Atlanta, Chicago South?

| August 7, 2023


Seems a slew of articles, all taking place in Atlanta, keep hitting the FGS and the news.  Guess it is not surprising – traditionally the actual city of Atlanta seems to be a typical American big city with all the attendant leadership problems. Matter of fact, it’s worth commenting in passing that yet another politician seems to be in George Soros’ pocket: not surprising to most of us, Stacey Abrams has been found to be bought and paid for taking the Soros nickel:

The Democracy PAC, which Soros solely funds and has used to inject vast amounts into the political arena, wired $30,000 to Sage Works LLC in May for strategic consulting services, according to his committee’s mid-year report. Sage Works is an Atlanta-based company owned by Abrams. The former Democratic candidate reported on her financial disclosure form that she also acts as its chief executive officer. Georgia business records show she incorporated the company in September 2002 and has remained its registered agent.  Fox News

Finding that Atlanta’s gap-toothed leftist is on Soros’ payroll, albeit relatively cheaply, isn’t a big shock. Although, like the man says, there is no shame in being a whore, only in being a CHEAP whore.

Actually, the article that got my attention was one in which a fella, Everett Tripodis, had his home torn down by the city  – and now Atlanta is suing him for $68,000 in demolition costs, by way of ceding what is described as a very desirable lot to the city.

(Atlanta Channel 2 reporter Justin Gray) Gray first reported in March, how before tearing down the house, the city sent its notices that a city inspector found the house unfit for habitation to the wrong addresses. Certified letters were “returned to sender.”

Even the official demolition hearing notice was for Lawton Avenue zip code 30314. But Tripodis’s home is on Lawton Street, which is in the 30310 zip code about 1.4 miles away.  WSB-TV

“The demolition order itself gave the city and its contractor authority to demolition a home on a completely different street and a completely different zip code,” Tripodis told Channel 2 Consumer Investigator Justin Gray.

A century-old home used to sit on the lot near the BeltLine. Tripodis and his mother bought the house as an investment property.

He said that each year, they paid to have it listed with Atlanta’s vacant property registry as required by law.

“The city had the correct address, the correct owner’s address in its internal records,” Tripodis said.

Tripodis said they were working on remodeling the home when the city demolished it.

Gray was able to verify that certified letters to an incorrect address were returned to sender.   WSB-TV 2

So the city had the correct address on file, sent the condemnation/demolition order to the wrong place, had them returned, yet still sent the demo crew to the RIGHT  place – and is now doubling down by making him pay for it?

The demolition was ordered since there was debris in the yard (how shocking during a renovation) and an unsecured door.  Me, I’m thinking lawyers must be lining up at Tripodis’ door.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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Atlanta is a shithole.

Note that the Atlanta Regional Commission likes to play games with statistics. They list the homicide rate as 3.3/10,000. Federal and everyone else lists it by 100K or 33/100K.

However the big secret here is that nearly half of the homicides in the city are defensive shootings that are found to be justified, so their actual intentional homicide rate is only about 17/100K. Compared to Chicago which runs 25/30 per 100K. Unlike Chicago, Atlanta residents have the right to defend themselves and do so with vigor.

So if you go to Atlanta, be polite and try and get along with everyone, until you no longer can get along.


A former shipmate works at Emery U and lives in the city, will post on Facebook the number of gunshots he hears during a weekend.



Green Thumb


Used to be the name 40 – 60 years past…

Anna Puma

What did President Ford say?

“A government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take every thing.”

And here we have a government taking everything.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

That goes along with the 3 biggest lies ever told:
1-I’m from the government and I’m hear to help
2-Truts me
3-I promise not to c@m in your mouth


Last edited 1 year ago by HT3

The check is in the mail.


“The Duty Driver is on the way, Sir.”

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“I’ll love and respect you in the morning”


“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”


I never spoke with Hunter’s Bursima associates. I wasn’t in the room when business was discussed.


