Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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When I contacted the VFW and American Legion regarding supporting the USAService.org initiative, both groups declined to participate in the National Day of Service, and both stated their organizational charters do not allow them to get involved in national politics or elections.

There are Democrats that are recipients of the Medal of Honor.

I think the Republican party has controlled military service organizations way too long. Perhaps next time, Democrats will have the same courtesy as is afforded Republicans.

Jonn wrote: I know this probably escaped your steel-trap mind, but every day is a national day of service for the VSOs. Some of us don’t need a partisan, organized day of mental masturbation to serve our respective communities.

White American

At least Clinton and Monica waited a couple of years before they embarassed the people of American and dishonored the office of the President.
The Obamislm is indeed a disgrace to all tax paying Americans, Christians and people who know what foundations this Great Nation was founded on and what it takes to keep it great.

pete MOH

Clarification and opinion:

Scott Isaacs – “Not Exactly” Either he attended or he didn’t. The new president did not attend.

Parker P. – MOH recipients have been fortunate enough to have the same seating for years at the swearing-in ceremony. We are the one constant at every Inauguration. We don’t take this lightly and feel blessed to be there in support of our outgoing and new president.

Shadowman – MOH recipients don’t vote for the president as a group. We are just like the general public. One person – One vote.

As I said before I’m proud to be an American. To see an in-coming president take the oath while the out-going president applaudes, then walks out the front steps of the capitol, gets on a helicopter, never to return to the post. All done with dignity and respect.

History is made everyday. Some moments big…others not so. Obama taking the Office of the President is a BIG moment is our nation’s history. I personally feel it is one of the bigger moments in my lifetime for our country…to elect a black man. It speaks volumns about our country and our citizenship. It speaks about our character and patriotism. But that MOMENT is now history and gone.

President Obama has his plate full…not because of anything that happened in the past, but because our presidents plate is always full running the most powerful nation in the world. My hope is he steps up to the plate and hits a grand-slam. If he can’t deliver…we the citizens….will again decide his fate…..if he is worthy of the post.

Pete, Medal of Honor


January 24th, 2009 at 9:12 am
“When I contacted the VFW and American Legion regarding supporting the USAService.org initiative, both groups declined to participate in the National Day of Service, and both stated their organizational charters do not allow them to get involved in national politics or elections.”

“There are Democrats that are recipients of the Medal of Honor.”

“I think the Republican party has controlled military service organizations way too long. Perhaps next time, Democrats will have the same courtesy as is afforded Republicans.”

First, let me applaud the VFW and AmLegion for recognizing a partisan trap and denying themselves the opportunity of placing their foot in it.

Secondly, let me point out that the Organizational Missions of the VFW and AmLegion are far too important to be drug into partisan politics.

And the third point dovetails into the second: Though these two are not “Republican Controlled” the DNC has actively worked to create “Veteran Organizations” that have greater loyalty to their party than to their mission statements. Included in these are VFP, VVAW, IVAW, VoteVets, IAVA and VVA. Of these, the IAVA is the most disappointing because they kept their partisan bias hidden until the 2008 campaign when they argued the party line (DNC) and endorsed candidates with “proof” that contradicted their mission statement.

Because of that third point, the VFW and American Legion demonstrate that independence of partisanship and focus on the issues effecting Veterans continues to be of utmost importance.

The question then becomes why has the DNC abandoned the Nations Troops and Veterans? How is it that even the “Blue Dog Democrats” have been whipped into line by Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and Murtha? And since this is the case, how do even a minority of Veterans support the DNC?


[…] Blew off Medal of Honor recipients […]


[…] Blew off Medal of Honor recipients […]

Scott Isaacs

is a piece that I wrote that clarifies what actually happened about the Salute to Heroes inaugural ball complete with an official statement from the American Legion’s media relations officer. It’s nothing like this blog post has portrayed it as.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I read your “analysis” last night. Actually, you’re using a lot of supposition and you’re writing an excuse for the President when you actually know nothing about the circumstances. There’s more to this story than I can write about now for the time being – regardless, you’re way off base. In fact, you’re in the wrong ball park. When I do write the whole story, your face will be so red.

