Weekend Open Thread

| August 21, 2020

Someone claimed that we avoided discussing policy, and that there was nothing consistent or coherent in our principles and ideological beliefs. “All we could do was meme”. The reality? We’re effective at both. The right creates the memes based on what the left does… Hence the meme effectiveness. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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5th/77th FA




Slow Joe

Fuck my fuckin life.
I just found out I have BDE staff duty tomorrow because some bitch dropped the ball.

Sarge, do you want to cover for me?

The Stranger


That grilled swordfish and ice cold Yuengling I have planned for this weekend are gonna taste even better after reading that! Some roasted potatoes and maybe a spinach salad…oh yeah! And more Yuengling for afters.

Slow Joe

Very funny…


Behold my beautiful DD-214 blanket, which shields me from bullshit such as this! Gaze upon it, and marvel in it’s glorious glow!


Slow Joe, that’s what you get for making false accusations of cheating when you have no clue what it’s like to plan, call in, and execute a perfect Time On Target Fire Mission…AND for drinking Bud Lite.

We will refrain from making your grunt self a bore brush by shoving a rammer up your azz to clean the tubes of the guns that fired said Fire Mission upon receipt of your most profuse apology.

Now bring me and Pappy a Yuengling and STAY OFF OUR LAWN!!

The Stranger

Hey Bunny of the Gun, I went to the “Likka Sto” and what did I behold? 12-packs of Yuengling Oktoberfest as far as the eye could see! Picked up one of them twelvers and I’m going to do a side by side comparison with Paulaner Oktoberfest, since that is one of the 3 official Munich Oktoberfest beers. All in the interest of Science, of course!


Pappy, you may need a “Research Assistant” to help on that project. You know, second opinion, control group, that sort of thing. I have a thirst for that sort of interesting science.

The Stranger

Sorry. My nephew has that gig. I’ll say, that Paulaner Munchen is good stuff

The Stranger

Ok. So the grilling went well: Mediterranean marinated Swordfish and Atlantic Salmon, Garlic and herb seasoned Halibut, ribeye steak, roasted potatoes with Italian seasoning, and spinach and greens salad with red onion and cherry tomatoes. Good dinner. As for the beer, the Paulaner came out slightly ahead in flavor, but the Yuengling Oktoberfest is damn good and is definitely representative of the style. Plus, it’s less expensive; the Paulaner was good, but not “twice the price” good!


Ahh…I remember those days. Got by for years without duty (recruiting/sheer luck) only to be thrust into CQ/BN/BDE duty at least once a week as a Drill Sergeant. Usually under similar circumstances when someone dropped the ball or scapegoated.

Thanks for reminding me of Army life. I’m in a joint/Army command now and complain if my M-F 0700-1600 (including telework) schedule is disrupted. As for a DD-214 blanket, mine is due to ship in as little as a year.


Why wait for the DD214 Blanket to ship in as little as a year? Go ahead and do this now:

Obtain one each Woobie style DD214 blanket and one each Wet Weather Top. (preferably the zipper type) Go down to the Clothing Sales/GI-oriented custom sewing shop and have the little old ladies in tennis shoes cut/sew the blanket as a liner into the top.

With fall/winter weather coming on, start wearing it all the time. If somebody gives you shit about it and tells you to take it off, turn it inside out and wear it that way./smile

Hack Stone

Hack had to make a run to The Home Despot to pick up a new kitchen faucet. He may have been first if that darn traffic light cooperated.

Slow Joe


Hack Stone

Hack Stone claims Honorary Forst.

Hack Stone

Forst? What the hell is “Forst”? Someone give Hack Stone a Cognitive Test, he certainly isn’t up for the challenge of holding title to First Post Of Weekend Open Thread.


Hack Stone, maybe you need to get some new updated software from that proud but humble woman owned company that sells software to the Federal Government? Or sharpen up your typing finger so it is as pointy as the spapos seagulls head and you won’t hit the o instead of the i? Or here’s a thought. Don’t depend on a wanna be navychiefpettyofficer that claims to be a pile it AND a lawer to deliver your post via his homebuilt aero craft! The only thing that that be nasty person has accomplished is he is still socially distancing at a minus 6 feet AGL.

Green Thumb

I would go with a LT Commander at All-Points Logistics named Phillip Dale Monkress.


C’mon, Man!

You don’t need a cognitive test any more than Joe Biden.


Was that Hildabeast Clinton cackling at the end?

Joe Biden… Bringing the Dem to Dementia!


Oh, don’t be too hard on him. He probably has no idea where he is most of the time. He’ll do whatever he’s told to do, and never question whether it’s right or wrong, beneficial or detrimental, good, bad or ugly.

He’ll just go along to get along.

That’s Joe.

