Felon to run prison

| October 2, 2009

Bohica22 sends us a link from Montana about a town that was so eager to get their $27 million jail operating that they hired the first clown that applied for the job. Not surprisingly, they hired a crook who might be a phony vet;

So when Hilton came to town last week — wearing a military-style uniform and offering three Mercedes SUVs for use by local law enforcement — he was greeted with hugs by some grateful residents. The promise of more than 200 new jobs for a community struggling long before the recession hit had won them over.

But public documents and interviews with Hilton’s associates and legal adversaries offer a different picture, that of a convicted felon with a number of aliases, a string of legal judgments against him, two bankruptcies and a decades-long reputation for deals gone bad.

It sounds like a thousand westerns I’ve seen with a bit of “The Music Man” tossed in to the script. There’s no way this could go wrong – who knows how to run a prison better than a felon?

Hilton, 55, uses the title “captain” when introducing himself and on his business cards. But he acknowledged it was not a military rank.

He said he is naturalized U.S. citizen and native of Montenegro. Aliases for Hilton that appear in court documents include Miodrag Dokovich, Michael Hamilton, Hristian Djokich and Michael Djokovich.

That’s funny, I use the title “superman” when introducing myself, but I don’t want people to think that I can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Beginning in 1993, Hilton spent six years in prison in California on a dozen counts of grand theft and other charges including illegal diversion of construction funds.

And they’re still considering letting him run their prison. Nothing could wrong with that.

Category: General Whackos

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I think this story would have slipped by everyone if not for the paranoid ravings of Alex Jones. When a local news outfit shot video of private security contractors driving around in marked police vehicles, Jones immediately thought this was the beginning of The End Game. Which end game? All of them apparently. FEMA camps, force vaccinations, the whole nine yards.

Here is the website for the American Police Force. You HAVE to see it to believe it. Check it out before it goes away:


The whole thing is a complete joke. Try not to laugh. Oh, the crest you see everywhere is actually from the coat of arms of Serbia:


I’m not sure where, but somewhere on their website, Alex Jones found an address to a po box in Mynock, NC which is used by Xe/Blackwater. So now he thinks they are actually part of Blackwater too.

I’m not sure exactly, but somewhere buried in the website is an address to


Shit, I had planned on using the alias Hristian Djokich.

Back to the drawing board for me I guess.


Dude, that website truly is awesome.


One more example of an idea from Hell: prisons for profit….


I like the airsoft G18 on their website.

Just A Grunt

The bright side on having a prison in MT is that prisoners think twice about escaping. Would you rather take your chances with rugged terrain, populated by grizzly bears, wolves, and a rattlesnake or two with a unforgiving climate, or just sit tight and enjoy three hots and cot?

This whole prison deal in Montana is beginning to smell like one big scam and not a single congressman is involved…..Yet.


Joe: While I am a proponent fo prisoners doing work for area non-profits, or other government details, which defray costs for said groups, I do agree that prisons for profit is a bad idea.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Retired

Ever been to Hardin and Big Horn County? It also includes the Crow Agency. The area is one of the drunkest in the country. I grew up in Montana, drunk reservations are the norm. The last time I was through Big Horn County, most of it looked like a prairie ghetto. Best description I can think of. So looking through an alcoholic haze, it probably looked good.


Yes, I agree, working on tasks that would benefit society, and maybe the prisoners themselves, is preferable to just moldering away. As the infamous case in Pennsylvania demonstrates, there are too many inherent conflicts of interest in privatizing prisons. And I am stunned, and I guess pleasantly surprised, that we can agree on something!



Well, Joe, you know the old saying: Even a broke clock is right twice a day.


Uh…why do these asshats have a freakin’ Longbow chopper in their banner scroll? And this page has to be the best of the entire site:

It like they’re waiting in line at the DMV…


Hold up…I think I found a better one:


“Sorry Bill, but Spenser here saved me from this smelly dude with an Uzi squirt gun at the DMV, so…”



“TK421, you copy?”


“CAP says your hair cut looks gay.”

“What? Repeat that last comm please.”

“Gay. Like, homo gay. Like you went to Great Clips gay.

“We’re in the middle of an op and you’re critiquing my hair???”

“Fantastic Sams? I got a 20 on Fantastic Sams.”

“Dude, what the…”

“Knew it…extra lap dances for me tonight!