Been there

Been to the two previous Inaugurations. President Bush, who honored the troops without the fanfare, unlike the photo op scenario this ‘clan’ wants to do it, also had a pre-Inauguration gala for the troops and MOH winners at the Washington Arena. The President, Vice President and others were there. The MOH winners had skyboxes, I hosted one of them. There is a wide, wide gap between the former Administration and the new ‘clan’ taking over the Administration and completely controlling Congress. Anticipate rhetoric in support reported in msm but the opposite in reality. It has already started in many departments according to many we know who work in DC. Fake patriotic in the media, dive leftist. It will be interesting to see how long his military appointees stick around since they are conservatives. I wonder how long it will take for Colin Powell to realize his mistake.

richard wheeler

#358 Colin Powell realized his mistakes some time ago and is attempting to rectify them through his strong endorsement of Obama.


[…] he told the whole freakin world how many there were, which was, you know, a secret. – he blatantly blew off medal of honor recipients while hip hopping with his thugs and celebutard buddies. – he greviously […]


I don’t like for the commander and chief to be the first one not in attendence when he can attend, Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va. but I must admit I don’t have enough information to make an informed decision


Hello all

I agree with all of your – other than the eternally curious Curious..

I am a 71 year old Conservative who, because of the vagaries in the calendar of wars, never served but for 2 years in the National Guard (103rd) in CT. I have never visited this site before, but now that I have, I am determined to pass it along to all my friends interested in protecting us from the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, etc. You men and woman can do it, and actually must do it before we all perish.

To all of you who served, please accept a heartfelt thank you from me, and all my family, children and grandchildren!

Best to you and yours.


Jonn wrote: Welcome, Jerry. I hope we hear more from you. There were about 40,000 other people who visited here for the first time this week, so you’re in good company.


In 2005, the ball was the first one attended by Pres. Bush.



Might want to check the sources on this one guys it looks like this ball never even took place… At least the sponsers of the event don’t have naything on their website about it, so this one might be worth a second look before rumors get started.

Jonn wrote: It must suck to have your internet brought in to your house by carrier pigeon.


#72 says it all, its not about Pres Obama, its about the MOH recipients. The MOH recipients did not miss out on getting to shake Obamas hand, Obama missed out on the pleasure of shaking theirs.

Screw it, Obama didnt want to show, whatever. If he really wanted to go he would have.

I just hope that not 1 of the MOH recipients hang their head in disgust, I hope every person who voted for Obama does.

The man they voted for president cant even take the time to show respect for the few MOH recipients who helped make it possible that the USA even has a president, in turn his history making job.

To Obama … Be thankfull you coward


Jonn, it’s a liberal talking point, they can’t think on their feet so they just regurgitate what their keepers tell them to.
And, #359, no, Powell just endorsed the affirmative action candidate. You can parse it any way you want, but that was it. I expect him to change his party affiliation to D, any day now. Just to keep himself in the spotlight.

Marine Till Death

OK, I am late to the party, but I must offer my two cents. First of all, far too many retarded liberal post’s to respond to, I’d go blind. One that does stick out is post #167.

Guess what honey, I can sleep with a doctor, but that doesn’t mean I am qualified to preform surgery. I could not care less who you opened your legs for, it matters not, much the same as your opinion. BHO was WRONG!! The men he deemed not important enough to honor are the bravest of the brave. They really do believe in something bigger than themselves, and were willing to risk death for it.

And I also loved the one idiot who suggested we support the CiC and accept the fact he will make mistakes. Gee, guess that only applies to Demotards because nobody was cutting Bush any slack. You liberals really are a confused, sorry lot.


In hindsight, I’m glad he didn’t show up and use our nation’s heroes for a photo-op.
There aren’t many politicians in this modern era who deserve to be in the same room as them.


Yeah, Obama, POS, honored the ghosts of our deceased veterans, if you remember that speech in which he talked about Memorial day being the day we “honor those who served our country, many of whom I see here today.”
Must be the same decased people whom Acorn recruited to vote dhimmicrat in the faux-elections.
Oh – and about the Obamas dancing with vets – I only know that Mrs. Obama is reported to give lap dances to Al-Qaida troops for oil.
That’s the woid on tha streets!


This has been nothing than a political party put down. When are going to get tired and knock it off. I enlisted in the Marine Corps 56 years ago and if I recall not a Marine officer nor the CinC had to prove themselves to be respected. In the “Old Corps” we were taught to respect our senior’s and they didn’t have to earn that respect, as many of you say. I guess many things have changed since I was in the Corps. I’m glad I’m on my way out of this world rather than coming in. Oh by the way my Dad was killed in WW2 just so you people could write all this crap you have been writing. I wonder if most of you were ever in the military.


“I’m glad I’m on my way out of this world rather than coming in.”

I glad about that too.