5th/77th FA

Take that d’weeds! You had your one chance Fancy and you let me down! Forgive me for what I do, but if you wanna be FIRST on the Coveted TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread, you gonna have to WORK for it. Been off the net, working at FOB Elizabeth, COP CRC, and recharging the FOO Gas at Hawkins Hill, just came back, opened up and WHOOMP, there it is. I even gave a 10 count before I commented and another 10 count before I hit the Post button. Fire Mission Complete, the King of Battle Remains THE King of FIRST!

Hot Wings, Frittas, and Beverages all around.

I’ll just leave this right here; Ahem…GO ARMY BEAT NAVY!!!

Oh, and lest we forget in Honor of our very own (we have the best) ninja…ROLL TIDE ROLL…HOW ‘BOUT THEM DAWGS…SEC RULES!!!


The hungry was upon me, a trip to the Wendy’s for a Dave’s double with cheese and a large frosty took me away from the possibility.
Congrats to FA tho.
Have a great weekend y’all!
Is AI going to make manned fighters obsolete?
“Heron, a small, female- and minority-owned company with offices in Maryland”…
A’many small, female- and minority-owned programming companies out there with lucrative contacts these days…

Hack Stone

Do they need a Director Of Media Relations?

The Other Whitey

Put a crew on the amtrack.


Now working on the Marines riding it.


Looking very nice brother! I love models about as much as guns.

5th/77th FA

^THIS^!!! Looking good TOW, Tanks for sharing. Have you decided which ones of the TAH Devil Dogs you gonna name them Leathernecks? How about monikers for the Army Dudes? Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe go back thru Mason’s Valor Friday Posts and name the troops for those Heroes?

Hey Sparks, I like Models too! ‘Specially them that work for Victoria…or Sports Illustrated…I even like them that were born with the staple in their belly button.

Combat Historian

Sadly, SI swimwear model edition has gone Uber Woke, and inserted a male tranny model in their current issue. Next issue will probably feature obese and ugly models as well as trannies, all in the name of “diversity” and “empowerment”…


Welp, then SI can go broke, cuz the market for sexual deviants and the ugly and obese is rather limited.

Combat Historian

The ROC Marine Corps on Taiwan is currently the only military force in the world still actively fielding the LVTP-5. It equips two amphibious tractor squadrons, for a total inventory of about fifty vehicles. The Philippines Marine Corps was the only other force using the LVTP-5 in recent years, but it appears those units have been withdrawn from the Philippines MC TOE, probably due to sheer wear and tear and lack of spare parts….


Love the sandbags.

The Other Whitey

Wish I could claim full credit for those, but they’re a resin upgrade set for that kit. All I did was paint & weathering.

I got that resin upgrade set after doing research and learning about the LVTP-5’s floor-mounted gas tanks, and how they reacted poorly to IEDs and land mines. I also remembered Uncle Greg saying something to that effect when I was a kid, but he rarely went into specifics about his time in Vietnam, unless he was talking about something funny.


Good work, TOW.


Even knowing exactly what minute it’ll post I can’t get better than top 10.


Just dropped back by to see who was trying. Car looks so much better without all the crusted dirt…. much to my surprise, there is metallic paint under there and some of the big flat areas are transparent!


FIRST in the hearts and minds of my grandchildren.


I did manage to get out an score 150 rnds of .22LR

Trying to teach the grandkids to shoot w/o ammo is rough. I’m having to limit them to 15-20 rounds per session, but it keeps them in practice – especially in practice with the 4 Rules.

We are looking at 2 tropical storms/hurricanes next week on the Gulf Coast. Plan ahead and be prepared, y’all. I’d still rather face a tropical storm than a (D) mayor like the Beetlejuice-wannabe in Chicago. Just sayin’


Figured you all would get a kick out of watching this dumbass get arrested…



Ah-So, Grasshopper…

But the question is this…

Did YOU get a kick out of it?

Thank You for sharing…I KNEW you had some sense of humor deep in your soul.



Nice outfit it was wearing… Sacks 5th ave??


Secks $5 Alley.


$5,, sounds like Kamara (COWWW-Mar_lLAAA) Harris’s job interview with Willie.


Did they sack 5th Ave. too?


Yes, I thought it was great it was arrested.

Something to consider;

You dislike people like it because of what it does and what you think it represents.

I hate people like it because of what it does and that its public stupidity represents the movements I support in the eyes of half the country. It undermines the credibility of issues and efforts I care deeply about.

So yeah, I was laughing my ass off watching It run and get tackled by the cops.


“I hate people like it because of what it does and that its public stupidity represents the movements I support in the eyes of half the country.”

Far more than half the country if true believers like you find it appalling…


He perfectly represents the movements you support. There are many like him that are welcome in said movements. Maybe you should stop ignoring that.


