Follow-up on Keystone Pipeline Stop Work Order

| February 3, 2021

This is a follow-up on the EO that directly canceled any continuing work on the Keystone pipeline.  It has a distinct resemblance to a scorched earth action, in regard to the way it was handled.  The economic impact was not considered at all, any more than the cancellation of new leases for drilling on New Mexico’s federal lands.

The video comes from BHM News.

Pipeline workers were put out of jobs immediately, thanks to Biden’s shut-down order. But the tribes, including the Ute tribe, invested a combined total of $765 millions in the Keystone Pipeline project and they now stand to lose every cent of it, thanks to Biden’s stop-work executive order.

TV news video is here:

The specific report on the effects of the shutdown and stop-work EO  is here at this link:  02:31 Pipeline Workers Speak Out on Job Loss Laid-off workers are speaking out after President Biden canceled the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day in office.

This is not over. Stay tuned.

Category: 2020 Election, Biden, Darwin Awards

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Thank You for sharing the video.

Check out what the Puppet said on 7 November 2020:

From the link:

“The Bible tells us that to everything there is a season — a time to build, a time to reap, a time to sow. And a time to heal.”

“This is the time to heal in America.”


The Puppet WILL reap what he sowed.


It’s a surprise the left wants to keep minorities dependent on the fed? If you allow citizens to provide for themselves next thing you know they are going to start voting in their own interests.


Preach p’man. God forbid that happen. Looks like ol’ Sniff is taking a page from Sherman and Sheridan’s playbook. Take away the livelihood of the Natives and keep them on the reservation. Just issue them more firewater and blankets, they’ll be OK. The Pipeline Company would have been OK if they had of just made sure the Big Guy got his 10%…or they put Hunter on the payroll.

I watched the video, bad move on my part. Blood pressure went up at least 30 points and I can’t do that. I have pretty much quit watching network news of anysort, and just breeze past the headlines on news feeds while searching for FGS or dumb crook/politician articles. I really hate that what I predicted from the domestic enemies of our country happening is…well…happening.

I really, really, really need to shore up and re-enforce that North Wall. Maybe another 12 pounder loaded with double canister will do the trick?


They have a solid argument. Tribal lands are not Federal. Biden overstepped and put his foot on their neck.


I could only articles about it in the conservative media such a well written piece in the Washington Examiner. There is conservative media out there if you look for it. But they are in the minority.


Saw an interview somewhere over the week-end of a few vendors in the area. Workers checked out of their hotels/residences the day of the EO. Mass move outs across the region. Funny how that happens – when the pay stops so does the spending.

The economic impact upon the region is huge. Restaurants, shoe stores, barber shops, all the suppliers, just about everything lost customers. Maybe they should have seen it coming, but how exactly were they to prepare for it?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist

Q: Being Tribal lands, are they not supposed to be sovereign unto themselves? Not directly under FedGov control? If any of the XL pipeline crosses Indian lands, can’t it be continued, but with the tribes as paymaster instead of FedGov?
Just asking……….and I’m ALL about getting out from under the FedGov thumb.

if the pipeline doesn’t connect to anything, you are spending a ton of manpower and money on nothing. No interconnected tribal path from beginning to end.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I don’t feel sorry for the workers that voted for their new Fuhrer, and with one stroke of the pen lost their jobs. Earlier this morning, WFTL 850 AM news on my radio mentioned that a number of demoRats in the pipeline districts are not happy about the pipeline ending. Maybe they are worried what will happen to them in 2022.


Ex: Check this out: “John Kerry Took Private Jet To Iceland For Environmental Award, Called It ‘Only Choice For Somebody Like Me'” “President Biden’s recently appointed climate czar, John Kerry, took a private jet to Iceland in 2019 to receive the Arctic Circle award for climate leadership…” “Kerry defended his high-pollution ride at the time, calling it “the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle”…The incident had not been previously reported in the American press.” “Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, who led the Arctic Circle Roundtable, criticized Kerry for traveling to the event via private jet…” “Kerry received the award, which took the form of an iceberg sculpture, for being “a consistent voice pressuring the American authorities to commit to tackle environmental matters,”…” Icelandic reporter Jóhann Bjarni Kolbeinsson confronted Kerry at the event over his choice of transportation, asking: “I understand that you came here with a private jet. Is that an environmental way to travel?” “Kerry responded by claiming that it was the only way. “If you offset your carbon — it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle,” Kerry said.” “I negotiated the Paris Accords for the United States,” he added, referring to the multilateral climate agreement signed while he was secretary of state under President Obama.” “I’ve been involved with this fight for years. I negotiated with [Chinese] President Xi to bring President Xi to the table so we could get Paris. And, I believe, the time it takes me to get somewhere, I can’t sail across the ocean. I have to fly, meet with people and get things done,” Kerry said, sidestepping the fact that he chose a private jet over a commercial flight.” “But, what I’m doing, almost full time,” he continued, “is working to win the battle on climate change, and in the end, if I offset and contribute my life to do this, I’m not going to be put on the defensive.” “Private jets have been estimated to emit upward of 40 times as much carbon per… Read more »


Oh, the Irony….

“H.J. Heinz Company in Pittsburgh”

“Heinz became well-known for how fairly he treated his employees. He treated his employees the way he wished to be treated, often providing them with conditions that were better than the employees enjoyed in their own homes. His mother’s favorite life rule was, “Always remember to place yourself in the other person’s shoes.”



Such an insufferable prick.


Since everything is now green, he needs to break out the Schooner, and begin to do his travels around the world in that.
while he’s at it, break out the old 6 horse stage coach or other wagon and begin his travels. Practice what you preach!


Heard someone say the Senate of Satan and the House of Horrors, it does go good with Emperor Bi-Dung(Two-Shits) of the District of China.

Banana Republicans and DemonRats, the Country is in good hands…