Poll numbers vs. National Security

| August 25, 2009

So, I just think it’s funny (not ha-ha funny) that when Obama’s approval ratings take a precipitous drop, his “non-political” Justice department decides to name a prosecutor and begin investigations into the previous administration’s war against terrorists. What’s even funnier is the LA Times providing cover for the Obama Administration;

At a time when healthcare and other signature initiatives are in trouble on Capitol Hill and President Obama’s approval ratings are slipping, he now faces the prospect of a long, distracting probe into policies of the Bush administration — policies Obama has already denounced.

And the furor is likely to be all the sharper because it pits the most liberal elements of Obama’s base against the most unyielding elements of the Republican right.

Time magazine wants the terrorists to know that help is on the way;

If the release of the declassified 2004 CIA inspector general’s report fills people with disgust at the use of power drills and mock executions in secret prisons, the Obama Administration wants them to know that Americans need no longer be embarrassed by how their government treats detainees.

Oh, and buried somewhere in the news, you might have accidentally heard that the Obama Administration used the cover of their announcement to take over interrogations and the investigation into the previous administration to release a Afghan Guantanamo alum back to Afghanistan. That news from DrewM at Ace of Spades. Apparently the guy had been arrested after tossing grenades at Allied troops – hardly a crime, I suppose, worthy of a lifetime of imprisonment.

In Obama’s defense, though, he promised to put 22,000 more troops into Afghanistan. I don’t remember him saying on which side those troops would be fighting.

But anyway, it looks like the Obama Administration is once again going to trade our national security for a few points in popularity polls. And the treacherous media, once again, firmly plant their knees on the ground to cover for him.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Military issues, Terror War

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If this (and the attempt at ginning up the swine flu nuttery) is all Obama has to fight his swiftly sinking first term, he’s in bigger trouble than I thought.