No, there are not, and they are not welcome. They are seen as obnoxious liabilities that undermine efforts.


In a bit of a switcheroo from not being able to see the forest for the trees, you can’t see the trees that make up your forest.

Ponder that, Short Round…


false. Video each night at 10pm.

You know you are lying. We know you are lying.

So stop lying and try reality for a while. But be warned! Reality will force you to admit that you are betraying your oath.

But, that’s just how you are. Dishonest and dishonored.


Bullshit. I am not even sure what the fhell you are talking about, but I know I am not lying about anything.

I suspect you just drunk posted.


Try excluding the violent problems from your peaceful movement with the same enthusiasm used for the movement. They are countering you, yes? Thus you would oppose them, yes?

Don’t dress like them.

Don’t bear their symbols.

Don’t use their slogans.

Don’t give them cover.

Physically, forcefully if need be, exclude them.

Name and shame them.

Actively hand the violent and the criminal over to the police.

Be actively hostile ground to them if they won’t stay away.

Or, it is very hard to distinguish co-belligerents, and your passivity is acceptance.

King kept his protests orderly, and excluded those seeking violence. He succeeded. He changed things is a very positive way.

The lack of your group -actively- excluding the violent, and you could, indicates acceptance and cooperation. Unless and until this active exclusion occurs, denials will be seen as false.

Oh, what a coincidence again. Again.

You, of all people, are well aware of how to do this. You give no indication of doing so, nor do your associates. We can reasonably assume you would be as vocal with them as us, so they would also have this knowledge.

Your words are mere words. Show us actions. But after three months of “coincidence” , you have a rather difficult task.


That pretty much covers it.


Was that Jamie Farr?


Nope, Farr has talent


Dude’s lucky he wasn’t on Farr…


Needs 5 gallons of gasoline and high pitched screaming


Talk about a weenie roast!


Friend of yours?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If the kids are having trouble with sight alignment, I have a little tip using 3 cardboard strips which I used when training some of the guys when I worked for Brink’s. I got some nice pliable cardboard and compassed a small bullseye on one strip that was wider than the other two strips that represented the front and rear sights. On one of the narrow strips, I cut out the top so it looked like the front sight and I cutout the other piece in the shape of the rear sight. If I remember, I cut out slots in the bullseye strip and ran the front and rear cardboard pieces through them so now it was like a vertical slide rule and I used it to show what angular and parallel shift alignment looked like which affects where the bullet goes into the bullseye. Hopefully it will hope.


Good idea, Jeff!

I have index cards with the proper sight alignments illustrated – one for the standard iron posts, one for the sights with dots (two on rear, one on front). But this may help as well.

I’ve not put them on a scope yet – want to get their pistol skills up to par and work on the kinds of rifles they own first. Not that first granddaughter isn’t already sudden death to possums and coons after her chickens!

2nd granddaughter (4th grade) had her first session yesterday and is going to have to become accustomed to the noise and recoil of a .22LR semi-auto in her little hands. I’ll play on her natural competitiveness with her cousin and we’ll get through that!

A Proud Infidel®™

TOP FORTY and Honorary First once again.


Commissioner Wretched

Well, I’m late again. The new start time of the WOT is something to which I fear I will never adjust. Ah, well … at least I’m here to give you the trivia column for the week. Enjoy! DID YOU KNOW…? How many of the original movie ratings from 1968 still have their original meanings? By Commissioner Wretched Fifty years ago this week, I became a Southerner. Not by birth, which is the only real way one can be a Southerner, but by relocation. My family moved from Chicago to the lovely little town of LaGrange, Georgia. If you are wondering how a family goes from Chicago to LaGrange, it’s because my father was from there, and he was in the Army stationed at Ft. Sheridan outside Chicago when he met my mother. My siblings, both younger than I, are far more established with their Southern-ness than I am, though in the case of my sister it’s all gone by the wayside – she moved back north a long time ago. While the most formative years of my personality were spent in Georgia, I still call Chicago my home town. But I wouldn’t trade the last 50 years for anything. Not even trivia. Did you know … … a Formula One race car generates a tremendous amount of downforce? When a Formula One race car is traveling at 120 miles an hour or more, it generates so much downforce that it can actually drive upside-down on the roof of a tunnel. (Admit it, you just remembered that scene from “Men in Black,” didn’t you?) … there are about 2 million different combinations of sandwiches that can be created from the main menu in a Subway restaurant? (And a lot of them are very tasty!) … Martha Stewart (born 1941) became a billionaire while she was in prison? Stewart was serving time for insider trading when she hit the billion-dollar mark. Sadly, it didn’t last; she’s now worth about $640 million. (Easy come, easy go.) … in the city of Joliet, Illinois, it is actually illegal to mispronounce the city’s name?… Read more »

5th/77th FA

CW, Let me be the FIRST to say Tanks for the Trivia…and to say WSB. I know that you will not only know what that means but also which long time old school AM Radio and later TV station used that for their call letters…and why they chose it.

