More Class Warfare and a Swipe at Chelsea’s job

| February 19, 2008

“Under the tax code, they can pay a lower percentage of their income in taxes on $50 million dollars, than a teacher, or a nurse, or a truck driver in Parma pays on $50,000. That’s very discouraging to people.” Thus spake her inevitableness. Which is, of course true, what it ignores, though is the fact that Fifty Million is a THOUSAND times fifty thousand, so even if the “evil rich” (How is it, by the way, that the Clinton’s riches aren’t evil?) paid a mere 10% that would be FIVE MILLION dollars, that is, one hundred times the fifty thousand dollar salary of the teacher, nurse (BTW, what nurse makes that little?)and/or truck driver that Clinton mentions in her comments.

Make no mistake about it, even with lower taxes, the rich, (Those Evil bastards) shoulder the lion’s share (and that of several other large animals) of the nation’s tax burdens. This is just one more misrepresentation of the facts that the Clinton’s are infamous for…

Category: Politics

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Under the current tax code, I don’t know of any way a person who makes income of $50 mill. can pay a lower % than a person making $50K. The highest rate for people making $50K is (as I recall) about 14% below what somebody making $50 mill. pays. Most people who earn $50 mill. earn it through capital gains and securities options. Those fall under different tax rules, but still fall under cap. gains taxes and the AMT which adds up to more than the % of the $50K worker. More gibberish from the class warfare kooks.