Defense Secretary: The US will support both Israel and Ukraine

| October 14, 2023

Lloyd Austin announced the Pentagon’s readiness to provide more military aid to Israel in advance of the latter’s planned Gaza operation. The Pentagon’s supplies to Israel will include ammunition, air defense capabilities, and other needed equipment. Israel projects that their fight against Hamas would be a prolonged one.

From Reuters:

The United States and other Western allies have said they will support Israel as it prosecutes what Israeli leaders say will be a prolonged war.

“The USS Gerald R. Ford strike group is now in the region led by the largest aircraft carrier in the world. We’ve augmented U.S. fighter aircraft squadrons in the Middle East and … stand fully ready to deploy additional assets if necessary,” Austin told reporters in Tel Aviv.

Austin, who spoke alongside his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, cautioned that it was a time for “resolve” and not “revenge”.


He compared Hamas with Islamic State, the bloodthirsty Islamist group that emerged in Iraq and Syria a decade ago, repeating a line being used by Israeli leaders as they rally support for their upcoming assault on Gaza.

Hamas militants killed women, children and the elderly in their brutal attacks on towns in southern Israel.

Austin also sought to reassure Ukraine, adding that Washington would support Israel in its war against Hamas at the same time as continuing to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s invasion.

Reuters has additional information here.

Category: International Affairs, Israel, Terror War

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Amazing how fast war and money fall from the sky for the Ukraine and Israel.

No vote in congress.
No debate over funding or what programs will be cut to offset
No debate in involving the US the military

And still, the US southern border is wide open.

Anyone see all these wars pefo Joe is pushing us towards helping recruitment?


I’m guessing that I’ve just turned into a grouchy old man or a curmudgeon, but I’ve lost 95% faith in our political leadership. Doesn’t matter, for the most part, if there’s a D or an R behind their name,,, all the same. I say 95% because all Ds suck and almost all Rs do too.

Until “they” figure out that “we” have had enough,, nothing changes. I’m waiting for “we” to have had enough. That won’t happen for quite a while as long as the free shit keeps flowing!

It’s estimated that there will be 10M illegals in this country by the end of next year. How many of them are military aged males that are now part of sleeper cells awaiting the order? American blood will be spilled so that our politicians can make MORE $!

36 years in defense of this country and in just a few years, I’m watching all of OUR work- blood, sweat and tears- be pissed away so that they can have more money and those that never did a damn thing get the latest government funded iPhone for free.

Fn ridiculous!!!!


“I’ve just turned into a grouchy old man or a curmudgeon”

Welcome to my world.


Both can be true. And enjoyed. C’mon, say it with me now…

“Get off my lawn!”


Here, let me pass you a nice, cold Yuengling Oktoberfest. 🍺


Many thanks. C’mon over, there’s a spare rocker on the front porch. Bring your nerf guns. The neighborhood kids tend to pack the latest in nerf technology. It can get a little western sometimes.


No nerf gun, but I have one of these for the insect pests

Last edited 11 months ago by Eggs

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Other people’s money.

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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Hope your UBL is full; otherwise, you may go just with what you’ve got when the Chicoms hit Taiwan.


The MIC grins as the stock dividend payments roll in.

Wonder when the US Defense Dprt is going to announce that they will support…oh I don’t know…maybe…THE USA?

All the fancy toys in the arsenal are no good at all if you don’t have the boolitts to go in them…or the beans to go into the trigger pullers…that you don’t have. The cupboard is getting bare of all three, we’ve got 17 days worth of crude left in the SPR, and an idiot in command.

An aircraft carrier is the most protected vessel in the fleet. It has to be, ’cause it’s also the biggest, most valuable target. Anybody do the math on how many missiles the fleet can take out before they get some leakers that get thru? I bet the bad guys have down that math.



The MIC lives by the golden rule. Whoever has the gold makes the rules. And we’re broke.


Buy one of these from the local Board of Education Surplus department. It won’t shore up the North Wall, but it will save you from an atomic bomb strike.

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The only real defense from radiation is lead.
Kinda ironic no?


Does is work if I serve it up .45 at a time?




