Vet arrested for “threats” against VA and/or President
1stCavRVN11B sends along this story about a West Virginia veteran who was arrested for making, as yet unknown threats;
While the details of Meadows’ alleged actions have not been made public, Shambaugh said that his prior military background may have played somewhat of a role.
“Evidently he had been disgruntled with the Veterans Administration and some other veterans’ organizations. And for whatever reason, it went to the point of him making threats,” Shambaugh said.
“I don’t know the details of his actions, but it must have been credible enough for probable cause for a warrant for whatever he’d said or done,” he said.
When his name was run through the system, Meadows was not found to have any previous history with law enforcement, Shambaugh said.
A SWAT team was assembled and team members met at the sheriff’s office with the agents to conduct a briefing before going to Meadow’s residence, which was located 12 miles south of town, near the Virginia line, he said.
“We took extra precautions because he is a veteran and has had weapons training, so we felt it was better to err on the side of caution,” Shambaugh said.
Now, he may have been a threat for all I know but how many times can you count in that article that they mention he was dangerous and the threat was credible because he’s a veteran? They took him at 1:45 in the afternoon while he was sleeping on his couch on a Thursday. He’s never been arrested before, but they needed a SWAT team?
I’m feeling a little disgruntled myself. Where was the concern while Carlos Bledsoe was buying an SKS under the scrutiny of the FBI?
Bledsoe pleads not guilty today, by the way.
Category: Politics
Whoops, supposed to be here.
Thanks, I will put this up immediately to prove my point that the DHS report was totally overblown.
I bet Pam Gellar and Robert Spencer put him up to this. I even heard one time that this guys second cousin Sally worked for Operation Rescue.
This story underlining the fact that he is a Vet many times in the article is exactly why me and my Congressman have been chatting back and forth. This is why that DHS report was so bad. Sure, it was retracted, but not before the damage was done.
I am so sick of this state run media forwarding this communist bullshit agenda.
I am so proud of my state.
Now we know why the FBI and Federal Agents could be bothered to protect recruiting offices, as they are stretched too thin raiding veteran’s homes and Abortionist’s offices.
Politicians and government weenies are scared of the Vet’s because they know they have pushed the American people to the limit and someday someone will stand up and demand an accounting. Thousands of politicians/weenies will be among the no longer counted, but they will still vote democrat, Chicago style from the graveyard. I’ve predicted this for 25 years, but with no date it will happen. It now appears close to happening.
Well by God if there aren’t enough terrorist already, rest assured the GOV will manufacture them. Anybody seen “STARSHIP TROOPERS” I know it sucked, but it was entertaining. I liked the part about their Government and what it took to be a citizen. Oh my God I,m a RIGHTWING NUT JOB. Amazing the things you find out about yourself @ 0400. I wish I had some Scotch.
If anyone is interested in looking at recent events and then adding them to the pile that Obama has already made, then you will notice that no matter what this President says, his actions still speak loud and clear about what he, and his administration, think of Vets.
I’m still waiting for a statement from him about the murder in Little Rock and how he plans to step up US Marshal security at recruiting centers. Oh, wait, that won’t happen, because the Marshal’s service is busy protecting abortion clinics on Obama’s order.
I know we worked the President over pretty good about not stopping at the US cemetaries, when he was in France the last time, however, I have had time to think about it and come to the conclusion that I don’t want him there. I don’t think he is worthy to step foot on such hallowed ground and be amongst those that he cares not for. Why should he be allowed to give feigned praise to those that sacrificed everything, when he currently is pissing on the boots of todays warriors?
He is not a friend of the military. He is not a friend of Veterans. He has proven it time and again, yet I hear people give excuses as to why he is taking a leak on us. As the old saying goes “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining”.
Well, it looks like Janet is making good on her retracted DHS report. Without proofs or evidence, this vet is accused of a nebulous crime of which he hasn’t even done anything other then speak. And what did he actually say? Who determined that it was actually a threat?
And it took a SWAT team to arrest him.
I think I’ll start sleeping with my pistol under my pillow, just so I’m a little more prepared for when the American Gestapo knocks down my door to attempt to arrest me for nothing.
You or I may be next.
Gee, do ya think if I complained loud enough and made some threats at my local VA that they’d bring the SWAT down on me? I mean, I am a vet, I did have weapons training, I even served during ‘wartime’. Does that automatically make me dangerous?
(medic who spent all her time in garrison, even during Desert Storm)