Victimhood Is Addictive, Y’Know
Liberalism is diagnosed as a personality disorder? Well, it’s about time. The article really does speak for itself. Enjoy it.
From the article:
A new study has defined the tendency for some individuals to see themselves as victims, including in seemingly harmless exchanges, often leading to a desire for revenge against those who wronged them and a sense of entitlement, numerous sources reported.
Psychologists have identified “how a person’s interpretation of social transgressions can inform feelings of victimhood and lead to revenge behaviors.”
Congratulations on our diagnosis, 100% of Twitter users.
— Marty Beckerman (@martybeckerman) December 10, 2020 – article
So now you should have an idea, even if somewhat vague, of what it takes to become an adult spoiled brat who finds everything offensive and goes online to let everyone know how offended s/he/it is. The shrinks are connecting it partly to online social media.
Not sure how to cure this problem, which seems to be a generational thing, but perhaps a complete collapse of civilization would be good for them, meaning they’d have to figure out how to build shelters, make their own clothing, do without personal bathrooms (never mind daily shower), do their own cooking instead of nuking everything in the microwave, and feeling genuinely hungry because there are no stores to go to any more.
Why do you all think I spend so much time referencing old cookbooks and watching those 18th-century revival videos? I found a really cool video of some people who made atl-atls (spear chukkers, to assist and increase speed and thrust of the spear) to find out whether or not they were really worth the bother. (They were.) If any of you are interested in spear point and arrowhead knapping, that’s got a huge population of people who do it for the love of it, and yes, you can hunt the red deer with those points, and even bring down a mammoth if you can find one.
The point is that self-sufficiency is not dead, but there’s an entire population group of people coming into adulthood who have had everything done for them and are used to having everything they want, and can’t abide it when they are told not just ‘No’, but ‘Hell, no!”
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"
It’s all fun and games until the internet goes out and the grocery store is not restocked.
Do you have any idea how peaceful it is in my little house when I shut off the ‘net and just focus on writing something entertaining?
The clutter and squawking on the ‘net these days, the ‘look at me’ pandering (never mind the tantrums) are enough to put any sane person off that facility.
Considering everything, it’s a pleasure for me when I turn off that stuff, but for those addicted to it, withdrawal is more painful than a splinter in their behinds.
I dropped Fox news so now the only online news I go to (every now and then) is the Jerusalem Post which I find pretty well done.
Not having news blasted at me all the time has not hurt me in the slightest – and one could argue for the converse.
People today can’t believe I don’t have Facebook, Twitter or TikTok.
I don’t either. I have LinkedIn but I’ve whittled down my feed to only be professional and interesting things and not family or politics.
When FaceBook first hit the scene I eventually got as account (c. 2008). I had it about two weeks when I got a friend request from a female corporal from my office who had just gotten out. I deleted my account forthwith.
No longer watch news – only local. Teleworking so on computer but don’t do FB, ticTac, tweeter or anything else. It is me, work and 3000 albums cranking throughout the house (until my wife comes home)
“An initial three studies established the [Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood] as a consistent and stable trait that involves four dimensions: moral elitism, a lack of empathy, the need for recognition, and rumination.”
I sympathize with the last part of the dimensions, as in: I ruminate about what’ll happen to these poor fools if the string of comforts are pulled from their security blankie.
Great post as usual Ex, and speaking of nuking everything in the microwave, I just finished the other half of the first bag out of 3 bags of your penne/sausage. Also have a 16 OZ bag of mild sausage in a vacumme bag in the reefer freezer waiting to be cooked.
I can post that recipe again, if you want, JeffLPH. It is the right kind of dish for this time of year.
Pairs well with a modest white wine (or iced tea), and a good book.
I have your penne/sausage recipe on the reefer but I don’t read it because I know it by heart.
“Not sure how to cure this problem”.
Bitch slap.
Yeppers! Way yonder too many of them never had to go out and cut their own switch off the Peach or Weeping Willow Tree…and it shows.
