Boomer’s Sunday

| January 21, 2024

“Stolen” is such a harsh word.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude

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A T Rex with a Ma Duece? That ought to be in a movie!


Wasn’t sure if his arms were long enough


Liked them all, but the DOJ suing Texas for passing a law meme is priceless.

Makes you wonder if they even engage brain before they engage mouth.


“Goats, Ernie! Goats!”


Great bunch as always, Theft mode activated!


Save some for the rest of us.


Bubba forgot one of The They’s favorite, “the hidden tax”, bka inflation.

Every day the banks and government (ahahahaha! same thing) can steal just a little more of your productivity and renege on the ‘promises’ of Social Security, Military Retirement, welfare payments, etc.

(Don’t take my condemnation of their bullshit as support for any distributions from the treasury, just pointing out lying liars who lie)

One of the main problems with having such disparity in ‘the price of money’, inefficiencies and distortions pile up and blammo! Inflation gets so high true price discovery happens and the fuckheads need to adjust fake numbers higher to validate the pain.

But at the end of the day, you’re being robbed, your kids are being robbed, the little old lady down the street eating dumpster-dived-for meat is being robbed, and the vast majority don’t even understand just how…

Sic Semper Centralbanksters


Din’t know where else to put this, I guess it’s meme-y.

The South will rise again!… maybe, but only after the snow melts off their trucks and poor Johnny’s Fingers Warm Up Again, hurrah hurrah.


For God’s sake, somebody PLEASE break the window and rescue that poor dog.

If anyone doesn’t know how important my Southern Heritage is to me, then you have just been flat not paying attention. Told you, too, that the destruction of our History would not stop with just “All Things Confederate”. And here we are. One of the most moving and beautiful Memorials ever constructed, that was done to show the Reconciliation of our Country, has been removed. Take a read on The Kennedy Brothers (NOT THOSE Kennedys) book, The South Was Right.

Happy Birthday in Heaven to Thomas Jonathan Jackson. IFYKYK


“Let us cross over the river and rest in the shade of the trees”.

RIP General.


“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible; and when you strike and overcome him, never let up in the pursuit.”
Stonewall Jackson

“Duty, then, is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more; you should never wish to do less.”
Robert E. Lee

Deo Vindice!
Happy Lee-Jackson Day!

Old tanker

The last one was a great way to finish off a great list of memes. Not that I do anything with memes….

Green Thumb

Some good ones, today.


Great job as always, restocking the meme basket while I can. 🙂 And agree, someone rescue that poor dog!


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Happy Sunday. How has your day been? Mine?


Nice meme!

I prefer the death threats for my ‘intolerance’.
Psst Leftoids, violence is my love language.

Illegitimi non carborundum, OAM!


Here is one just for today.

Slow Joe

I think Ron Desantis has a good chance in 2028.


While I respect all your sarcasm about electric vehicles, I believe the only thing it shows is that they are not for the masses, as they are not a direct replacement for Internal combustion engine vehicles.
On the copper in the charger theft option, that is is why the plug is secured back in the charger.
On the idiots in Chicago, that couldn’t understand why their car wasn’t immediately going up from 0%. (Energy is not the same liquid petroleum products!) Sort of like Gas if different from Diesel! Since your car sat out in the cold all night, and you only drove it two blocks to get here, the battery must warm to an acceptable level before we dump thousands of volts into it or it will fail! Either charge at home, slowly all night, and your car will work wonderful or put it in charge preparation mode and warm it up long enough before charging. Maybe if you read the manual, before screaming it doesn’t work…all of this could have been avoided!