Catching up with VoteVets

| September 21, 2009


Having been on travel for work last week, I decided to go see what I had missed over at the House of Beeker. Lots o’ good shi’ite, as I always find.

First off, has anyone ever noticed that the VoteVets crowd is a bit short of history….first there was Rick Duncan Strandlof, who just disappeared. Then Matthew Alexander, that every credible intel person I have talked to has proclaimed completely full of shit, and now we get this assclown Sgt. Neil Riley, VA Vote Vets state chair, who has no record over at for some inexplicable reason….

Anyway, a short history on this guy before I go on to the latest from that numbnuts Jim Staro. First, Riley was lamenting the millions of Special Forces guys booted over DADT or something. Then, he decided to go after George Allen:

I know Allen never served in uniform, but he should ask someone who has what “intestinal fortitude” is, because he is certainly lacking.

Putting aside his utterly asinine argument thereof, I think it is important to note that Riley keeps identifying himself as an OEF/OIF veteran, and bludgeoning non-veterans with it. I find this strangely ironic in light of his appearance on VetVoice going after McCain for talking about his POW experience. My favorite online info on him though comes from the non-partisan website, “Vets for Obama.” You know how VoteVets is non-partisan? Surprisingly, everyone on this page of Obama’s seems to be affiliated with VoteVets. (Including our friend Alex Horton.)

Anyway, Riley is an unknown, and I don’t really like unknowns, so if anyone knows anything about who he served with etc, would love to know. You know, so I can update

But what is more insane is this post from Jim Staro.

I shit you not, he starts by discussing Medal of Honor recipient Jared Monti to illustrate what he calls a “Noble Cause” and then segues into this….

There is one more “Noble Cause” of war, those who recognize when the policies are not only flawed but extremely negative as to humanity, theirs and the countries people they occupy, and damaging for what we call our ‘National Security’ in the present and long term, the country they took an oath to serve and protect!

These soldiers become emotional “Conscientious Objectors” to the inhumanity of these Wars of Choice and the Occupations of others, they speak out in the attempts to get their brother and sister soldiers out of harms way and brought home. Saving them as well as the innocents in the countries of these man made conflicts and the failed policies of lies and wants of certain civilian, as well as military, leadership!

That’s the “Noble Cause!”

I spent last week with the MOH guys at their convention Jim, you probably spent it with your CO buddies. I have news for you, they aren’t even in the same ballpark.

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Anonymous For Cause

Where the CO ballpark and the MOH ballpark meet:

It’s called THIS GUY.

Alright, so I’m a Sergeant York fangirl. So shoot me.

Jonn Lilyea

Yeah, we’ve all seen the movie.

Tell me how that applies to York, the draftee, going to a war he disagreed with and saving lives by killing and Jose Vasquez who was a medic with 12-years of service, who could have gone to Iraq and saved lives with his experience, but instead decided that he’d be a CO and get out because the Army wouldn’t send him to the theater he preferred.

York was in the 82d Division, by the way. Not that it has anything to do the discussion, I just thought I’d point that out.

Jonn Lilyea

Can I just add that Starowicz’ misuse of the English language is absolutely criminal. I can never understand a thing he writes.


Vote Vets : Why is it that Jon Soltz never redeploys? Jon Soltz has been drilling actively in the Reserve, even had a company command, yet was never again called upon for service in Iraq or Afghanistan since his 4 month tour in Iraq that ended in September 2003. Most people that I know in the Army (that stayed in and didn’t ETS) were called up and redeployed back to the OIF theater. I could never understand why he gets to stay home when everyone else in the Army / USMC goes back for more tours.


“Why is it that Jon Soltz never redeploys? Jon Soltz has been drilling actively in the Reserve, even had a company command, yet was never again called upon for service in Iraq or Afghanistan since his 4 month tour in Iraq that ended in September 2003.”

Ouch! My pouge fat-ass has been to Afghanistan twice, as have most units in my state. This is an uncomfortable question for the Soltz-er!