That’s why you need to keep your pimp hand strong.
I think I have a touch of the TIV officer! I needs my internet fix! There has to be someone on YouTube that caught the Tweet out last night about how dead Facebook is and for ol’ timers who can’t make it on the Snap Chat, Tik-Tok, or WhatsApp.
If only I can get the boat out of the yard or find some ammo to practice my plinking… you know you can’t even find CO2 these days! Guess I will have to get a pump action Pellet popper because the next thing to go will be Scuba Tanks to refill the PCP rifle.
I saw this and was intrigued. You may need either a subscription or university access to read the research, which I have, but trust me they are fascinating. Creating quite the buzz across cultures and disciplines due to well executed, generalizable, empirically supported and validated constructs. I love it when science catches up to common sense.
That is good to know. And we have been warned now, re: what to expect when it’s every man for himself….
Just get out of their way. 🙂
yeah, we’ve been warned and some have been sounding that warning for a while now. Maybe this means someone, somewhere is starting to listen?
One other point – the “disorder” is not correctly named as a central feature is the justification for aggression, including physical.
I’ve truly been baffled how it could be seen as justified to burn down and destroy other people’s property. This explains it…the fact that property is not theirs is a symbol of their perceived victimhood, and it’s destruction is therefore justified. Same thinking about why it is okay, good, even just to call other people racist, deplorable, etc. Your mere existence is the offense and proof of their victimization, therefore whatever is said or done to you is just and deserved.
The fact this is a common enough perspective and personality dysfunction to warrant creation of a “name” is what is truly scary.
They want. Others have.
Now others don’t.
I used to LOVE Bloom County. It was witty and pretty even-handed as far as it’s political commentary was concerned. Senator Bedfellow, for example, was a stand in for all weaselly politicians on both sides. It started when I was 8 and had a good run through near the end of high school (1989 is when it ended). I was pretty conservative even back then and noticed that the author had a left lean to him. That didn’t bother me, however, because, as I said, it was pretty even handed. Toward the end of the run, however, he picked up animal rights as cause and it just became overtly political – and less funny as a result. It really began to disappoint.
I see a lot of parallels to today where comedy used to be about pointing out how dumb humans can be to being about how dumb the right is. It is disappointing.
Berkeley Breathed started BC again in 2015. I started reading it hoping it would be funny still. I was disappointed yet again. It was all about how Trump was awful without any awareness of how ridiculous the left is. Look, there is plenty to make fun of about Trump. When you make kids is cages jokes, however, (I don’t know if BC did this, it’s just an example that comes to mind) it isn’t funny because it didn’t happen. Isn’t there enough stuff that really happened that can be made fun of? If Trump is the buffoon the left thinks he is, they shouldn’t have to make up anything ever.
Here is a classic from 1982. Truly Timeless. . .
That “classic” was predictive of the future…
By the way Ex, I didn’t know they made videos in the 18th Century…😜
“videos in the 18th Century”
Ha, ha – missed that! Must have used top-loader VCRs back then.
Much like “Pogo” was.
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Oh, they had everything we have, Poe. They just didn’t turn it all into political crap. 🙂
You should see the Elizabethan videos, too. Really socks it to the world.
Unfortunately, there are a great many 20 and 30 something males that are incapable of doing the most basic mechanical things, like changing a tire or spark-plugs on a car. My dad liked to say he could fix anything but a broken heart. Because of him, I have repaired washing machines, dryers, and many other appliances that had rather simple malfunctions that could be fixed by replacing a failed part. Although I am no gunsmith, I have repaired some of my antique pistols; and I made one piece grips for several of my Colt SAA’s out of ivory and black walnut. But then, I have trouble getting the flashlight function to come on or turn off on my IPhone.
Hear that rgr769. I can repair a lot of stuff, take care of my firearms, do capital budgets, cut firewood, build patios, paint walls, but that light on the cell phone eludes me.
