General Mark Milley says that the military is not woke

| September 18, 2023

During a CNN interview, General Mark Milley provided his viewpoints about the military. He said that the military’s readiness rate is better now than it had been for years. Milley said that the military is dedicated to maintaining readiness, capabilities, and lethality. Milley also said that the military is not woke.

From The Hill:

Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who announced he will retire at the end of this month, said the U.S. military is actually in better shape now than in years past.

“This is a military that’s dedicated to maintaining our readiness, our capabilities, our lethality. And the thing that we also need to focus on is the modernization for the future character of war that I see fundamentally changing,” Milley said.

“This military is a lot of things, but woke, it’s not. So I take exception to that. I think that people say those things for reasons that are their own reasons, but it’s not true. It’s not accurate,” he continued. “It’s not a broad-brush description of the U.S. military as it exists today.”

Presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) argued that the military is being ordered around by a civilian “political ideology” and is “being infected by the woke mind virus.”

“This is changing the character of the military, it’s changing the culture of our services, and it’s creating a situation in which great warriors have been driven away and recruiting is at an all time low,” he said on the campaign trail in July.

Those criticisms from Republicans have created “a real crisis” of confidence in military institutions, according to defense analysts. A poll conducted in June found that confidence in the military is at a 25-year low — at 60 percent.

The Hill Provides additional information here.

Category: Military issues

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Well, you know CNN:


And Milley’s right but “woke”-ness does generate soyboys who don’t want to join or are whiners if they do, and pisses off everybody else who isn’t:


I.e., it is not “woke” itself, but suffers under “woke”- ness a great deal.


The problem is he doesn’t see the irony.

In blaming the right wing for the recruiting problem, which he knows is a lie, he is actually proving the big lie. Which is the military isn’t woke. He is straight up playing left wing politics by supporting the left and therefore he is woke.

Nice try Miley, no one believes your lies anymore.


The “broad-brush” qualifier (i.e., there’re “woke”-sters in the military but the military itself is not “woke,” essentially) is key to his statement.


But it is him, The military leader of the military. Therefore it must be true.


It briefs well. :/


Trying to curry favor for another star. Or beauty products.

My eyes are up here soldier.


“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of reality.” – some dead right philosopher completely discredited by CNN fact checkers


“I reject your reality and substitute my own.”


Darwin Award
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Milley doesn’t know what the term means but the military isn’t. Got’cha.

My, My, My

I believe it is now time for GOs to begin taking mandatory drug tests.


Ok General.

Now define a woman.

We will wait.

“This military is a lot of things, but woke, it’s not. So I take exception to that. I think that people say those things for reasons that are their own reasons, but it’s not true. It’s not accurate,” he continued. “It’s not a broad-brush description of the U.S. military as it exists today.”


So I guess they must have fixed all these GOA recommendations to get to where they are?

And they must have restocked all the ammunition as well.

And made up for the massive recruiting shortage in the last 3 years.


In short: “Except for all that, Mrs. Lincoln, what dud you think of the play?”


“Other than that, Mrs. Kennedy, how was Dallas?”

Hack Stone

“Except for the early landing, how was your flight Mr. Bernath?


Well, Milley is correct.

If the military was a woke corporation with a growing budget from a captive customer and that never has to be successful at its main misson.

“Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who announced he will retire at the end of this month, said the U.S. military is actually in better shape now than in years past.”


If Those years were 1976 to 1980, he might have a point, maybe.


Always being positive, especially when one shouldn’t, isn’t good. We were sure we’d stop those intruding North Koreans cold just by telling ’em so right before TF Smith.


I graduated HS in 1980, about a month after my uncle retired from the Navy (O-5). Told him I was considering enlisting. He kinda smiled sadly and advised against it, said wait 5-6 years.


I was considering dropping out of high school and getting a GED prior to my senior year in August of 1990 after Saddam invaded Kuwait. My mom told me point blank she wouldn’t sign the paperwork (I was 17 at the time), even if the Army would have let me enlist with a GED. She told me, “You’ll get your chance.” Well, she was right, even if it was 19 years later before I got my ticket to Mesopotamia.


I wasn’t aware you couldn’t get in with a GED in 1990. I went to basic in 87, there were nightly GED prep classes in one of the dayrooms. AFIK, everyone passed prior to graduation. Imagine that.


Not sure if you could or not. Momma put a stop to the plan before I could find out. I seem to remember one of my cousins joined the Corps in ‘88 or ‘89 as a high school dropout and earned his GED in boot camp.

Hack Stone

Maybe the physical activity during his three month stay at the day spas known as MCRD PISC and MCRD SD qualified him enough credits to earn his high school diploma, but Hack Stone knows first hand that during the summer of 1981, there was zero down time for a Recruit in Marine Corps Basic Training to study for a GED. They may have been cramming, but it was Drill Instructor Sergeant Jones cramming them into the dumpster behind the barracks. Good times.


Another Joke…Poor Guy…It must be Hell being a Victim with everyone and their Grandmother picking on him…😉😎

“Hunter Biden Sues IRS, Alleges Agents Tried To ‘Target’ And ‘Embarrass’ Him”

“Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a lawsuit against the IRS on Monday, alleging that agents have “targeted and sought to embarrass” the president’s son.”