Got sent to the principle’s office when I told the teacher how stupid hiding under the desk was. When the principle asked me my reasoning, I told her we were only about 5 miles as the crow flies from a SAC Base with 2 wings of Ready Alert BUFFs…and that base was a prime target. They got even madder at me when I started building a log cabin around it using #2 lead pencils, telling them that only lead would block radiation. Good Times. I was in the 5th grade. And, yeah, I’ve been a smart ass all my life.


Yeah, I asked my dad about similar things, figured since he was a BUFF EW at the time, he’d know. He laughed and said “just do what you’re told, son”. I took that to mean “we’re fooked”.


Did you happen to live in FT Worth TX near Carswell AFB?

I did. Almost the same story!👍😆


Central Georgia, Robins AFB


Bugs Bunny: You’ve been eatin’ onions
Yosemite Sam: And you’re gonna be eatin’ lead!


You got to put books in it.





biden armageddon.jpg
Stu Soffer

Gaza is Israel’s Vietnam. Send in a couple of Seal teams or a Ranger Company, rescue the hostages, then kill the bastards long range.

we stand.jpg

Israel doesn’t have a Vietnam. They are not dumb enough to invade a country 12,000 mi away that none of their citizens care about.

Last edited 11 months ago by 5JC

I wonder if Israel has their own version of tunnel rats.


I didn’t recall the Viet Cong came over here and killed women, children and old people on our homefront for no reason– Hamas just did that to Israel. If they’d done that, we’d have invaded North Vietnam and sh*t on Ho Chi Minh’s dead ass.


The US is on the move in the Middle East.
That’s all I can say right now,
as of today,
it’s time for all of us to “support the troops”.


I thought that was every day.


We’ve had almost no one in harm’s way
since the Afghanistan pullout.
As of today, we do again.
So I let you (all) know.


There are 900 personnel in Syria. The Navy, and by extension the Marine Corps, is constantly in harms way. Some areas are more prone to attack than others. But they really can’t relax their guard anywhere.

A Proud Infidel®™

Of course, Biden is getting far too much in kickbacks from Ukraine, thus he’s going to keep his “support” up for them.


Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex in the 1950s. It’s real and our filthy assed politicians are getting rich from playing games with our kids lives so that they can make another $!

I’m disgusted beyond measure at our government!

A Proud Infidel®™

“I’m disgusted beyond measure at our government!”

You and me both!!!



This warms my heart. I really worried I’d only be financially fleeced for one war…or conflict…or whatever it is now.

Thank me for my (financial) service.


Yep. Thanks to Bush and the D-rats, we are paying for about our fourth or fifth war in places most of our citizens have never been and could care less about.


Although there is an appropriate graffito:
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Picture if you will, a firefighting tanker, filled with pig’s blood… a low level pass over Gaza… a slightly updated version of “Operation Ranchhand”…


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Old tanker

Could we sell B52’s to Israel so they could carpet bomb hamas??


Why not? It’s an aged, yet still highly effective, airframe with a projected much-longer shelf-life. Sell some older ones (upgraded with Ukraine money to new standards) and build more to appease our MIC buddies. Happy .mils all around, and maybe Milley can get a slice of the profits.

I’m being facetious, of course. I’m all for wiping out Hamas and every other entity wishing to destroy Western civilization as we know it. Give ’em planes, bombs, “camels, horses, an armed escort, provisions, desert vehicles and tanks.”

“You’re welcome!”

Last edited 11 months ago by fm2176
AW1 Rod

Yup. Absolutely predictable. Kiev/Zelensky whining about Israel spending “their” US largess.

If ever there was a better time for China to invade Taiwan, I can’t think of one.


Are they planning on a worse situation for their nefarious designs?


I know this is going to sound crazy…but how about the US supports the US?🤔


Nah, can’t happen. That’ll put the moneys and the supports back into what constitutes an “Evil Empire”. Rather we toss billions to corrupt officials for proxy wars and ensure the Middle East remains unfair and unbalanced, giving just enough support to the Israelis to ensure that we have a say in how far they go, without allowing them to fully defeat those nations that wish to see Israel destroyed.