Friday FGS

| August 18, 2023

Kel-Tec Sub 2000

HPD: 2 masked men killed during possible ‘jugging’ attempt at East End
A preliminary investigation revealed the business owner was coming back from a bank when he was hit in the back of the head on S. Sgt. Macario Garcia Drive.

Author: Jaime E. Galvan, John Diaz, Michelle Homer, Gerald Harris
HOUSTON — Two masked men were shot and killed during a botched robbery in Houston’s East End on Wednesday, according to the Houston Police Department.

A preliminary investigation revealed the business owner was coming back from a bank when he was hit in the back of the head. When he turned around, he saw two masked men wearing gloves and he immediately opened fire. An employee came out, saw what was going on and also fired shots at the robbers.

Both alleged robbers were pronounced dead at Ruiz Cash & Carry on S. Sgt. Macario Garcia Drive near Wayside Drive.

According to HPD Asst. Chief Chandra Hatcher, investigators believe the shooting was an attempted jugging. That’s when robbers follow the victim from a bank or check-cashing business to steal their money.

2 / 0 / 1

Poor victim selection skills and wrong house. KHOU is there!


Links courtesy of our own Gun Bunny and Old Tanker.

The theory of Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: the abolition of private property.
Karl Marx

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Off topic, but I got one for “Stupid People of the Week”:

I thought these new IRS agents weren’t going to be armed. If this is the caliber of agents that are getting guns, I’ll just stop paying taxes. Fuck the IRS.


My mother-in-law is a retired IRS secretary (100% desk time), her boss was always trying to send her to “machine gun school”. She never went.


You said “machine gun” so here we go! Probably one of the better music videos I’ve seen. Almost like a short film with a cool plot line:


With all due respect, if we at the TAH WOT:FoF Throne Room & Absolutely FINAL Last Chance Saloon are going to listen to a song called ‘Machine Gun’, there is but one:

Machine gun
Tearing my body all apart
Machine gun
Tearing my body all apart

Evil man make me kill you
Evil man make you kill me
Evil man make me kill you
Even though we’re only families apart


The Filmore East recording is good (above), I like Isle of Wight better (it’s a jam, the phrases and melody is more psychedelic) but the tightest is Berkley.

Remember counter culture actually was entertaining, good, and had valid points?

RGR 4-78

Remember counter culture actually was entertaining, good, and had valid points?”

It was all fun and games until the hippies grew up and went all commie and s&%t.


I’ve seen piss-poor gun handling by a number of people. When I got my NRA RSO certification for work, I dreaded the first couple of times I ran the range. A retired cop is the full-time Range Master, but once a month or so I’ll get rotated in on his day off. Surprisingly, most customers handle their firearms extremely well. I thought I’d be dealing with new Privates and officers.

We’ve seen the video of the DEA agent shooting himself in a classroom, and who know how many other incidents have occurred. The problem is, in my mind, a lot of federal agents are like Lieutenants in the military: they have a fancy degree and want respect, but don’t know anything. The gun is just an accessory that happens to be part of the special power they wield that we lowly citizens could never be trusted to have: the ability to carry anywhere at any time.

We’ve seen local and state cops do stupid stuff, but I’d venture to say that more of them take firearms seriously than do their federal counterparts, who usually wear plain clothes and don’t expect to defend themselves with a firearm. I mean, armed IRS Agents? You know that if they are executing a warrant or anything else that might turn nasty, they’ll have support from other fed agencies as well as local police and deputies.

“Want a job with prestige, authority, and a level of cool factor? Become a Federal Agent. Perks include being considered a Subject Matter Expert on anything you talk about, carrying a loaded firearm at all times regardless of jurisdiction or facility, good pay and benefits guaranteed to get you to a six-figure salary eventually so long as you play the game. J. Edgar Hoover! Elliot Ness! Remember that movie The Untouchables?! They were Federal Agents! Waco! Ruby Ridge! Wait, what? Uh, gotta go!”

Dumb ass kid with a badge and gun killed another. Go figure. They sure as hell aren’t Nerf guns.


Maybe trim back the amount of armed federal agents. I mean, the fucking Department of Education has a budget for weapons and ammo. Cut it back, eliminate the FBI, DEA, and ATF and have the US Marshals be the only gun wielding feds. Where’s Rooster Cogburn when ya need him?




He first said “Game on!”

An employee came out, saw what was going on and also fired shots at the robbers.

RGR 4-78

“L” shaped ambush, hell yez.


It’s the best way. “LOA LOA!”


Houston folks gettin’ tired of the (D)epressed (D)emon-rat (D)A letting criminals slide – and working on putting a stop to it.
Good on the business owner and the bank employee.


Perps got no cash but did get a carry…to the morgue.

Mr. Stabby found himself all shotty.

A trifecta of DRTs!

“You will own nothing, and be happy.” Molon Labe, mofos.

With much modification homeboy turned his plasticized abomination into something that actually worked. Kinda sorta.


Good shooting by the business owner and employee. Situational awareness is something too many of us lack, being fixated on phones these days.