to their mountain hideouts for the winter soon and we can procrastinate for a few more months.”
Heard somebody on the radio this morning on the drive in talking about how that may not happen this year. With the current political climate it would make total sense for those guys to keep the pressure on during the winter.
Could be, Spade, but it’s difficult to hump a Dshk over the mountains when the snow is about ass deep to a Clydesdale. Glad to see that those who “think” are ignoring those who “feel”.
Joe said: I’m all for giving President Obama a little more time to “dither”, maybe it won’t turn out so bad this time……
You do seem to be missing the point. Several points, in fact.
But here’s a primary one for you. As President and CINC he has two choices. Commit troops and resources to try to win, or pull every single American out ASAP. Trying to find fairies and unicorns in the real world isn’t going to cut it. Invoking Bush/Cheney is a pointless exercise as well except in the sense that Afghanistan did not suddenly arise as an issue. Indeed, the ‘Afghanistan good – Iraq bad’ mantra has been chanted for so long that it disingenuous (at best) for the Obama camp to act surprised.
The old trope “lead, follow, or get out of the way” has some applicability here.
We have a lightweight in the oval office and folks are dying while he comes to grips with his incompetence.
Joe, you say this: “I’m all for giving President Obama a little more time to “dither”, maybe it won’t turn out so bad this time……”
Well, I’m glad you want to waste more American lives. I personally don’t. It shows how much you care for the troops, huh? You fricken retard.
Sorry, Ponsdorf, I’m not as eloquent as you, but I suspect the sentiment is the same.
Well. let’s figger it. My better half does tend to hit the links. And when he does, it’s four hours at least for 18. So…96 hours is what he has done for “fitness” or mental health? WTF? He’s a narcissistic pig, mental health not required!
I heard he works out, too…*if* he does that every day, then gee, that’s 30 more hours he could have given to the Afghanistan deciding…on top of the 96 he wasted.
Wait, what about all the celebrating and plane hopping, *NOT* to Normandy,and certainly *NOT* to Berlin for the anniversary coming up…
But holy shit, a boondoggle to pay his cronies back in Copenhagen? The flight there is 8 hours, he wastes some time, then photo-ops with McC, for what, 30 minutes and then he comes back…Let’s give that a 36 hour time frame…Yeah, that’s leadershit at it’s best, ain’t it?
Way to go COWboy…meanwhile in Afghanistan, a few helicopters crash and we lose a slew of men. I understand the Country is so broke, it can’t pay attention, what the hell is your excuse, Mr. President?
UpNorth: “Could be, Spade, but it’s difficult to hump a Dshk over the mountains when the snow is about ass deep to a Clydesdale. Glad to see that those who “think” are ignoring those who “feel”.”
True enough. But would the winter effect the guys planting IEDs?
How come you guys give Joe such a bad time? He is really a nice guy,if he wasn’t,Mom wouldn’t let him live in her basement! If only Jonn wasn’t such a big bully,if TSO would just quit goofing on him, and Claymore ddn’t keep hitting him with ALL that meaniness, everyone would just love Joe and they would quit drinking all that hater-aide, and if you all would just stop making Joe look so damn stupid by proving him wrong every time he touches a keyboard ,then just maybe somebody might just like him besides me, cause I’m getting awful tired hanging out with his stupid,chidish, ass and I want someone,ANYONE,to take my place….PULEEEZE!!!!!!
Old Trooper
Dunno about eloquent, but I musta been channeling Deebow over at Blackfive. He wrote his piece yesterday and even used the ‘lead, follow, or get out of the way’ line.
Thing is I only read it few minutes ago!
I only hope that this is one of those ‘great minds think alike’ events, and not the onset of some eerie psychic adventure. [grin]
[…] and is looking towards strengthening French relations with other allies as opposed to the U.S. 15 hours? – valorguardians.com 10/26/2009 October 26th, 2009The Washington Post reports this morning that the […]
#17, probably not, Spade. AS for CBJ’s Friend, LMAO. “And if you all would just stop making Joe look so damn stupid by proving him wrong every time he touches a keyboard ,then just maybe somebody might just like him”. Well said.
Ponsdorf, I read Deebow’s post too, couldn’t agree more.
DefendUSA, don’t forget the ditherer’s basketball games, those have to take up some time, what with sweating, showers, and listening to his staff fawn over him.