Virginia; we don’t need no stinkin’ absentee voters
Ziggy sends us this link to an amazing story at Redstate in which the Virginia State Board of Elections claims they have no responsibility to get absentee ballots to military voters in time for their votes to count;
The Virginia State Board of Elections argued in their most recent filing that they have no legal obligation to send out military absentee ballots in a timely manner. Restated, the State of Virginia has argued in a federal court filing that they can legally send out absentee ballots to active duty soldiers the day before an election. Restated again, theDemocratic Chairwoman of the Virginia State Board of Election (appointed by the Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine, in his capacity as Virginia Governor) Jean Cunningham just claimed a legal basis for massively raising the barrier to voting for soldiers at war.
You really need to go read the whole thing – it’s pretty instructive in how military voters are losing support in their home states now that their votes actually change the outcome of elections.
Category: Military issues
This is fucked.
A couple of decades ago, the commonwealth was ‘redistricted’ to give voting districts a different makeup demographically. Since then the Commonwealth of VA has been on a downhill slide. Hopefully the current and hopeful dhimwits we have in political office will be working as greeters at Wal-Mart after the upcoming elections.
One bucket of tar, one bucket of feathers, one 6x6x10 spiked rail!!!
This is what happens when lawyers sit around parsing laws to fit their goals. I would not be surprised if they actually didn’t have a “legal” obligation. A moral obligation? Not important. Someone with standing should file suit if that happens.
The law is not about justice, it’s about procedure.
unbelievable – the gall to say that out loud!
The Democrats are for the people…
as long as you vote for them.
Hell, you don’t even need to vote- they’ll do it for you.
“Supporting the Troops”–Democrat style.
“Count every vote”…unless it’s a demographic that might vote for my opponent, then screw ’em!
Assholes. This stuff makes me wish I was the violent type and not just mouthy.
Toothless Dawg:
Along with the tar, feathers & rail, don’t forget the tall tree & short rope.
To All Overseas Military who claim Virginia residency;
As I remember it, in order to change voting states, you need to have a viable home address in that state to claim residency.
I hereby volunteer my home address to those Virginia military currently stationed overseas that will be Royally Screwed by this latest decision of the Virginia State Board of Elections.
As far as I know, Utah does right by its soldier-citizens and doesn’t try to parse them to death at voting time. (Of course, with all the latest SHTF going on, I may be wrong. If I am, please correct me).
This will not do you any good for state elections, but will allow your voice & vote to be heard in the Federal elections.
After you return from overseas, you can re-change your residency back to Virginia so you can Kick Butt.
Please contact me at:
Thank you,
B Woodman
SSG (Ret) US Army
I don’t know about VA, but NY has never made it easy for me to get a ballot. When I submitted my request form, they would just send me a “do you really want this absentee ballot” form in return. Or the absentee ballot, two months late.
Hi all. Forgive my ignorance however doesn’t a voter have recourse to the courts for this? it would seem evident that the military voters are having their right to vote being taken away.
From the comments in the article at Redstate linked above, looks like Alaska has their shite together in more than one way….
horsesense Monday, October 5th at 8:13PM EDT (link)
to vote absentee. When I was active duty living in Germany I could register by mail, vote by mail as early as 30 days ahead, download the ballot, vote, and fax it in. This is also true for family members including students over 18 still living with his or her family overseas or anywhere out of the state. You can learn everything you need for absentee filing and voting on the website. It would be a good model for Virginia to consider after it loses the court cases.
Got to get the “dis-enfranchisement” team from ACORN on this one….
I’m too angry to put any thoughts on this, so I’ll let ECM speak for me.
I read the pleading mentioned above – not only does it take a position which is abhorent (i.e. it is ok to deny fighting soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines the right to vote) but it is pooly written, reasoned and argued. I also pulled up the DOJ’s response which was superior in every way. Apparently there was a hearing on the asshat defendants’ motion for summary judgment yesterday.
I know that it is easy to hate lawyers in these situations – but please remember that there are lawyers on your side as well. Also, that what Shakespeare meant when he said “kill all the lawyers” was that if you want anarchy, kill those who know and understand the law. There will always be people who try and twist the law, be they lawyers or participants in law suits. Therefore, there will always need to be lawyers to try to ensure that justice prevails. As my torts professor said – people don’t hate lawyers, people hate people and they use lawyers as weapons.
“On a downhill slide”. Under the past two governors Va has gone to hell and will most likely never recover. Only a civil war will save the state and country.