Project Veritas video – journalist, not registered to vote, manages to get ballot despite claiming to be Irish
A Project Veritas journalist goes to a voting center in New Jersey. The poll worker initially wasn’t going to give him a ballot based on the information that he provided. Then the other poll worker jumps in and vouches for him. She gets ready to provide him with a ballot.Video Transcript:
New Jersey Poll Worker, Essex County: You voted in the election in January of last year?
Project Veritas Journalist: Uh, the presidential…
New Jersey Poll Worker: And did you register?
Project Veritas Journalist: No, I wasn’t registered either.
New Jersey Poll Worker: Are you registered now?
Project Veritas Journalist: Oh, I never filled anything out, no.
New Jersey Poll Worker: Then I can’t see how you can vote,
Other Poll Worker: No
New Jersey Poll Worker: …because you’re not registered.
Other Poll Worker: No, I remember, I do remember him.
New Jersey Poll Worker: Okay…
Other Poll Worker: Remember, we was allowing anyone to come in.
Other Poll Worker: We was allowing anybody to come in, and they said…
Other Poll Worker: …presidential, that was a presidential, this is a gubernatorial
Project Veritas Journalist: Yeah, during the general they just let us…
NJ Poll Worker: Okay.
Project Veritas Note: NJS 19:4-1. Non-citizens cannot vote or even register to vote.
NJ Poll Worker: I’ll let you fill out completely a ballot now. Whether or not it’s going to be, uh they’re going to count it, I don’t know.
Project Veritas Journalist: …but I don’t know if it works because…
NJ Poll Worker: I does work…
Project Veritas Journalist: …But I’m an Irish citizen, I’m not…
NJ Poll Worker: It doesn’t matter. I mean, are you… Do you have some citizenship here?
Project Veritas Journalist: With the work visa, yeah.
NJ Poll Worker: Listen, we’ll let you do it. They’re figure that out.
Project Veritas Note: NJS 19:34-20. Poll workers may not provide a ballot to someone not entitled to vote.
Voting Laws Broken:
NJS 19:4-1. Non-citizens cannot vote or even register to vote.
NJS 19:34-20. Poll workers may not provide a ballot to someone not entitled to vote.
NJS 19:34-11, 20, & 48. Providing a ballot to someone not entitled to vote is a crime of the third degree, punishable by up to five years imprisonment and up to a $15,000 fine.
Category: Liberals suck
My shocked face looks almost exactly like my blank face.
Yeah this was totally debunked by the New York Times… and Lars … and Congress… and the Clintons. 😛
I like PV but it was a provisional ballot.
Provisional ballots are pretty much the standard for situations like the above. However, he provided enough information for the woman to disqualify him al together.
The poll worker was about to turn him away when the others jumped in and talked about how they just let anybody come in and vote last year.
Notice how she is after she changes her mind. When someone claims to be a foreigner, and is here on a work visa, there’s an excellent chance that this someone isn’t even qualified to vote via provisional ballot.
The journalist started to cast doubts on whether it would work or not, and she continued to process a ballot for him to use.
I agree.
I wonder who the poll worker that jumped in was and what her story might be?
I bet her story is something like “If we let 100 people vote illegally so that just one person isn’t deprived of their vote, then we’ve succeeded.”
True Mason. Their goal was to ensure 100 socialist dem voters voted. They accomplished that.
If the poll workers will let admitted foreign nationals vote, even on a provisional ballot, then it is highly likely those illegal provisional ballots will be counted when needed. I would not be surprised if those 12,000 ballots found in a shitter in New Jersey weren’t all provisional ones for the incumbent D-rat crooks.
Pennsylvania shenanigans in 2021.
The GOVERNOR breaks the law on voting,
and then Gov. Wolf calls it “an honest mistake”.
[“I didn’t show up in person at the polls.
We voted a couple weeks ago, actually,” Wolf said.
“My wife actually dropped it off personally two weeks ago, so it’s there.”
Wolf did not say where his wife dropped off his ballot.
Elizabeth Rementer, a spokesperson for Wolf, said only “it was an honest mistake.”]
(end paste)
Rules for thee, but not for me.
[Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf’s wife dropped off his mail ballot,
violating state election law]
I noticed in 2021 local election results…
The early MAIL IN balloting vote counts are 75-80% for DEMOCRATS,
and accounted for about 25-30% of all votes.
The 70-75% of voters who show up on ELECTION DAY….
are majority REPUBLICAN.
IMHO, if these Dem shenanigans keep up,
the USA would be better off resorting to 3rd world voting practice.
Dipping our finger in the purple dye.
1 person, 1 vote, easily monitored in vastly underdeveloped countries.
A better and more instructive third world method would be to snatch up a bunch of socialist dem poll workers and make them feel great bloody pain, as an example to other criminals like them.
If he’d said he voted for Trump last time, the would’ve refused and called La Migra on him right there.
Once we get internet voting down pat this sort of thing won’t happen.
There won’t be any more ballots, just “fact checking” and “likes”.
Your privacy will be job one. Honest. Have a cookie..
This has Lars bait written all over it. When I see the comment count rise significantly I will know it has worked and he has been furiously pounding out his hate, lies, and misinformation on his keyboard.
And everyone who responds to his drivel is contributing to his paycheck doncha ‘spose?
12K votes found NJ restroom?
Isn’t NJ and restroom synonymous?
Not at the New Jersey beaches and shore towns.
(Ocean City, NJ being the sole exception.)
I grew up in Cape May so I get ya,BUT, they lost me when they started (1980s? (I googled it 1972)yeah I’m old) charging folks to use the beaches and you had to pay for an wear one of those little pin on plastic badges. Fuck that noise.
24 reams of thick stock, that’s roughly a stack of paper 9 feet tall.
It.happens.all.the.time,bro. /s
This shit’s gotta stop or people are going to get hurt. And if/when they ‘get dealt with’ I’m not sure I could muster a fuck to give.
Is this why there was a lag in reporting results, the dems had to figure out how many votes they needed to push Murphy into the win column?
That’s a definite maybe. Or maybe more accurately, a hearty uh-huh.
Somehow, Project Veritas will be made out to be the bad guy.
Ol’ Poe’s of the opinion that ignorance was as much a factor here as corruption.
There should be minimum IQ requirements for poll workers and a demonstrated knowledge of election law and procedures.
But then, that would be RAYCISSS!!!
Voter fraud…it’s the demonrat way.
We don’t have any problems in my little ‘burg…well… not any more. Have had ’em in the past, maybe that’s why we don’t now. Even the relatives of the poll workers have to show an ID, sign the ballot request, and it’s checked before the key card is given to the voter.
Tar. Feathers. Splinter-y Rail. Vote fraudsters.
Some assembly required.
1. This shit never gets old it took a while before I saw the original and that’s even funnier.
2. Can you imagine the cost and the production it took to make this?? I mean the helicopter bit at the end is a nice touch not to mention busting up the house.
IMHO most of NJ Is lovely as a landfill, and cheating at elections? It always seems to be in favor of the D-rats. Happenstance? Coincidence?