DeMint reports on Honduras

| October 11, 2009

South Carolina’s Senator Jim DeMint went on a fact-finding trip to Honduras despite John Kerry’s opposition and writes about it today in the Wall Street Journal;

In a day packed with meetings, we met only one person in Honduras who opposed Mr. Zelaya’s ouster, who wishes his return, and who mystifyingly rejects the legitimacy of the November elections: U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens.

When I asked Ambassador Llorens why the U.S. government insists on labeling what appears to the entire country to be the constitutional removal of Mr. Zelaya a “coup,” he urged me to read the legal opinion drafted by the State Department’s top lawyer, Harold Koh. As it happens, I have asked to see Mr. Koh’s report before and since my trip, but all requests to publicly disclose it have been denied.

Now, we’ve seen how huffy the Democrats get when a Republican Administration won’t publicize a legal opinion – why the hypocrisy? We can only assume that the opinion which the Obama Administraion is hiding from us is legally vacuous. The Obama Administration decided to back Zelaya (read that: Chavez) before the opinion was written.

Honduras is scheduled to have presidential elections is just six weeks and the whole problem will be resolved – unless the kiss-asses at the US State Department and the OAS find a way to screw it up. Of course, they will.

Fausta writes that Roberto Micheletti, the interim Honduran president of Honduras took an opportunity to school OAS reps the other day;

“First, I wish to express unending thanks for the good will that you are showing . . . but we must speak out about something: the truth. You do not know the whole truth and, at times it appears that you do not want to hear it. Why don’t we begin to investigate what happened before the 28th of June?

And Micheletti told the OAS reps what’s what. Let’s see if they listened.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy

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“The truth? You can’t handle the truth”. So said President Micheletti to the OAS and the Chavez/Castro lovers in our State Dept.
Harold Koh? Jesus wept, that guy is an asshat extraordinaire, and he’s the DoS’s “top lawyer”?


Good on DeMint. I’ve been scratching my head for a while on this one. Ray Charles could see that this was a naked power grap on the part of Zaleya’s part and I think this act alone speaks louder than ten million placating words from Obama, about his true intentions.


“…naked power grap…”

That would be “…naked power grab…”

B Woodman

I hope interim-President Micheletti told both the OAS AND the US of A to butt out and go to hell.
Finally, a President that believes and does what’s right under the law for the people. And has the stones to back it up.