That “domestic intervention” hooey

| September 30, 2009

NewsMax contributor, John L. Perry has finally succumbed to the mental disorder that seems to infect everyone over there. He writes today that “Obama risks a domestic military intervention“;

America isn’t the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn’t mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it.

Actually, the absence of a military coup is the only thing that keeps us out of the “Third World” category, Johnny. So what makes the possibility of a coup so real? According to Perry, the number one reason is the fact that military officers don’t swear in their oath to obey the President. He forgets that they do, however, swear an oath to the Constitution – and that part of the oath would kind of preclude a coup.

I wish the REAL Wingnuts would step back and take a look at what they’re writing before they hit “Send”. Their cases of violent, explosive intellectual diarrhea splashes on the rest of us once in a while.

But, I’ll bet that Stuart Rhodes has the article taped above his bed and he’s mercilessly pounding his junk at this moment.

Ooops, I guess NewsMax discovered that their article was over the top, too – they just removed it while I was looking at it (that’s why I usually screen capture that stuff). Oh well, I’m not wasting a good rant.

Our buddy, Cassandra, at Villainous Company has a few choice words about Perry.

Category: General Whackos

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Heh, heh, heh. Jonn said explosive diarrhea, heh, heh, heh


It’s like wrestling with a pig, trying to tell extremists of either political side that they’re on the fringes. It’s gotten to the point where I rarely frequent FR anymore with it’s, “all nirther, all the time” coverage, and God help you if you dare to question them. And military coup? AYFKM? If I wasn’t subject to random urinalysis, I’d ask for some of that shit he’s smoking just to see how it feels to be that high….


it’s = its. JesusH.TapdancinChrist, it’s gotten to the point I can’t even use proper syntax anymore. How’s about we all take a step back from the brink, have a beverage of choice, and think this over before taking that head-first trip?


hey jonn newsmax has removed this idiot’s article according to HA.


NewsMax and WND are 2 sources I avoid at all costs, WND for a long time now, and NewsMax recently.. Just too much lack of citation for me, and I know that the MSM is NOT the leader in truth, justice and the American way, but you can look at 3 or 4 MSM sources, listen to CNN, PMSNBC and FOX and you can read between the lines and ferret out some good information on occasion…