“Biden’s Monday morning filing cites two major examples in IRS Agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, two whistleblowers who claimed the IRS mishandled aspects of its investigation into Biden.”

“Biden’s Lawsuit seeks for the court to declare that the IRS “willfully, knowingly, and/or by gross negligence, unlawfully disclosed Mr. Biden’s confidential tax information.”

“In addition, Biden is demanding $1,000 in damages for “each and every unauthorized disclosure of his tax returns,” including disclosures that happened after the fact.”

“Biden is the son of the President of the United States. He has all the same responsibilities as any other American citizen, and the IRS can and should make certain that he abides by those responsibilities,” the lawsuit said. “Similarly, Mr. Biden has no fewer or lesser rights than any other American citizen, and no government agency or government agent has free rein to violate his rights simply because of who he is. Yet the IRS and its agents have conducted themselves under a presumption that the rights that apply to every other American citizen do not apply to Mr. Biden.”

(This article deserves its own post…😉)


I’m no lawyer, but doesn’t filing this suit constitute tacit admission that everything the whistleblowers allege is true? Similar to his claims about the contents of “his” laptop being released is embarrassing is an admission of ownership?


Not a lawyer either, but your comment makes perfect sense.

Now, stop making sense and donate more to the protect Ukrainian border fund.


I can’t. All my donations go to protecting the Arizona border. The ones with California and Mexico.


Lol. Charity starts at home.


As does defense.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thoroughly modern millie must have taken speech lessons from Joseph Goebbels. Well for the zillionth time, I’ll
sit down and listen to the Bop Chords singing “When I Woke Up This Morning” 1957 on the Holiday Label


The Emperor General has no clothes.


My eyes, my eyes. Thanks for the mental image.


I am sorry Milley, no one wants to be in a barracks with a bunch of those Levine fellas running around.


Readiness to win the Nation’s Drag Races.

USMC Steve

NO, the crisis of public confidence stems from the Biden regime and everyone connected to it. Like Milley and Austin.

Prior Service

From my army perspective, which spans from 1986 to now, he’s sort of right and sort of wrong. The vast majority of the army isn’t “woke” (I cringe even typing this word), but certain lib-informed statements and policies force the army to do things that are, or strongly appear, to be woke. That said, what woke there is is not nearly as prevalent as all the commentary makes it appear. I typically go weeks without seeing/hearing it, and rarely in the context where the military member is acting from choice. Almost always from directed policy. I guess I’m saying: yea, there’s wokeness but from directed policy not choice and the people largely aren’t. And, yes, those policies are deleterious. And I worry that all the cool stuff the army still does routinely gets massively overshadowed by it. On the other hand, leading “extremist” training for my organization was infuriating and I didn’t brief the slides exclusively but brought in a range of organizations and widened the discussions significantly. Not a Milley fan but I can say one of my proudest moments was when he showed up in my Bn TOC at NTC and started asking my guys hard questions and they were knocking the answer out of the park. In that moment I knew Milley was focused on war fighting. Sorry for rambling!!


“Almost always from directed policy. I guess I’m saying: yea, there’s wokeness but from directed policy not choice and the people largely aren’t. And, yes, those policies are deleterious. And I worry that all the cool stuff the army still does routinely gets massively overshadowed by it.”

The very thing that helps to make our military great–civilian leadership and oversight–is what is damaging it the most. I’d say that a big part of the problem is that we have such a divisive political system now. When people are appointed to Secretary and Service Chief positions based on the feels more than their ability to be effective leaders, our military suffers. When those “leaders” focus more on feel-good (“woke” and DEI) policies than they do on maintaining a force of Warfighters, we appear weak to our enemies.

I’d say that at the lower echelons, commanders and their troops are training hard and trying to maintain the most mission-capable force possible. Before I retired last year, I made a few TDY trips to Fort Bragg, including one in July-August 2021 when the 82nd was ramping up for the Afghanistan withdrawal. I’d been away from the “real” Army for a hot minute and was amazed to see those Paratroopers acting much the same way I did as a Private with the Rakkasans in 2002. They looked like kids, wore a different uniform than I did back in the day, and had much better gear, but were motivated and willing to go do whatever it took to win the fight.

The Army does plenty of cool stuff every day, but I think you’re correct that it’s overshadowed by misguided policies, poor advertising, and politically correct officers talking out of their 4th point of contact.


I think I’ll go out on a limb here and agree with the opinion of Mr. DeSantis instead of the Perfumed Princess.

The Military is NOT a social experiment to make troops feel all warm and fuzzy. The purpose of the Military is to defend the Republic by killing the enemy and breaking their stuff in general. We need to focus on beans and bullets instead of breasts and balls.


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Posted without further comment:


Or, my personal favorite, from when it came out:


” Is not woke. It is Not. NOT WOKE! NOT! Damn, you made my cry, now my mascara’s a mess. Bastard.”

Hack Stone

“ The US Military is not woke” is exactly what someone in the Woke Military would say.

A Proud Infidel®™

“The Military is not woke” just like “Fire isn’t hot”, Water isn’t wet” and “SHIT doesn’t stink”!

IMHO it’s all a big bucket of politics, politics and shit often stink the same!


Don’t worry, the next war we stumbled-into will fix that sh*t right up!