Houthi missile intended for the USS Laboon is shot down

| January 17, 2024

The Houthis fired an antiship missile intended to hit the USS Laboon. Unfortunately for the Houthis and for their missile, a US fighter jet canceled their plans. The antiship missile was successfully shot down. However, the Houthis apparently had luck hitting a cargo ship associated with the United States. The Houthis appear to be defiant and ready to keep up with their attacks in solidarity with HAMAS, despite the retaliatory strikes that they experienced.

From The Military Times:

An anti-ship cruise missile fired by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen toward the Navy destroyer Laboon was taken out by a U.S. fighter jet Sunday, according to U.S. Central Command.

Laboon was operating in the southern Red Sea at the time of the incident.

“The missile was shot down in vicinity of the coast of Hudaydah by U.S. fighter aircraft,” CENTCOM said in a statement. “There were no injuries or damage reported.”

And on Monday, Houthi rebels struck a U.S.-owned ship just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden, officials said.

The attack on the Gibraltar Eagle, though not immediately claimed by the Houthis, further escalates tensions gripping the Red Sea after American-led strikes on the rebels. The Houthis’ attacks have roiled global shipping, amid Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, targeting a crucial corridor linking Asian and Mideast energy and cargo shipments to the Suez Canal onward to Europe.

The Military Times has additional information here.

Category: Navy, Terror War

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BlueCord Dad

Keep hittin’ ‘em and make the rubble bounce

Green Thumb

Smoke them.


Maybe a EW guy can help me with this. I know the Prowler/Growler EW aircraft can shoot missiles back at the launch platform using the missiles guidance tracking, but can ships do that? Can an aircraft that is not targeted pick the electronic trail and trace it back to the launcher? Greet these camel jockeys with a Shrike/HARM after they fire one would be a great. Or are their missiles just shoot and forget/unguided?


Not an EW type, but there are versions that don’t just backtrack the guidance signal, they can locate the source and still hit it even if the transmitter shuts down.

Forest Bondurant

The EA-18G Growler fulfills that mission now. The Navy and Marine Corps both fly them.


I have some empty growlers in the pantry.

Oh wait – nevermind.


Yeahhhh that’s where my thoughts went first.


Like Rambo said:


Just kill these sons a bitches!


comment image


Stop playing defense and go on the offensive. You don’t have to defend against missiles that can’t be launched because the launcher is in a smoking crater.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Turn the country into a glowing molten glass parking lot.

It’s the only way to be sure.


Rearrange the topography


can’t bomb them any further.

AW1 Rod

Time to stop fucking around with these vermin, and go Scorched Earth on them.


Does napalm only smell good in the morning?


The smell is directly proportional to the number of crispy critters it creates.

Hack Stone

Joe Biden hasn’t figured out yet how Hunter can get rich off of military action there. Once the money starts flowing to Hunter, with the requisite 10% going to the big guy, you’ll see some shit.


Perhaps we should hit them with something more convincing 🤔

A Proud Infidel®™

KILL THEM ALL and let Satan eat their souls.


Two words…. ARC LIGHT…


Two words…. Joe Biden.

We won’t be allowed to win.

Hack Stone

It’s a good thing Donald Trump is not in the White House, otherwise we would have wars breaking out in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. We really dodged a bullet with the Biden-Harris Administration running things.

Anna Puma

To quote Victory 203 from The Final Countdown, “why the Hell are we playing with these guys?”


or Dirty Harry, “When are you going to quit screwing around with this guy?”