“Oh by the way my Dad was killed in WW2 just so you people could write all this crap you have been writing.”

Your Dad was a Nazi or a Japanese Imperialist? Please specify. Well, it doesn’t really matter. You’re right, had your Dad lived, we wouldn’t have freedom.

“I wonder if most of you were ever in the military.”

I seriously doubt you were. You have covered all the liberal poser talking points for someone trying to fake it.


You are a typical uneducated liberal, who gets his “truth” from the mainstream media, and probably the colbert report. What don’t you get? While your messiah is working hard to force the trillion dollar stimulus package down the legislatures throat, the congressman/women won’t even listen to the proposed Rep tax cuts…for guess who? THE ENTIRE POPULATION. they are proposing a 5% drop for you. for your sorry self who probably crawls out of bed at 11 am to watch Price is Right and pop in a pizza, and then MAYBE, just maybe, look for a job. But hey who needs a job these days? like your african luny sister in arms said, Obama will pay for your mortgag, and even your gas!
Keep killing baby’s, keep letting terrorists go free, and keep marrying your own sex. Hey, when you create your own truth, why not!


Hey… Obama was in the USMC…Well.. a USMC T shirt, remember Jonn? LOL


You took the words right out of my mouth Marine Till Death. Mrs. Mary Jane it who cares if you were married to an Officer…big deal. For him to miss this ball is just wrong plain and simple. Ok so maybe there were a few at the other ball, but he snubbed his noise at over 40 others. I had high hopes for him, but those hopes are already starting to fade.


There is no mention of this Ball, Obama not attending, or Biden attending on the official American Legion website: http://www.legion.org

In fact, the only mention I can even find of this ball from a site other than blogs and forums is about Bush attending the Ball in 2005 on the US Department of Defense website

So all the bloggers and forums are probably 100% right, Obama probably didn’t go to the Salute to American Heroes Ball. No one else did either, not even the veterans or sponsors of the ball. Because there was no Ball.

This ball is not listed on the list of the 10 Official Balls:

Or on the list of the 122 Unofficial Balls:

There was a ball called the Veterans Inaugural Ball which was canceled:

And he attended the Commander-in-Chief ball which was also attended by numerous Medal of Honor recipients


Ha, I like how you deleted my comment showing that the Ball never happened. Keep wanting people to believe Obama is an evil veteran hater or something.

Jonn wrote: Kinda jumped mean a little early didn’t you? Your stupid post went to spam. If you bothered to read the entire thread of comments, you’d see we proved you stupid like three days ago.


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]



You’re such a dumbass.

The ball did happen. Obama didn’t show.

Every other President had it, first time. And again if re-elected. Over a period of 54 years and 14 inaugurals. They all got the job done, Obama didn’t.

Obama = Worst President Ever In The Shortest Time Ever.



“In fact, the only mention I can even find of this ball from a site other than blogs and forums is about Bush attending the Ball in 2005 on the US Department of Defense website”

That a GOOD example of why you ARE a dumbass.

That DOD article, done long before (years) anyone this incident confirms the name of the ball and that every President has attended and that Bush and Cheney made it the FIRST ball they attended.

So you can’t find anything? You won’t because YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH because you’re an O-bot.

Now scurry off to your MoveOn meeting to be programmed.


The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since 1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January 20th. The quadrennial event is co-sponsored with fourteen veterans service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event which was held in the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel.

President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden did appear, however, and was very warmly received.

Yeh, I agree, Obama blows!!


Do you people who are questioning Jonn and TSO after all the posts proving you wrong even freaking read?

HFS, Batman!! One dumbass attack after another.
Trolls have shit for brains, apparently.

richard wheeler

Raoul your response to post #370 confirms just how deranged you are.

d punch

There are only 98 living recipients living, anyone would be proud to be in their presance. I was there 4 years ago and the POTAS and the V.P. both showed.


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]


A few of the posts on here are so apologetic for Obama. Get a clue kool-aid drinkers.
The ” God King who Bleeds” was wrong not to show up and honor these heroes. He trashed military efforts on the campaign trial to appease his radical left supporters, yet he’ll have no problem sending military into war.
This was one of more important events he should been to First before honoring musicians and actors,BET and the Purple Ball?( I didn’t know they celebrate that… )

Code Pink was/is one of his BIG donors. He couldn’t go against their will now could he??


