The political football in Afghanistan

| October 6, 2009

While real soldiers are fighting a real war in Afghanistan, politicians toss their fates around like a football. Leaving a meeting with the President at the White House on the subject, members of Congress made statements which don’t give me much confidence in their intentions. According to the Stars and Stripes, Harry Reid said that he “left the meeting believing that all lawmakers – regardless of party affiliation – will support Obama’s ultimate decision.” That kind of wording means that if some politicians don’t support the President’s decision, they’ll be ostracized.

John Kerry, of course, sees the war as a political opportunity instead of the lives of troops;

Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman John Kerry, D-Mass, said while the president deliberates his options lawmakers should be doing a “self-examination” of their own “to see how much they’re willing to put on the table, see what they’re willing to commit in terms of money and troops.” For his part, Kerry indicated he’d be reluctant to send more troops overseas without a clearer set of goals.

In other words, disregard the future of the troops, think more about the political implications of your decisions. He’d be reluctant because he gets his votes in Back-assachusetts.

John McCain isn’t inspiring me with confidence either;

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he sees parallels between the “surge” in troops for Iraq and the need for more Afghanistan forces now, adding he is confident that Obama understands the importance of the issue.

“I believe the president will make the right decision,” McCain said.

Why do you believe that, Senator? Because he’s made so many brilliant decisions so far?

White House and Congressional officials did not offer any timeline for when a final announcement on strategy will be made, but said for now they’re willing to wait.

How long? Do they realize that there are folks engaged in that theater right now? This isn’t a discussion about whether or not to apply military power – the military is currently engaged. It must be nice to sit back in the comfort of the Oval Office and contemplate some future act without BEING SHOT AT.

The only realistic voice is, of course, House Majority Leader John Boehner;

“He wants ample time to make a decision, and I support that,” Boehner said. “But we need to remember that every day that goes by, our troops that are there are in greater danger. We need to get this right.”

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Wyatt Earp

And at the same time, we have idiot “journalists” telling General McChrystal to “shut up.” Lovely.


It seems incredible that those in charge can muster neither the courage nor heart to do what is right for Americans putting it all on the line….


Hanoi (traitor) John Kerry is trying to justify his cowardance in Vietnam. Nothing can cover up his lies, phony(forged) medal applications, abandonment of his troops and anti-american winter soldier performance in congress. Once a coward always a coward. He should be in prison or the graveyard, not in the senate.


The question we must ask is:

“Will the Democrats f**k this up as badly as they did Vietnam?”

AW1 Tim


Oh yes, they most surely can…..

My son is deploying to Afghanistan in a few weeks. I want that crapweasely crapweasel of a president to either send over everything that McChrystal wants, or bring everyone home NOW.

This political waffling and posturing bullsh!t will result in more goon men dying, and from the time og McChrystal’s request, ANY casualty we suffer there ought to bring a charge of negligent homicide against the POTUS and his advisors.

This president, and this Congress, are unworthy of the sacrifices made by a single one of our soldiers. They shame our good name, and soil the great institutions they were elected to.

A pox on all of them, and upon their children too.

Obama lied. Soldiers died.

Frankly Opinionated

Wasn’t there a time, that when we went to war, we had the military do the military decision making? I mean, what in hell do we pay a JCS for anyway? Isn’t he supposed to coordinate with the various services as to what we need to do? Since when is it prudent for Congress/Lawyers and the POTUS/Lawyer to call the shots? Whether it be Democrap or RINO; Let the war fighters fight the damned war!
It didn’t work in Korea,in Vietnam,in Somalia, in Iraq, and it damned sure won’t work in Afghanistan.
Looking at the situation in Baghdad today, it makes me wonder if those 7th century idiots, (and Afghanis are even dumber), were worth the blood that we left on their soil, trying to give them a better future.
That we went to Afghanistan, wasn’t a bad thing. That we went to Afghanistan and played by the lawyers playbook sucks, big time!
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


[…] In other words, disregard the future of the troops, think more about the political implications of your decisions. He’d be reluctant because he gets his votes in Back-assachusetts. (H/T – This Ain’t Hell) […]