Boomer’s Sunday

| February 6, 2022

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best. The preponderance of toons is provided by him and AW1 Scott, with many others also contributing.
Disclaimer: These toons are meant to amuse, entertain and inform, pretty much in that order. While I cull what I can, they are not specifically fact-checked, so expect a certain amount of artistic license.

Category: Guest Link, Humor, Satire, Schadenfreude

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A Proud Infidel®™️

Good stuff once again!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The pic with the drill on the bus…….yep, I remember that day, at oh-dark-too-damn-early.

Skivvy Stacker

I don’t think my feet actually touched the ground between the bus door and the Yellow Foot Prints.


Watched a video showing the first two hours of a Marine in boot camp. Intensive.


Neil Young forgot.


Southern man (or Spotify) don’t need him around anyhow…


And this just in… Neil Young’s flapping’ his pie hole about Spotify again:

Last edited 3 years ago by Anonymous

A clutch pedal is also considered an anti theft device.

Great selection once again.


Better than:
comment image


Menwhile in Poland!


Slow Joe

I always check this thread before dinner chow.
Never fails to motivate me.
It is great to know I am not the only one with these opinions.


These give us another whole meaning to the term, “…go ahead…make my day!”

Tanks Mates!




This just in… Adults at NYC high school upset kids keep removing BLM flag and replacing it with All Lives Matter flag (and, no, it’s not in the Onion or Babylon Bee):


Justin Trudeau vows to break Biden’s record for consecutive days hiding in the basement
Hopefully, he’ll drown in his own sweat..

Another great collection.
Thank you, AW1ED


I needed a good laugh…lost my footing during Bo staff practice and broke my foot…two days later my dog jumped on foot.. surgery on Thursday…THEN, my granddaughter held me around my chest from the back to pull me up the RV steps and separated two ribs…
Thank you gentlemen and ladies…


Welcome Home, Friend. You have been missed. Was it something I said? Didn’t say? Did? Didn’t do? Really got concerned when you weren’t around to help us commemorate the 4th anniversary when a certain BeNasty wanna be pile-it lawer started maintaining his minus 6 feet AGL and opened his worm food bed. Your recent injuries have to be directly related to the fact that there is not a True Southern Gentleman looking after your health and well being (take note OAM, nobunny, farm girl, Ex-PH2, et al). Have manners…will travel!


Having surgery Friday…my son and granddaughter (his niece he raised since birth) are my heroes…Oma rests with both around…thank you little brother..


Tanks for the update. The Brother/Daddy/Dutch Uncle in me (or as AW1Ed calls it…the Mother Hen) gets a little concerned when a goodly amount of time goes by without hearing from someone. Get well!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great toons this Sunday


Done burnt my last fk decades ‘go, scattered the ashes to the 5 winds (had to make up another cardinal, kinda like a third gender) and now I use a bayonet to butter my bread, wishing a MF would.
I find a good ol’ morning “FJB!” at the top of my lungs more effective than coffee or a line of Hunter’s Ukraine!
Anyone know of a priest that’ll come bless the lake at the scene of that tragic and completely unavoidable boating accident?

AntiFAqinJob SF would get a by on fisticuffs from me (insert something about being raised right here, maybe?), the parents would catch a backhand tho.

MI Ranger

What exactly is a polyamorous genderqueer indigenous furry? And isn’t that redundant!?


I love the Sunday funnies!


Good to see you nobunny!