Wednesday FGS

| September 13, 2023


Stockton officer shoots, kills man who had replica firearm, police say
Stockton police said officers responded near the 1700 block of W Fremont Street at around 10 p.m.

Daniel Macht
A Stockton police officer shot a 34-year-old Stockton man Monday night who had displayed what appeared to be a firearm but that turned out to be a replica, police said.

Police said in an update Tuesday that the shooting happened after they received a call around 10 p.m. about someone who had attempted to kick in a door and climbed through a window of a building in the 1700 block of W Fremont Street.

The person who called police said when they confronted the person he displayed what appeared to be a rifle that was tucked into his pants and fled eastbound on Fremont, police said.

Officers found the suspect hiding behind a bridge pillar in the area and said he refused to comply with their commands.

The suspect walked past officers and when asked to stop pulled out what appeared to be a firearm, according to police.

That’s when one officer, identified as Marcos Alonso, shot the suspect with his service weapon.

Officers stayed near their patrol car until more units arrived at the scene. Police did not say how long it took until officers began to provide medical aid.

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Stellar journalism from the progressive utopia of Stockton.

Man arrested, charged after Florence Co. stabbing incident

by Tonya Brown
FLORENCE COUNTY, S.C. (WPDE) — A 25-year-old man was arrested after being stabbed Monday night in Florence County, according to deputies.

Deputies responded to a call about an argument between a man and a woman that led to the stabbing, according to Major Michael Nunn with the Florence County Sheriff’s Office.

According to Investigators, Dashon Torrell Barr is alleged to have pointed a gun at the victim during the physical altercation in the residence, and that the victim stabbed Barr in self-defense.

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This wasn’t a gun fight. Thanks again, Gun Bunny.

If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate.
Marion Barry

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That’s a bit of a swap up in SC.
The male perp had a gun. The female victim had a knife. And apparently used said knife quite effectively against the perp.
The exception that proves the rule.
BTW, Claw, has the Whiz Wheel had its regular PMCS? I’d like a reading (if you please) on “Dashon Torrell Barr”.
(Dashon? Really? Was mom reading a punctuation chart? “-” on?)

Dash on? Is his brother’s name dash off? Work with me here, it’s early.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was his mother “Mrs Dash” (the seasoning)?


The Dasher!

Dashon (Dash-Off?) Torrell Barr (DAM/WRT) 23×4=92

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Pitiful. It’s like his mother wasn’t even trying.

We always liked Ta-a….pronounced Tadasha.

Dennis - not chevy

Lemme say this about that. While performing my USAF duties, once upon a once, a woman pulled a pistol and aimed it at my own personal nose. I disarmed her. I got a severe chewing out for not following procedures; I had not hit the alarm and had not summoned the Security Forces. I explained had she pulled a knife I would have acted differently. The higher-ups told me to explain. I said I wouldn’t have cared if it was a USAF base; if she had pulled a knife I would have called the 1st ID, the whole Division.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“….appeared to be a rifle that was tucked into his pants…”

Excuse me, is that a gun in your pocket, or are just really really REALLY happy to see me?

Rifle tucked into pants? On the up side, he would just shoot himself in the foot instead of junk as he quickly drew his weapon I suppose


Unlike some purveyors of plastic abominations, this individual was practicing good trigger control and safe hunting, by ensuring the gun was on safe (external safety) and he had his finger off the trigger out of the trigger well!
But he failed to listen to good advise from his friend Mr. Safety and follow the orders of the policeeman


Tried to make his mark on the world, but was alone so now he joins other choir members in the Hell-la-lulu Chorus.

 🎶 …cuts like a knife… 🎶  BZ Ms Thang…fight back! Carve ’em up like a Halloween Pumpkin.

The Congress in Sodom on the Potomac is what’s a crime. They are killing this country.

Gangsters carried a real machine gun, in God’s Caliber. Gangstas carried a plasticized abomination of “spray and pray”…sideways.


He left his mark in the form of a chalk outline.


Interesting, I don’t think I knew that George Kellgren, inventor of the TEC-9, founded Kel-Tec. The TEC-9 was a decent design in its original form, but like so many other submachinegun designs turned pistols, it wasn’t exactly the most practical. Then, of course, the gun legislation leading up to the 1994 AWB made the TEC-9 even less practical. The article brings up a good point: a modern version with M-LOK, a rail for a brace or stock (given the ATF’s “final ruling”, maybe not a good thing to add), and a rail for optics might make for a decent little pistol. In my mind, all of those styles of pistol are just cool gimmicks, be they the TEC-9, Uzi, Scorpion, etc. We live in an age where the FN 509 comes from the factory with a 24-round magazine, and most modern double-stack 9mms have 30+ round magazines available, with 17+ rounds being standard capacity.

Of course, the TEC-9’s legacy isn’t its heritage or designer, but rather it being an icon of ’90s “gangsta culture”, where it was a supporting actor in many movies and TV shows: Interdynamic KG-9 / Intratec TEC-9 – Internet Movie Firearms Database – Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games (


Yeah, get some!!


Phony gun, real death.

Brought a gun to a knife fight and you lost. Pitiful.