I’m pretty sure you know about these brave Ladies of your adopted Home Town. And it is a lovely little city.


Commissioner Wretched

As someone who’s spent 44 years in radio in this state, I am well familiar with WSB and what it means. Thank you, my friend!

And the Nancy Harts are legend in my adopted home town … very much so.

Glad you like the trivia!


More toxic ‘leadership’ from a female commander. This gal pinned on a brig gen star while under investigation. Seems like a real charmer.


5th/77th FA

Ahem…Try to keep up! 😉 😀 😛



Well dadgum. Picked a wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Green Thumb

Move her to the Infantry.

Another Female first!

Re-class IN from another service! And then bitch when you get sent packing to HHC because you know jack shit about shoot, move or communicate while running, not flying or playing “simulated” games.

Why not?

The NG is probably thing about it….


Another piece of trivia: J.K. Rowling is no longer a billionaire. She didn’t lose it while sitting in jail. She gave it to charitable causes.

Commissioner Wretched

I actually have that in my “master file” for a future column. Thanks, Ex!


Go for it, Commish! I think there are others besides Rowling and Stewart who disposed of their holdings before they died.

Green Thumb

Good for her.


as Ayn Rand would say…What a waste of good investment capital.

That money could have capitalized investments for businesses and jobs that would have benefited people for generations.

Instead, she simply gave it away like the good socialist she wants others to think she is. In the end, no one will benefit over the long term because the money will simply disappear like a fart in church.


Former Green Beret charged with knowingly providing intelligence to Russian GRU agents:


This happened between 1996-2011, but being an asshole has no statute of limitations. This follows on from the news earlier this week of Alex Ma, an ex-CIA officer, was also charged with spying, this time for China, starting in 2001.


Green Thumb

Fuck this clown.


Burn em both down, HARD! (If convicted of course, as even with such heinous crimes, they still have the presumption of innocence.


FWIW: according to findlaw, espionage has a 10 year statute of limitations. Thankfully.


The Other Whitey

Why, oh why, have we stopped shooting traitors?

Green Thumb

My balls itch.

I need the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) to scratch them.

Lori Benton can watch to make sure there is no sexual harassment.



What? You mean a liberal politician in Seattle realized that shuttering the PD/massive budget cuts without a plan for after is a bad idea?

Of course with every officer who has other options leaving and no one joining, they probably are going to lose those 100 officer positions pretty quickly.


It’s an illusion… they’ll kill the resolution and find another way to do it without so much PR heat coming at them.

BTW – some of those positions that they wanted to do away with are newly hired cops that are minorities…

Green Thumb

My dog just dropped another huge steaming pile of Phil Monkress in my neighbor’s yard.


Looks like they are going to need to increase their monthly landscaping service payment.


By “policy,” left/libtards mean only un-American progressive crap. “Principles” and “coherent ideology” mean what left/libtards want, only.


This is so pathetic, disturbing and sad.

YouTube Video below showing the incident.

You Be The Judge.

“Video Appears To Show MAGA Hat Taken From 7-Year-Old Trump Supporter Outside Biden Acceptance Speech”


Hack Stone

Joe Biden supporters bringing Americans together. You stay classy, DNC.


Another Pantyfa “peaceful protester” released on bail… he’s a winner:


PDX Protest Bail fund is suspected to have helped bail him out… they have raised over $1.3M on GoFundMe to bail “preaceful protesters” out of jail.


Love the Dude’s mugshot and this:

“Blake David Hampe, a 43-year-old w/a child porn conviction”…

43 Years old. Sheesh…

Green Thumb

He should for a spot on Portland’s city council.


Another sad situation involving a young person.

This time, a young boy with autism.

So sad and pathetic.

You Be The Judge.

“Community Raises $20,000 For Service Dog; Now No Dog And No Money”


This is the company out of Virginia:


Here is the news video:

Hack Stone

This guy has some interesting videos. Hack just got done watching this one.

Mustang Major

Agree- good videos from the History Guy. Short and to the point. Mark Felton is also worth following.

Mustang Major

Rainy day here and tired of TV at the moment. Can’t decide if I should work on my almost non-existent music skills, clean a few guns, or wash and wax my car in the garage.

Green Thumb

Working from home today and just looked out the window and saw my dog drop another huge steaming pile of Phil Monkress in my neighbor’s yard.

I will have to go clean it up.

Need to dig deep to find the courage as a steaming pile of Phil Monkress is unbelievably foul and nasty.

Hack Stone

Waiting for the NBA to release a statement saying that the offender will be suspended or fired.
