People/MLB All-Stars Among Us

| June 12, 2009

I’ll be honest, I can’t even really figure out what this thing is. It’s some thing where you vote for people who do charitable things, and they get something, maybe a trip to the MLB all star game or something. It’s really not all together clear either at the site or from the email I got from Major League Baseball. (That’s the governing body which overseas the sport wherein my beloved Boston Red Sox have now taken 8 straight games against the Evil Empire Soviet Union New York Yankees, but I digress.)

Anyway, I went through each of the nominees, and found four which are military related. Go vote for them if you would:



Category: Support the troops

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I wonder how many of these will vote for us, TSO? We are volunteers, right? Ya know….stand outside main gate and harass CODEStinko’s…that kind of thing.


Ryan Kules was very good friends with Capt. Rob Yllescas, who was WIA in Afghanistan at the end of October 08, and passed away about a month later at Walter Reed. Ryan’s wife set up a site for Dena Yllescas to keep in touch with family and friends. They are all very special people. God bless them. I’m going to vote for Ryan, as soon as I can figure out how.


Here’s another military supporter: Julie Najar under the St Louis Cardinals who founded “A Soldier’s Wish List” in 2004. I voted for her too.