More video from the 9-12 march
Here’s another video I’ve been trying to decode since yesterday. It’s around Freedom Plaza where the march began. I’ve been to lots of marches and rallies at Freedom Plaza over the last ten years, and I’ve never seen one this packed.
According to concretebob, one of the event staff, Freedom Plaza had so many people in it, they had to start the march early by the order of the police. The last ANSWER march I attended there, the crowd didn’t even fill the plaza, let alone the surrounding streets and sidewalks – and oh, stretched all the way to the Capital – and that was one of those “100,000 protesters” marches ANSWER brags about to the press.
If you haven’t already, go watch Uncle Jimbo’s video (featuring Mary Katherine Hamm) at Blackfive and Ace of Spades. I’ve never seen Jimbo smile as much as he did yesterday. I almost expected him to say “Tee-hee”.
Our friend at American Power Blog sends along a link to the 9-12 rally in LA yesterday.
My exit question: So what? We put a huge number of people on the streets of DC yesterday that were pretty single-minded. So who is going to lead? Ronald Reagan was the anti-Carter for four years. I don’t see an anti-Obama anywhere.
Category: Protests/Rallies
Palin can be the “anti-Obama”. Closest to a Reagan that I know of. Only one on the National scene.
Jonn said: So who is going to lead?
A complicated, but valid question. Yet, we’ll really need to see the impact of the event amongst ‘the great unwashed’ before that question becomes valid.
Some call them ‘sheeple’, some call them more colorful stuff, but whatever the label it’s the voters out there who will decide.
We have a President now. He was elected (birthers aside) and that’s the way it is.
Palin may well be the choice… but that doesn’t begin to address the congresscritters.
The system may be broken, now what?
First things first folks, and the first thing is for us to make a HUGE difference in the 2010 elections. If that can be accomplished then finding the A-O (anti-Obambi) will follow. I do agree, outside of Gov. Palin there’s nobody on the *national* scene right now that is inspiring the troops, but that may not be a bad thing this far from the 2010 election. Besides, I’d vote for Gov. Palin over any 21st century dimocrat I’ve seen or even heard about.
Unless the RNC pulls it’s head out of it’s fourth point of contact, we’ll still have a GD RHINO nominated to run.
Unless the RNC changes, we are stuck with more of the same.
What we do next is dependent, in part, on whether the Congressho’s pay attention. Kennedy is dead so we don’t need to deal with him anymore, so that leaves Reid, Pelosi and Rangel. I know Reid is up for reelection in 2010, but I don’t know if those other two clowns are.
I think every incumbent, in both houses, unless they have a REALLY conservative voting record, should get the boot. Irregardless of party. Then we need to do it again in 2012 and again in 2014.
We need to start vetting people now, because the ultimate objectives are a thorough spring cleaning of the Federal Government, and term limits are only the baby step beginning. We need to can half of the Cabinet positions and their staffs. Can a whole bunch of the bureaucracy and Agencies, especially the IRS(replaced with a flat 10% sales tax on all transactions, personal or corporate). Eliminate all pensions for any elected official, and make that one retroactive(they’ve screwed us how many times this way?-turn around is fair play).
There is no way around it. If we want to clean out that den of thieves in Washington, DC, we all have to get involved in EVERY election. If we don’t, we deserve what we get. And it won’t be pretty.
As far as I can see, Old Soldier has the Answer……I am ready, and I hope others are too. The one thing they all count on is our short memory. We must keep this fight at the forefront for a long time. It is not just during O’s tenure, it is a fight that has to be fought for many years to come. Do not let our guards down because we may be successful in thwarting one evil, they have many others up their sleeves that they are going to try to jam down our throats at the earliest possible moment.
No doubt were in deep trouble with uncontrolled spending from this administration. Was surprised to see in another site they were saying this tea party was full of neo nazis, paulians and birthers. It will be hard to convince enough people to vote these clowns out when supposed conservative sites are pushing these tea parties off as being full of right wing extremists. Of course everyone has their own agenda.
Sorry, I have a question from over the pond and then some (sweden). Are these protest/marches against a national healthcare Insurance? Cos we have it in sweden and I can tell you there is nothing wrong with our healthcare. And high taxes is a good way of keeping lobbyist out and keeping a good account of state spending, because if you are paying 30-40 % in income tax. You can bet you a** you want to know exactly where the money is going and we do. Never been or heard of any body not being able to pay/get healthcare in sweden. There is even a spending celling on medicine (at about 200 dollars) then its free.
Then again our prime minister (of sorts) only makes about 13,475 USD a month and we are keeping our eyes on them, all the time for discrepancy in the earnings, cos its a privilege to govern people not a business.
Hope I’ve not made an donkey of my self
Best wishes Guys
and please try and stay on your soil with the fighting and what not.
The tea parties are about making our public officials accountable for their actions and not just specifically for health care although they are speaking of adding another trillion in debt by passing this so called health care reform bill. No offense but high taxes are never good….for anyone. Your only taking money from those who know how to earn it and give it to those in government who only know how to spend it, foolishly I might add. Your right about one thing, government is not a business but when it decides it is a business watch out. By the way our Representatives make only a little more per year than your prime minister(of sorts).
Best wishes to you also and thanks for the scoop on staying on our soil with all the fighting and such. We’ll try to remember that next time some fascist dictator tries to march across Europe.