The Plague’s the Thing….

| August 11, 2020

Yes, I do feed the birds in winter, and yes, they know I do and line up for it like Marines looking for chow. And while those sparrows don’t do a whole lot of migrating to warmer climes when the snow flies, there are plenty of birds that do take that trip in flocks so vast that they can block out the sun.

That’s also true of bugs. Swarms of locusts are being picked up on radar, so vast that they appear to be approaching rainstorms. It isn’t the first time this has happened, but it does appear to be on the increase.  The desert locust upsurge, as it is being labeled, is attracting the kind of attention that worried Pharaoh (a/k/a Ramses III) when Moses was trying to pry the Israelites loose from his employment schemes.

From the article:  In June of 2020, in addition to the devastating COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter protests, a remote sensing analyst named Raj Bhagat observed an odd signal on India’s weather radar. What appeared to be rain moving southwest, turned out to be a massive locust swarm.

Prior to this weird anomaly, earlier in the year smaller clusters of locusts had begun to ravage crops and people’s livelihood in India. Bhagat works at the World Resources Institute India and stated the new clusters and timeline in the city of Lucknow “were perfectly matching.” –

The idea of using remote sensing technologies like radar to spy on locust swarms is not new. A 1955 letter in the journal Nature reported the first such sighting on British naval radar the previous year. HMS Wild Goose had detected a humongous 48-kilometer-wide swarm of desert locusts flying over the Persian Gulf. (48 kilometers will equal just under 30 miles wide. That’s one big swarm of bugs.)

Bhagat says he thinks his sightings are the first weather radar detections of locusts in India, though his observations haven’t been confirmed yet. Ryan Neely III, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Leeds in the U.K., is building a specialized system to do the same kind of analysis. It is absolutely possible to use weather radar to spot the insects, he says. They are, after all, not that dissimilar from large raindrops. – article

Are there plagues at work here? Anyone got an answer? Anyone? Bueller?

This Time magazine article puts some science into the mix, since the Israelites left Egypt at or near the end of the Bronze Age and the pestilences described in the Old Testament coincide with archaeological evidence from that period.

The thing is, if we’re facing those plagues again, so far, we haven’t had a whole lot of stuff going on other than locusts and disease-carrying mosquitoes, and a few volcanoes going off here and there. So far, no red algae to poison the water, either. No swarms of frogs running amok through grocery stores (they’d be after the bugs anyway), and no wild animals roaming the streets unless you want to count the coyotes and the looters and pillagers plaguing us right now. (Pun intended.)  Pestilence: well, we do have the coronavirus and the flu, both of which can do some damage, but the livestock aren’t affected by either of those. I’d be more concerned about migratory birds being killed off by wind turbine blades. We have had the whole meme about first-born being killed off every time we’ve gone to war lately. Quakes? Yes, we’ve had a few spectacular versions of that lately.

We’re living on a live, active planet with a mind of its own, so in regard to volcanoes, the entire East African rift zone is alive, active and every now and then gives the east coast of that continent a jolt. And Erta Alé is a volcano in the Danakil Depression that is directly connected to the roiling, molten interior of the Earth. That’s what the real problem is. Kilimanjaro is an active volcano on that rift zone; she’s quiet right now, but occasionally she sends up a few releases of visible gases to let us mere mortals know that she can blow her stack any time she wants to. But that isn’t the only volcanic activity going on.  The South Pacific and the Indonesian islands are also tossing their fair share of particulates into the atmosphere.  Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatoa) has been rebuilding for over a decade and erupts repeatedly. Iceland’s volcanoes are all alive and well, and regularly erupt, but those descendants of the Vikings know how to deal with it.  And after all, according to the Gilgamesh cycle, on Tablet Ten, there is a description of a massive tidal wave’s damage that perfectly matches the damage from the tidal wave that occurred with the Honshu quake on Japan’s northern island. Every now and then, Mt. Rainier rattles, as does Kilimanjaro.  Anyone besides me wonder what would happen with those rioters in Seattle if Mt. Rainier decided  to burp good and hard? If a whole bunch of volcanoes decided to erupt at the same time, the volume of gasses and particulates from ash vented into the upper atmosphere could literally shut off sunlight until the weather cycles precipitate it out.

So maybe all those destructive riots and pillaging episodes are just another symptom of a greater issue, one that needs to be more closely examined.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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FWIW, the same God who sent the plagues on Pharaoh is still in charge, and His Providence is always good – even if uncomfortable for us from time to time.

5th/77th FA

Testify Graybeard! Sometimes the Trials and Tribulations are just His way of testing us…or showing He’s pissed off. Or to prove that the Devil is steady working too.

All we can do sometimes is to follow the advice the BG Lewis Armistead always gave; “Trust on God and fear nothing.”

Pompeii found out the hard way about “burping mountains.” Just as Sodom and Gomorrah found out the hard way of His Wrath. Right now there are a lot of asses we could get a jawbone from…and I don’t mean the 4 legged type, tho they do self identify as democrat donkeys.

Green Thumb

One of my old 1SG’s used to always plant grass seeds around the company (I never really understood senior NCO’s preoccupation with grass).

He never understood why it did not grow. So 2LT here pointed out that the damn pigeons keep eating all of it. That would also explain the enormous amount of bird droppings all over the sidewalk and cars (he used to get upset about that, too).

The pigeons were so fat that really had a hard time taking flight. They used to get a running start like a turkey or an airplane and then, and only then, could they fly.

I recommended that he A) catch a feral cat and let it loose around the company, B) cut back on the grass seed and seeding days or C) stop seeding altogether and order some sod.

See, 2LT’s can frame, deduce and solve problems!


But they can’t find it on a map…😁


That explains all the giant pigeons around military bases. I swear I saw some that were at least as big as a chicken, bordering on small turkey.




Blind squirrel finds a nut …

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman

Q: can the same radar (or maybe another type of radar) that is detecting the locusts increase its power output to cook/kill the locusts in flight, or at least neuter them?
Just a stray random firing synaptic thought.


Not yet. But why would you want to kill them, Woodman? They’re part of the whole “Plague” shtick. Without those bugs, we’ve got – well, nothing to afflict us, right?


Stories from the Great Plains in the 19th century described swarms which turned day into night and were as wide as one could see. If something that large and dense DOESN’T show up on your radar, your parameters badly need to be reset.


Did anybody else survive COVID 1-18?


HH6 and I both had something earlier in the year, but we both got over it.

Then in June one of my step-daughters’ co-workers tested positive for the ‘rona. HH6 was visiting (LA) at the time. After she got home, we got the phone call about exposure.

Both of us tested for antibodies (IgG and IgM). She was negative, I’m still waiting on results.



Wuhan flu will magically end on Nov 4th. (Thanks, Democrats!!)


Not if Trump gets re-elected.