Comparative Politics
Compare two similar political situations;
This from Huffington Post by way of Babalu Blog;
Thousands of Hondurans are now in the streets to protest the coup d’etat in their country. They have been met with tear gas, anti-riot rubber bullets, tanks firing water mixed with chemicals, and clubs. Police have moved in to break down barricades and soldiers used violence to push back protesters at the presidential residence, leaving an unknown number wounded.
Now compare that to this from the Jerusalem Post by way of Little Green Footballs;
As the Iranian authorities warned the opposition on Tuesday that they would tolerate no further protests over the disputed June 12 presidential elections, a report emerged of the hangings of six supporters of defeated candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi.
Speaking after Iran’s top legislative body upheld the election victory of incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources in Iran told this reporter in a telephone interview that the hangings took place in the holy city of Mashhad on Monday.
Tear gas and rubber bullets versus hangings and full metal jacket bullets.
Which one does our president decide to condemn? The same one that shows respect to him and our flag (in this picture from Weasel Zippers, by way of Ace of Spades) and with popular support the media won’t cover (in a photo at Babalu Blog). The government which treats their dissenters with a bit of humanity.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck
The dichotomy is integral though. And begs the question – what will WE see. A Honduran sort of event is realistically possible here (not a paranoid fantasy!) and would we see what?
Okay… a little paranoid, maybe?
Ponsdorf, I guess we’d see our President join with Chavez, the Castro Brothers, Ortega and the other “progressives” to condemn and try to overthrow the duly elected government of Honduras. And to allow the “progressive” former president to return, and change the government of Honduras ala Chavez and Venezuela.
And before Code Stink and the rest of the lefties go ape-s**t, I’m speaking of all of the elected government of Honduras, not just the “progressive” former president.
I REALLY don’t believe that the Hondurans are protesting in the street. Especially when HuffPo sez it. Unless they’re the people who have a vested interest in keeping Chavez Jr in office: the rich elitist left, or the entitlement poor. I want to see proof. But you know the MSM, “if it bleeds, it leads.” And since I don’t believe that there’s any blood in the streets, we’ll never see a story or pix on this one, especially from the MSM.