If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.


I lived about 1.5 hours away in Columbus and never really went to Atlanta, stopping there once or twice while passing through, and taking a friend to the Amtrak station once. Odd, but just past Fort McPherson, I guess in Forrest Park, we were stopped at a light and saw a homeless woman defecating on the sidewalk in broad daylight. Chicago? San Francisco? Atlanta is the southern equivalent of both combined, it seems.

The Soros funding isn’t surprising, and even “just” $30k is what I bring home in about nine months at my retail job. As for the property, the city is gonna city. I’ve posted before about nearly losing my home due to unpaid taxes I didn’t know about. It matters not how honest or open you are, if a governmental entity makes a decision, you, the taxpayer, are responsible, whether it’s not receiving notice that a homestead exemption was lost or an “honest mistake” on the part of the government. The contractor can’t be held liable if the city provided the address and gave the order, but the city obviously can’t be held liable because, well, government. No, the property owner needs to reimburse the city for expenses incurred erroneously destroying private property.

My wife is gradually getting into the house flipping business. We’ve learned quite a lot from two previous properties, but yes, unless you have a lot of money to put into just hiring contractors and flipping a home within weeks, there might be months or even years during which the house sits vacant and might have debris or materials around it. Our most recent investment is a couple of lots without a structure, with a nice little bayou running through the back. We’re discussing what to do with it, and a small village government in Louisiana is quite different than a large city like Atlanta, but I’m already trying to talk her into just improving the lot and selling as is, to avoid having a third house to worry about someone breaking into or the parish to rack up taxes on.


There are always houses being built everyday. Land hasn’t been made for years. I think vacant land is more valuable than land built upon.

90 acres of farm field recently sold in my area for north of 1 million bucks. It’s flat and drains well and has good access, but it will take a lot of corn and beans to recoup that kind of money.


Where is “Cump” now that he is needed? I’d loan him my Zippo. Atlanta has been filled with carpetbaggers and scalawags since 1865…and it shows.


CDC HQ is there. Maybe a The Stand sitcheeation could help y’all out.

Hey superflu! NO BALLS!


Soon as they blast Stone Mountain Carving into gravel, all will be good for them. Could find a “Popeye’s”.

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Green Thumb



When I PCSed to Germany, I flew out through Atlanta. This was 20(!) years ago. I stayed in what looked like a nice hotel, in a seemingly nice part of town. It was dark and I was out at my car pulling my suitcase out of the trunk. Out of no where i hear about 6-7 shots of in the not so far distance. Thankfully when I rolled out the next morning to drop my car off for shipment, nobody had broken into it. Up untill that night, the only time I had ever been “in” Atlanta was driving through on I75. I promised myself, never again would I have reason to stop, let alone stay in Atlanta.

Skivvy Stacker

Only time I ever spent in Atlanta was a couple of years ago when I missed a connecting flight to Myrtle Beach and had to sleep at the airport overnight. Safest place to be.


Was at Ft McPherson for a while, then visited another unit in town years later… was a sh*thole back in the day, like “old Detroit” in the original Robocop now.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Took 9 hours from West Delray Beach to drive up to atlanta for the National Hurricane Conference back in 2011 at the convention center. Everything we needed was within the center. Had no idea how bad it was outside the downtown area.

A Proud Infidel®™

Everyplace run by D-rats for decades has turned into a shithole. Happenstance? Coincidence?


Slightly OT, but more left/libard-encouraged insanity:

jeff LPH 3 63-66

If the Transgender woman was a Fire Fighter, she wouldn’t have to worry about using a 2 and a half gallon pressurized water can on a live electrical fire because as we were told out at fire school back in 1977 at the extinguisher class- “when the stream of water hits the live circuit, your balls bang together and play stormy weather as flames shoot out of your asshole”

Green Thumb

I had rather bet on a scrath off lottery ticket than Stacey Abrams.

Same for Beto.

Love the irony….