What an insult from the young socialist!!! And to add insult to injury, Joe Biden showed up.
This is the man who is a known plagiarizer. Plus when his student deferments were up, it was suddenly learned that he was an asthmatic.
Our heroes deserve much better than what is now in office. But it won’t stop there. You think the Clintonites decimated the military? You ain’t seen nothing yet!!!!


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]


richard wheeler,

Don’t be a dick.

He’s a fraud. It’s like me coming to your website claiming to be a blind black lesbian amputee vet with PTSD. Claim all the things so that would make my opinion unquestioned least you be considered “insensitive”.

PS: Don’t be a dick.


Didn’t you peeps realize that “Curious” was just yanking your
chains for reaction?

richard wheeler

Raoul How do you know he’s a fraud?Didn’t know you were “a blind black lesbian”but that would explain your erratic behavior.


I’m astonished at how angry everybody gets when it comes to politics. We all seem to be brainwashed into thinking that we are either Republican or Democrat. Take a good look at yourself and figure out what you believe in. As for me, abortion (after 52 years I still can’t decide), FOX News (all bunch of whiny, cry-baby, immature cunts). Gun control: no way — the reason this country is strong is because we have the largest gun owning population on earth and nobody in their right mind would attack us. Government spending; they can’t fuck it up any worse than our private banks.

I’ve been a Republican most of my life (went Independent when Bush II bought his first election)but I’m squarely supporting our current President and wish him all the luck in the world and all of us who call ourselves Americans.


Craig Roberts, Media Relations Manager for the American Legion, issued the following statement:

The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since 1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January 20th. The quadrennial event is co-sponsored with fourteen veterans service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event which was held in the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel.

President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden did appear, however, and was very warmly received. The new President’s absence was understandable considering the unprecedented logistical challenges presented by the vastly increased number of visitors to this inauguration and the necessary attendant security measures. The American Legion, as an organization, does not feel offended or “snubbed.”


Nice job Buckweb… that’s only the 4th or 5th time that response has been posted. Try to keep up.

As for your first post, anyone who has ever seen an 18 week, premature baby die in her Mom’s arms while the Mom sobs will tell you, that is a baby not a “product of conception”.

You also give the typical liberal spin of W “buying the first election” and close your eyes to the way “The One” financed his campaign, falsified voter registrations and generally stole this one. Methinks you live under a bridge.

Jonn wrote: But, Ray, he says he’s a lifelong Republican. Astroturf much, Buckwheat?


Curious, you really should spell check and proof read a little more. If I put a remark on the www for the entire world to see, I would at least like it to “appear” that I was professional.


Everytime a DimoRat gets into office, the military had better standby to take it in the shorts.


Obama is a pathetic jerk!!!


Maybe the Iraq war will last another 20 years so that you and your children will have an opportunity to stay off the unemployment rolls.
And when you get out, you will thank President Obama for appointing a man to head the Veterans Affairs Department who truly cares about the needs of U.S. veterans and will urge the president and Congress to provide for them in the Federal Budget.
Unlike the draft dodgers that we’ve has running the government for the last 8 years — Bush, Cheney and good old Rummy. $10 billion a month in Iraq for what? Meanwhile, 7 years have passed and Osama Bin Laden runs free. Nothing but failure in the Bush Administration. That’s the real reason for the Obama landslide.
Peace 🙂

Jonn wrote: Clearly you and I differ on the definition of a “landslide”. “Failure”, too – that’s OK, in the next four years, your opinion of what is failure will be closer to mine.


Oh for Pete’s sake! He attended the ten official balls hosted by the Inaugural Committee and didn’t attend any of the unofficial balls . . . including that one.

I guess that some idiots would rather have Obama up all night attending all of the unofficial balls and hundreds of other unlisted parties so as to not offend ANYONE. I’m surprised he didn’t avoid all of the inaugural balls so he could get an early start on fixing the godawful mess that’s been created during the last eight years’ absence of leadership.



You just made our case.

“He attended the ten official balls hosted by the Inaugural Committee and didn’t attend any of the unofficial balls . . . including that one.”

If it wasn’t about him, Obama didn’t give a crap.

Again, since it’s inception, EVERY PRESIDENT, including the second worst President after Obama, James Earl Carter, was able to figure out their priorities and attend this Inaugural Ball.

That’s 14 inaugurals over 54 years. They got it right, Obama got it wrong.

And note my previous posting. Cheney made it a point to publicly say that it was the FIRST ball he and Bush attend and rightfully so.

Bush put the Veterans first, Obama ignored them if they weren’t a guest at HIS party.

Don’t go away a sore loser, here’s a copy of our home game on your way out.

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