Highest Military Rank – General “D”

| November 18, 2020

In the Stolen Valor section of reddit, they introduce a man found on a park bench in Washington, D.C. and, well, uh… I think he speaks about himself in a way that I never could.  So, here is “General ‘D'”…


. . .

There is no indication that this was staged or a spoof video, but that’s always a possibility.

What is truly amazing is the confidence that this man displays when talking about his military credentials. He has obviously thought it all through.

Category: Army Poser, Marine Corps Poser, Valor Vultures

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Sitting on a park bench,

Eying purple hearts with bad intent


Looks like one of the walking wounded in the War on Drugs.

“I caddied for the Dalai Lama… the Dalai Lama, man!”

Green Thumb

I love the suicide vest…

Daisy Cutter

“The military won’t pay me right.”

“The military won’t work with me right.”

I feel ya, man.


Mentally ill, no tick mark on the FY21 Valor Vultures Tote Board for him.

Truly sad to be out in the general populace all alone like that.

Doc Savage


He needs help.


I think it’s called “Dunning -Kruger”.

5th/77th FA

Poor fellow, don’t believe his cornbread is baked all the way thru. Bless his heart. Wonder how many folks in this situation could have been helped with all the money spent on painting streets lately?


But, painting streets is so “woke”. That makes it far more important than helping people.

Keepin' It Real

Yet another example of The Man keeping you down.

The Man

Hey! Leave me out of it. It’s all him.

Green Thumb

He actually sounds a lot tighter that The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics).

Green Thumb

I imagined he was trained at All-Points Logistics.

Hence him sitting on a park bench and delevering his educational lecture.

Green Thumb

But then again, maybe he was referencing one of their (All-Points Logistics) leadership training videos: “The Empire Strikes Back”. Fairly standard professional development in heir organization.

In that particular video, they did have a “General Billy D.”.

Just saying.


Could this be the same nutjob?
Same name, identical.
Gen. Vincent Diaz, Jr.
A long string of nutzo videos on YouBoob.
Places himself at “National Mall” on this vid.
Complexion doesn’t quite match up with the featured video above, though.
Are there 2 General Vincent Diaz Jr. types lurking around D.C?
Ugh, these nuts.


Guardians of the Green Beret website is DOWN.
A glitch, down for maintenance, or something more?


Back up, 12 hours later.
As you were.


Uh oh,
the nutzo General (Victor) D(iaz Jr.) is on Twitter, too…..
and his twits seem to link it all together.
The badges, the claims, and the hoodoo.

Only Army Mom

This looks like a room in some kind of … facility. In case you wanted to know, this (and the guy in the OP vid) are what schizophrenia look like. Even medicated, this is how it frequently presents. Generally harmless. And happy in their own alternate universe.

It’s sad, and as others have said, no SV fire mission deserved or appropriate for either.


Only Army Mom,
Unless he’s panhandling, begging, or pickpocketing D.C tourists.
That’s the M.O. in Atlantic City, NJ,
on and off the boardwalk.
They are ALL wearing black and yellow Vietnam Veteran caps.


I have a friend who has PS. Not as bad as this–he can hold down a job, but still a bit spooky. Hell of a nice guy, though.

On the other hand, there is a lot of stuff on television & the internet that sounds a lot like this from supposedly sane and well-adjusted people.

RGR 4-78

Kind of sounds like James Belushi when he is acting a part.


Or his brother John:

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like he did to much LDS at Berkeley, someone name the movie that came from!

The Stranger

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

MI Ranger

Is that Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) or Lysergic acid Diethylamide (LSD)?
Was that where Spock was being all moody?


Issues. Man got issues.

Prior Service

Well, we know cuts are coming at DoD under Biden so we can start by firing all the joint chiefs and replacing them with Big D here.


“I was under cover”

So was I until about an hour ago.

RGR 4-78

So, if General D is an Undercover Cop at an orgy, where does he hide the badge?

Top W Kone

I feel sad for this guy. He has problems with his reality.

I meet people like this in my job (paramedic) and they are missing a connection to reality

While it is stolen valor, it’s more the stolen valor of a five year old wanting to be like others in the only way they can figure out.

Just very sad.


Yep, his delusions are real…


Wait ’til he creates all the OERs he has to do.


Biden’s Chief of Staff selection.


Has to be a spoof video.


Check his YouTube channel.
Over 100 videos in the past year.

Daisy Cutter

I have voices in my head but the real problem is that they don’t always agree with each other.


I really hate it when the voices in my head go silent. I never know what they are planning.


It’s quiet… too quiet.


I just poke them with a Q-tip until they stop.

NR Pax

Honestly, I’m feeling bad for the dude. He and reality had a bad breakup and she took all his stuff on the way out.

The Stranger

A little something from back in the day:


The Stranger,
A little something from last week.
Nutzo Gen. D. Jr. is likely already lip synching to this.

Good news,
It’s really cool stuff,
and a comeback with a new CD in 2020
is especially notable.
Thumbs up, Ang.
RIP Mal.


A possible whopper of a new MP/VG Stolen Valor story on the way.
Paste from a concerned female relative in a FakeBook group:
[He was special forces in Viet Nam, but:
This individual claims
POW VietNam
2 bronze stars
silver star
7 Purple Hearts
He is an member of my extended family
and I can’t find any verification of anything.]

I referred her to this link.
I hope she sends it in, quickly.


MarineDad61: if he’s alive today and is not listed on one of these lists, he is not recognized by DoD as having been held as a POW in SE Asia.



FWIW: these lists respectively include those who were MIA in SE Asia but were later accounted for (e.g., came back in a box vice alive) and those still unaccounted for (includes KIA/body not recovered and presumptive fining of death status):




This guy has academic potential, could be a professor of liberal logic or maybe even sociology.

More credibility than John Fonda-Kerry and Senator Blumenthal, combined.

RGR 4-78

Pick any bum at the local bus stop and they will have more credibility that Skerry Kerry or Da Nang Dick.

Hack Stone

This guy is definitely All Points Logistics material. Just the caliber of man that Phil Monkress needs to head up the Reston VA office.


Guy’s gotas much gas in his brain as a Bernath plane gas tank…..


Nope, total spoof.

Watched way too many of these to not know the difference.