German-flagged vessel busted with ammo bound for Syria

| October 13, 2009

Cuffy Meigs reported yesterday that US forces boarded a German-flagged ship bound from Iran to Syria with seven shipment containers of 7.62x39mm ammunition and the means to manufacture more. According to Cuffy, since Syria has it’s own means of manufacturing ammo, it was probably bound for Hezbollah.

The contraband arms were off-loaded and secured in Malta, and the Hansa India is currently steaming off the coast of Lisbon, Portugal, presumably back to Germany.

Don Surber writes;

I would like to wait and see what transpired. Maybe Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government blew the whistle.

All of this while Hillary Clinton is in Moscow trying to convice the Russians to help clamp down on Iran’s nuclear program. I suspect that Iran and Hezbollah is in the midst of creating another diversion from the nukes by provoking Israel to stage another invasion of Syria, since it was Gaza’s turn earlier this year.

Israel Matzav writes;

Earlier on Monday, I reported that Britain had decided to boycott Islamic Republic of Iran shipping lines. I guess now we know why.

Ed Morrissey asks;

What else do German ships transport into and out of Iran? What else have we not caught?

Fat lot of good more sanctions to punish Iran will do.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Ed Morrissey asks;

What else do German ships transport into and out of Iran? What else have we not caught?

Man is that a loaded question……….

B Woodman

Seven shipment containers of 7.62×39 SKS/AK47 brand-new milsurp ammo. . .(slobber drool wipe face with large towel . . )
I hope that ammo makes it back to the US to be sold, instead of burned/destroyed. (sigh)
BTW, what WILL happen to that ammo?

A Heros Friend

B Woodman…DON’T even think about it….Dibs have already been called on all of that ammo…one container will go to the inner city gang stimulus package to assist our inner city youth with their marksmanship training…the other six have been allotted for Obamas Civil defense force to be used to protect this great country from the evil perils of a republic and that there capitalist mindset…not to mention those pesky things called liberty and freedom! Oh wait just a sec…my bust,it’s all going to the same place after all.


No doubt the German government has known all along of weapons shipments to ME countries which are hostile to us-I imagine this too will be swept under the rug due to sympathy for the arab cause among Germany’s “reformed” citizens.


B Woodman, you rock.

George Jetson

What are contraband arms?