More on the $17B in cuts
In reference to the post I wrote last night about Obama being so proud of his $17 billion in spending cuts, Don Carl sent me a link to a CBS Hotsheet article yesterday in which they report that Obama was telling the press corps how they should write the story for him;
In his remarks today, the president sought to change that tenor of that coverage. He mocked the notion that smaller savings are considered “trivial” in Washington and stressed that “these savings, large and small, add up.”
And he told journalists directly that they should stress the fact that the cuts are “significant” – a surprisingly direct appeal to reporters concerning which angle they should take in their coverage.
“It is important, though, for all of you, as you’re writing up these stories, to recognize that $17 billion taken out of our discretionary, non-defense budget, as well as portions of our defense budget, are significant,” he said. “They mean something.”
Of course, quick scan of the reports tells me that the media did do that as far as writing their headlines, forcing us to read the actual articles. Not that it really matters, anyway. The Washington Post writes that Obama’s party-mates are pretty much opposed to any spending cuts, anyway;
The news releases began flying as Obama unveiled the long-awaited details of his $3.4 trillion spending plan, including a list of programs he wants to trim or eliminate. Though the proposed reductions represent just one-half of 1 percent of next year’s budget, the swift protest was a precursor of the battle Obama will face within his own party to control spending and rein in a budget deficit projected to exceed $1.2 trillion next year.
So much for campaign promises, huh? The Democrats need spending to buy patronage, just like the massive spending they’re doing on veterans’ benefits – they’re trying to overcome years of abuse towards veterans and the troops by paying us off. That’s fine, they can do that, I’m grateful, but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck
How in the Hell is this not front page news? Where is the friggin outrage that would have ensued had a republican city councilman in Fresno suggested this? The President of the United States TOLD reporters HOW to report something, and from what I can see, no one gives a shit.
Your answer is in your own question. He told them how to report, they followed orders. It’s not front page news because those same folks don’t want it to be.
I get that, Spade, but, damn it, I’m about to start channeling Sam Kinison here.
The killer is that even the right-o-sphere can’t get on the same page about any of these things and just ignores most of them as much/asreadily as the MSM does.