Missing Brandon Friedman
TSO sent me a link to this confusing missive by Mr. Batshit Crazy himself at VoteVets;
A six-pack of Saranac Trail Mix to anyone who can decipher that shit. We don’t like Brandon Friedman, but at least he’s literate.
Category: None
I’ll decypher it for you Jonn.
Someone’s upset that a law abiding citizen was lawfully carrying a semi-automatic rifle in Phoenix while the Prez was there. The local authorities and the secret service didn’t have a problem with it, because said law abiding citizen wasn’t posing a threat to anyone. The secret service checked it out, found that the person in question wasn’t going to the propaganda speech, I mean townhall, and so no harm no foul.
What shit-for-brains was trying to do was show how scary someone openly carrying a weapon is and using the tired old mantra of children as his cover. Then attempting to somehow tie it in to the war/terrorists/illegal/blah/blah/blah. The reason it was difficult to read is because the person that wrote it was probably tweeking pretty hard after smoking some quality meth.
It’s just an amalgam of standard leftist tripe:
– Guns = Bad
– What about the children?!
– People on the right (incidentally, reports indicate the black dude with the AR is a libertarian) are not civilized.
– People in the right and libertarians aren’t as learned on the Constitution as liberals.
Swallow that, let it digest for a while, regurgitate after consuming too much acid, and you get the shit you posted. I wouldn’t go as far as OldTrooper in suggesting jimstaro here was even attempting to form a coherent argument. He just went down the list of standard nonsensical complaints.
I love how MSNBC only showed him from the back and the neck down, then the talking head (empty, but cute) classified all those attending the rallies or against the bills or carrying guns as white racists. Too bad they never showed the guy’s face…
I can break it down for you Jonn; leftards only support you exercising your Constitutional rights when you’re ripping your offspring from their mother’s uterus, protesting any military action not initiated by a president with a “D” behind his name, defending the “rights” of people who are in the country illegally (aka future Democrat constituents), demanding recognition of whatever aberrant behavior you want legally protected from public scrutiny, furthering censorship in the name of “free speech”, defining “children” as 21 year old felons as to artificially inflate death tolls in advance of gun control schemes…need I continue?
I think he had read an article on any of the numerous engagements in Iraq or A-stan where the insurgents have actually used civilians to hide amongst. Then in his delusional rant he got the situations confused. Or he is just an idiot, could go either way on this one.
WOW, dude. Totally righteous, man. I don’t know what he was on, but, like, fer sure, I want to know what it is & where I can score some. . . . (mumble mumble. . .zzzzzzzzz)
Methinks this wacko has been smelling Cindy Sheehans panty crotches too long. Deciphering it is above my pay grade.
nuf sed
Ok, Frankly; that was just wrong! Now I’m gonna have that disgusting image in my melon for the rest of the day. Thanks a lot!!!
I’ll offer that, in all likelihood, the hardest work that fellow has to do each day is scrubbing the cheetos stains off his keyboard.
But, yeah… another quality product from the Democrat-enabled public school system.
Let me get this straight… It’s OK to refer to American Citizens Lawfully excersising thier 2nd Ammendment Rights as
“Terrorists”, but Bat Sheite Crazy Bomber Islamo-Facists are just “people with opposing views”?
Wake me up! This has to be a bad dream…
What’s with the “Vipers” reference? Is that alluding to Snakes on a Plane?
According to the Madcow video, Vipers is a militia group in AZ. But, given her tendency for hyperbole, they might be a personal shopping service.
And here’s the interpretation of that interpretation: “Pardon me, but could any of you fellows help me? I seem to have my head stuck up my ass. Do be a good chap and pop it out, would you?”
“who can decipher that shit”. Democrat pussy see’s a man (with a gun) and goes into full scale panic.
Are my eyes deceiving me or did some commentor on that site acutally quote LBJ on the way to win a war? Isn’t that kind of like quoting Benedict Arnold on loyalty?
I love this:
Try a thought experiment: What would conservatives have said if a group of loud, scruffy leftists had brought guns to the public events of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush?
How would our friends on the right have reacted to someone at a Reagan or a Bush speech carrying a sign that read: “It is time to water the tree of liberty”? That would be a reference to Thomas Jefferson’s declaration that the tree “must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”…………
First, who here is buying the bullshit line that “scruffy leftists” would waste good weed & latte money on firearms? Yeah, me neither. Second, most of these assholes couldn’t quote Jefferson except to try and convince us all that he was a deist who had no intention of God being evoked within 1000 yards of any Federal property, much less advocate the violent removal of tyrannical government thugs. Thirdly, one only need to Google a few of these “peaceful” anti-Bush rallies to see that these jagoffs hanged the president in effigy, waved posters depicting the man as virtually every monster on the planet except for Godzilla, worthy of being tried and killed for “war crimes”. So in essence, fuck your “thought experiment”, shit head…you have reality to hang your pointy little hat on.
Claymore; don’t forget that there were arrests here in Mpls/St.Paul during the 08 convention for bombs. So, they don’t do firearms, but they do go the illegal route and skip straight to bombmaking and setting fire to things (arson) and basic destruction of property. They’re so peace loving; aren’t they?
I have a thought experiment for them: Try finding a f-ing job ans start contributing to society and don’t worry about the law abiding citizens that stay within the law instead of “civil disobedience, which you whiners say is so courageous.
I guess when it comes right down to it, they talk really big, but when the silent majority stands up to them, they start screaming like a little schoolgirl and push the frightened victim buttom immediately.
Claymore…A-fucking-men to that!