There’s a flashlight on it? Does it have a red filter for tunnel rat uses? /s/
The lack of basic hand tool use is all over. During the interview process back in ’99 to hire on with the phone factory, part of the test was match the tool to the hardware…then demonstrate how it worked. I looked at the interviewer and asked, “You kidding, Right?” No I’m not was his reply. I watched some of the applicants for awhile and just shook my head. Over 1/2 were rejected cause they literally did not know how to use a hammer,screwdriver, wrench, or socket set. Funniest part was when one of them was given a crescent wrench. Gotten a lot worse since then.
Yeah, when I die a lot of tools and reloading equipment’s gonna go to waste…
Well if you need a good charity to donate them too…. I’d be happy to provide an address… lol
The lack of basic human living skills is just staggering, isn’t it. As a lawyer, I did my own taxes manually with a pencil and a calculator until about nine years ago when I started using Turbo Tax. I figured if that corruptocrat D-rat Secretary of the Treasury could get away with tax cheating by blaming Turbo Tax, I could use that excuse as well, if needed.
Shit gets real when you have no real skills, on the north 40, hot/cold sucks, no help, no pussy, no beer/ booze or resources except a tool bag, flashlight and some random supplies.
Creativity is an art. So is accelerated learning.
So many college age snowflakes SAY that they’re going to start a revolution while they can’t even start a lawnmower!
Funny how all of these butthurt panty wastes are always talking about “sharing” but never seem interested in “sharing” any work.
Oh well, when it all collapses and that which cannot be sustained collapses, I’ll be over here laughing my ass off at those who can’t even tie their own shoes.
It’s because those low-speed little snowflakes don’t produce anything to share. Work is beneath them, it’s for the uneducated, unwashed masses. When they say “share” they mean “gimme gimme”.
You can look at what happened in the Portland CHAZ to see how quickly shit went downhill.
NO real skills at all in that mess, the snowflakes were putting dirt expecting THAT to grow food…
They want. Others have.
Now others don’t.
I’m always butthurt… and “massaging” my “empiric data”.
rgr769 says, “Unfortunately, there are a great many 20 and 30 something males that are incapable of doing the most basic mechanical things, like changing a tire or spark-plugs on a car.”
Fortunately, those are the kinds who make up ANTIFA and other radical leftist groups for the most part, a bunch of unskilled soi boys who think they are a match for the masses of skilled working class types who populate our side of the political spectrum.
Sure, there are exceptions as Lars will be quick to point out, but the days of the working class being on the side of the leftist revolution are mostly a thing of the past. Even many labor unionists are no longer in their corner, police unions being the most glaring example.
Add to that their undisciplined behavioral habits and they do not present an image that instills much trepidation. Yet they are the ones full of sound and fury, an attitude that does not bode well for them, I fear.
Personal responsibility is “oppressive” for them. (My only question about the whiny f*ckers is whether they would’ve had us speaking Russian or German for job security if things had been their call.)
It’s -their- job to make demands.
It’s everyone else’s job to -fulfill- those demands.
In other words, they are large two-year-olds.
Tizzy: tiz·zy / tizē / noun /a state of nervous excitement or agitation.
Ex. “He got into a tizzy and was talking absolute nonsense.”
Tivvy: tiv·vy / tivē / noun / a state of expressive victimhood in which a spoiled child of society fails to get their exact way and therefore must lash out at everyone who’s ideas are not in line with their own.
Ex. “They were in such a tivvy, after being corrected by an actual informed individual, that it took a team of horses to get the massive knot out of their panties.”
Well if you need a good charity to donate them too…. I’d be happy to provide an address… lol
Those who can’t, do Marxism.
So, if this gets added to the DSM as a diagnosis does that mean the left is officially crazy?
We need a good researcher to find out if this guy is a veteran as claimed –
“Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood (TIV)” is co-morbid with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).