US Military Killing the Planet
North Pole Today
‘Elephant in the room’: The US military’s devastating carbon footprint
The US military emits more than entire industrialised nations like Portugal and Denmark, yet evades scrutiny.
By Lorraine Mallinder
The US military is vast in scale, with a carbon footprint larger than any other institution on earth. But when it comes to disclosure of its emissions of greenhouse gases, it’s been kept off the books – and has been let off the hook.
“It’s the elephant in the room,” said David Vine, author of, Base Nation: How US Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World. “It operates with this kind of cloak of invisibility despite having a long track record of very serious damage.”
The environmental impact of the US military machine was documented in two 2019 reports, which revealed it to be the world’s largest institutional consumer of hydrocarbons, belching out more emissions than industrialised nations like Portugal and Denmark.
Yet its contribution to heating the planet is largely overlooked, the US government having lobbied for an exemption for military activity from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol that set binding emissions targets for signatory nations.
Anthropogenic global warming is evil! Right up until it conflicts with Progs’ endless appetite for military conflict in third world paradises.
Category: Blue Skies, Global Warming, Points-and-Laughs
Get rid of the U.S. military to save the planet… says China and the PLA!
Each “green” e-tank will tow its own JP8-powered recharging generator and take 12 hours to charge-up before action! (You think I’m joking… )
Had seen that somewhere else lately. SMH. It WILL be up to us to defend US. Prepare
Ran into this over to Pirates Cove. They dine in style while telling us to eat bugs. Hypicrtical cocksuckers.
You went to pirates cove and didn’t forward the obligatory “if all you see” global warming pic?
My Bad, Odie. I drop by there everyday, you know…just to see all of the causes of global warming. Do I need to start posting them on the FGS Thread to get your day started off right? Noticed another article that Her DisHonor, the Mayor of Columbia, MO was in attendance at the COP28 thing. Now, riddle me this Batman…why dahell does a mayor of a mid-size city in MO need to jet halfway around the world (at taxpayer expense), just to get some properly prepared beasts? Hmmmm
I have no clue about the mayor of Columbia. St. Louis usta have a prosecuting attorney who was spending her time not prosecuting cases, but attending nursing school. Some poor young lady, college student from Tennessee in town for a collegiate event was hit by a speeding car, pinned between another car and lost both legs. The didndo nuffin had a several page long sheet, and that was the final straw. Unbelievably, she still had supporters,, and Gov Parsons was a racist for singling out a black woman..
Go figure. As far as posting global warming pics, I can visit myself, but thanks.
Woodsterman has a rule 5 link, along with other sites that have rule 5 material 😉
My “other bookmarks” icon thingy is bookmarked with new folders bookmarked for Rule Fivers. The struggle is reelz. Long Live The Feral Irishman FFFF. 😀
In fairness to the nurse graduate student, she made it plain that she didn’t care if she didn’t have any lawyers working in her office. So at least she wasn’t pretending like she was protecting the city or fighting crime.
COP28 has reached a “consensus” to reduce use (i.e. burning and pollution by) fossil fuels, not their elimination.
Green wienies disappointed.
Just for you, My Brother…
Might this have something to do with it also?
Also, would this not also mess up navigation charts for our submariner friends? Seems like known “landmarks” would be changed somewhat.
Thanks for that. I was wondering if the greenies are going to sue the Earth for spewing volcanic materials including greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
The US Navy is the greenest Navy on the planet. They have more reactors per tonnage than any other nation.
“Yet its contribution to heating the planet is largely overlooked”
You mean like acres and acres of black solar panels pointed at the sun?
How much pollution and “greenhouse gas” has been released with two years of war in the Ukraine…that NATO forced the Ukraine to walk away from a peace deal within the first 2 weeks of the war?
just saying
50 army dudes living in open bay barracks and sharing three sh!tters is about as green as you can get.
I don’t know, 3 shitters for 50 dudes? I’m thinking of a different color…
Depending on the chow the line could get long.
Be the bear…Prepare
Actually there could be more than 30k these days. Estimates vary from 22-31k.
What is most distressing to them is the marked increase in crop yields from increased atmospheric CO2. The Left is outraged by all those dark folks not starving to death for their cause.
Oh, no! It’s “racist,” you know!

The key thing we need to focus on in this picture is the sugars. No sugars, no fermentation. No fermentation, no alcohol. Such a world is too frightening to contemplate. CO2 is my favourite gas.
Never fear– $200 million of U.S. military money is going to Ukraine instead:
And in Israel, Biden is telling them, and I paraphrase, cool your jets after less than 2 months. And as you say, 200 million to Ukraine. Are there no women, children or infants being blown up in Russia, or is that only happening to people who want to see jews eradicated from the face of the earth.
Weird how modern weapons work 🙄
Meanwhile, in China, their coal plants (which are being built in record numbers) produce more bad planet shit than ALL other nations combined. So, when these square-headed idiots get China to “Go Green” then maybe, just maybe, I’ll start listening.
Good point, Sparks.
The reason the Watermelons don’t care about China’s emissions is because they have the political system in which they approve.
Okay when commies do it.
(Is always whole point, comrade!)
By any measure, China produces more green energy than any other country on the planet. In fact, they produce more than the next five countries combined, which includes the United States the second largest producer of Green energy.
China is attempting to go to 75% clean energy. This is simple common sense because it’s a lot cheaper, especially for China. They are currently over 25%. It isn’t feasible for every country to go to 100% green energy. I think the United States will probably level off at around 40% as opposed to the current 15%. I think China will probably reach 60% at some point. Diminishing returns being what they are I’m not sure 75% is achievable.
I noted that the source was Aljazeera, that tells me all I need to know.
Meanwhile in the Infantry, we always recycled our brass and left no footprint?
Heck, I’ve police called for MRE garbage and cigarette butts in the frontlea’n’rest that the carbon offset from burning glucose, I could plant trees from here to Timbuktu and ’bout break even.
Maybe The They’s lil puppet urinealist here has a point…