Towards the Edge of Sanity

| September 4, 2009

It’s a bit surprising that the notable and commendable Joe Gandelman of The Moderate Voice would play the role of liberal demagogue by blaming the current political climate on the standard boogeymen (angry geezers at Town Hall meetings, dittoheads, Glenn Beck, etc.) instead of examining why this type of discourse is occurring. A typical distraction to shame the opposition while the real people in power can’t defend their own crummy policies. From TMV:

What has changed? The country.

We are now seeing the triumph of the talk radio political culture — a politics that now is framed in terms of high-concept sound bites, trying to affix labels to those who disagree on an issue, trying to push emotional hot buttons so that the political target is hated enough to serve as a catalyst for a goal (in the case of talk shows to grow and maintain an outraged audience; in the case of politics, to mobilize one side).

Despite the punditocracy best attempts to portray rubes in fly-over land not onboard the Obama express as racists, nihilists, etc., Obama’s approval rating is dropping faster than a pair of panties on prom night. Joe seems to miss the real story that the level of outrage might be peaking because the President is fast putting the country on the path to massive deficits and European-style socialism. One needs only to look at state governments that overspent their budgets to understand where our country is headed (at least the feds can always print more money!). The Obama Administration rammed through a stimulus package to create jobs and we got more unemployment (especially for vets), he tried Cash for Clunkers which was a major dud, and now they want to seriously intervene in the health care industry (even more than they already do)? Anyone, else seeing a trend here on the level of competence when the federal government attempts to subvert market forces.

So, it’s difficult to be completely preoccupied with all the birthers and people pounding on windows at Town Hall meetings when there’s stuff going in Washington that is truly frightening. Glenn Beck isn’t going to run the country so badly into debt that the dollar become worthless, Obama might.

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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Ringo the Gringo

Well said.

Lets just hope that the kooky behavior by some on the right doesn’t prevent conservatives from getting elected in the future…That’s my fear.


“dropping faster than a pair of panties on prom night”. ROFL, too funny, Nixon. As to leadership, who knows, there really doesn’t seem to be anyone who wants to step up right now. Or feels secure enough to step up. After all, if someone did step up and try to assume some type of leadership role, the State Run Media would just literally shred them. Palin is one example, what the WaPo is trying to do to McDonnell in Va. is another.

AW1 Tim

The problem with the left is that they are completely steeped in theory, and have no experience with the actual “doing”. Back in the late 50’s and early 60’s the leftists managed to infiltrate and eventually take over the majority of teaching positions in the colleges, and then the public schools. Now, the students who have graduated from those institutions are taking up the reigns of power, and are clueless about how to proceed.

They have been constantly taught bout Marxism, Communism, Socialism, and all the other leftists “isms”, how this is good and that is bad. They’ve been studying and writing and talking and pontificating, marching, protesting and organizing. They have not, however, actually been DOING anything. They haven’t a clue how a business works, how to develop a business plan, to market new ideas and products. they have never had to make a payroll, manufacture something, take orders for products, pack and ship, negotiate with suppliers or get a business loan.

In short, they are full of empty rhetoric, their entire programs based upon the mirage of intelligence and understanding.

They can spout theory and chapter and verse. They cannot actually DO anything that makes a profit, produces a product.

In short, they are clueless. Full of book learning and empty of street knowledge. They are like folks who collect books but never actually read them, but think they will somehow become an expert through ownership.

We are so scr3wed.

This entire situation will continue until we find a way to take back our schools and change the curriculum and philosophies.


What we have is the incrementalism now coming in big-assed tidal waves. And,the against the oppressors, Glenn Beck seems to have logic and facts on his side. And he is reaching more people every day who are scared that we are on the road to serfdom via the Pied Piper and his hamlet of Czars.
We have to fight to the end, by whatever means possible. If the Pied Piper does indeed draft a “White House health care bill” and gets away with it, as UNCONSTITUTIONAL as it is, then we deserve everything we get, even if we didn’t vote for all the shit he lied about giving us.