Chuck Yeager, 97, Departs the Fix

| December 8, 2020

Brigadier General Charles Elwood Yeager

“The Fastest Man Alive” who first broke the sound barrier has passed.

His wife Victoria Yeager, announced, “It is w/ profound sorrow, I must tell you that my life love General Chuck Yeager passed just before 9pm ET,” she wrote. “An incredible life well lived, America’s greatest Pilot, & a legacy of strength, adventure, & patriotism will be remembered forever.”

The WWII fighter ace and test pilot is famed for first breaking the sound barrier, Mach 1, over the Mojave desert in 1947.

‘Right Stuff’ Pilot Legend Chuck Yeager Dies at 97

Chuck Yeager, the groundbreaking test pilot with “the right stuff” who first broke the sound barrier, has died at age 97.

His wife Victoria Yeager, announced the famed pilot’s death on Yeager’s Twitter page.

“It is w/ profound sorrow, I must tell you that my life love General Chuck Yeager passed just before 9pm ET,” she wrote. “An incredible life well lived, America’s greatest Pilot, & a legacy of strength, adventure, & patriotism will be remembered forever.”

Yeager was a flying ace in the Air Force during World War II and later set records that included becoming the first to break the sound barrier, in 1947 over the Mojave Desert.

Much of his test work also contributed to the development of the nation’s space program and he was featured in “The Right Stuff,” the book and film about the first astronauts.

Victoria Yeager did not specify the cause of her husband’s death.

Read he rest of the article here: Newsmax
Fair winds and following seas, General.

Category: Air Force, Blue Skies, Valor

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Rip General

Also, he stared out in the Army Air Corps. So fuck off Airforce, we’re claiming him as one of our own.

Sgt. Milkbone. o7


“So fuck off Airforce, we’re claiming him as one of our own.”

Nice 🙂

5th/77th FA

Yepper, we will! Before they became Aerial Artillery Platforms Army Aviators were Artillerymen turned Flagwavers that acted as forward observers for putting iron, later steel on target. Rememner, it was the ARMY of the Potomac, and the ARMY of Northern Virginia that FIRST launched the Balloon Corps. And it was ARMY of Northern Virginia Troops that FIRST put a Balloon on a Confederate Riverboat to watch over the Potomac.

Godspeed and Farewell BG Chuck Yeager. A true Hero to us all. Thank You for your Service to our Country.

The Stranger

You know I can claim him…Air Force and Army, here. Rest well, BG Yeager. Truly a sad day.


Rest In Peace Chuck Yeager.


Soaring above the clouds.


I actually met him a couple of times at the “First Flight Society” at the annual meeting each Dec.17th in Kill Devil Hills NC. The first time being after a couple of drinks I followed him into the Head. (He He He)


I actually met him a couple of times at the “First Flight Society” at the annual meeting each Dec.17th in Kill Devil Hills NC. The first time being after a couple of drinks I followed him into the Head. (He He He) Wait a minute, that didn’t sound right


A hero lost.


I remember seeing “The Right Stuff” in the theater and must have watched dozens of times in my youth (wore that VHS tape out). He was one of the first heroes outside my family that I can remember. I recall looking him up about 10ish years ago and thinking “Wow! That tough old bastard’s still alive!”. The world seems less today. I tried to think of “less what”, but just don’t have the words. Just less.

Godspeed, sir. You’ve earned your rest.


Never met a plane he couldn’t fly…

Catch the tailwind, General.

Mild Bill

He could fly it came in.

Mild Bill

Fly the BOX it came in.

Bubblehead Ray

I read his autobiography before I ever saw The Right Stuff. His skill and raw guts were an inspiration to every person who’s ever put on a uniform. Sad day.

Fair Winds and Following Seas


Thank you General.
Thank you so very much.

Green Thumb

I read his biography.

Quite the man.

Rest well, Sir.


You may be cool. But you’ll never be Chuck Yeager breaking the “sound barrier” cool:

“Hey Ridley!” “Make another note. There’s something wrong with this Machmeter. It’s gone completely screwy!”

The Stranger

You may be cool, but you’ll never be Chuck Yeager flying a P-51 and shooting down a Me-262 cool.




Did it with some busted up ribs no less!


RIP, General. There must be a Pancho Barnes place across the rainbow bridge.

Steve 1371

I believe it was 6th grade when I read about him being launched from the underside of a wing of a B-52? in the X15. That was many moons ago! Man loved a hairy ride!
He is well on his way now on the ultimate ride of his life. Onward and upward to Heaven.

Drag Racing Maniac

He was launched from a B-29.

Drag Racing Maniac

Never mind… I should read the comments more carefully before commenting. Stupid, stupid, stupid…


Looked upon by many as America’s first astronaut. That really works.

Met him a few times over the years. Always an arrogant prick – a title well earned and in his case a supreme compliment. Anything less just makes no sense at all.

RIP, sir.


My dad met him a few times, had much the same reaction. His description went something like “arrogant, cranky, no time for authority or chickenshit, no leadership skills or desire to lead, sumbitch could fly the wings off of anything and tell you how to make it fly better, and that’s the only thing that kept the Air Force from kicking him out. Bad PR”. He respected the hell out of Yeager.

Fred A.

I generally don’t speak ill of one who has passed on, but I met Gen. Yeager several times at Edwards AFB during his annual first “sonic boom” flight. Nice enough guy until the cameras went away and then his arrogant prick showed up towards the little people around him.

I worked at Edwards for 19 years and his demeanor was always the same.

The man could fly literally anything and his records are numerous and well deserved. He was a ballsy bastard and his reputation is well earned. But he didn’t think much of those that prepped and maintained the aircraft he flew.

The Other Whitey


Aviators like him are a unique breed. I doubt his like will ever be seen again.


Rest Well warrior

A Epic Record that speaks for its self

AW1 Rod

A life well-lived, indeed.


So long Sir. You were always one of my heroes. West Virginia’s First Son.