Meet Master Sergeant Soup Sandwich

| June 16, 2011

UPDATE: Nicholas Androsky died on Saturday February 22, 2014.

Someone at the RTB sent me these pictures with a story about how this guy showed up for his son’s stepfather’s graduation from basic training at Fort Benning dressed like this. According to our source, the MPs escorted his monkey ass off post;

Notice that on the desk in the last picture, the nose picker even had a Green Beret to round out the ensemble. I’m surprised the MPs didn’t shoot him on sight out of fear.

“He’s coming right at us!!”

Added: His real name is Nick Androsky according to someone who found his Facebook profile . Check his photos “Routine Patrol” and the one of him jumping at 30,000 feet from the Space Shuttle, I suppose.

Second Add Sporkmaster: Just to remove any questions about the Combat Badges crossing over from Army to Air Force that the regulations do not allow it. This is on page 149.

Permanent assignment denotes non TDY status. This rule also applies to other badges or patches i.e., Army Combat Patches earned or awarded by sister service components. Upon Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an Air Force unit the member will remove them.

Also anyone who has received the CIB, CMB, CAB, or CAR can have it converted to the new Combat Action Medal. (Which our resident POS is wearing on the top row next to the Silver Star.)

Scott sends these screenshots of his Facebook Wall before he tore it down;

ADDED 6-21-2011: The guy at “Copy All” has uncovered Androsky’s appeal for his court martial, apparently for drug use back in 2004. Thanks to Chris for the link.

ADDED July 20, 2011: We have Androsky’s actual military records, now.

Category: General Whackos, Phony soldiers

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I’m not sure which part of that picture I like the best.

Boots with a dress uniform.

USAF is now issuing CIBs.

USAF is also now issuing green berets.

But, if I have to choose, I think my favorite is the way he tied his tie.

A USAF Master Sergeant who can’t manage to correctly tie a tie.



[…] Claims to be a wounded medic. […]


To all questioning his age, there is another site floating around that has this same topic. It states he is only 33 but his wife is 56. So technically the child in question is his step-son/step-father. Hope this clears a few things up!


He’s wearing four differnt NATO ribbons.


God’s balls! This is rediculous. The ribbon racks are preposterous, not even the Chief of Staff has that many awards and decs, not to mention how horridly out of regs that display is. The guy spent four years in the AF, how high do you have to get to forget the regs? The Order of precedence on the ribbons is jacked, I could go on… I won’t. I showed this to a bunch of people at work today. Now I’m USAF (we are usually easy going folks) and we were equal parts outraged, and amused. I’d love to introduce this turd to a Trio of REAL AF MSgt’s, who would undoubtedly staple his scalp to a frickin’ wall.


Shoe cleaner Tom, the guy was drummed out for inhaling shoe cleaner. By the look of that pic he’s still up to it.

Back Story

This guy is the 34 year old stepson of a 28 year old private that trained in my basic training company (Foxtrot Company, 1st Battalion, 50th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade) at Fort Benning. I was the company commander at the time. The day before the Turning Blue Ceremony, this jack ass showed up at battalion looking for his stepson. One of my drill sergeants was on staff duty and explained that his stepdad would not be available until after the ceremony the next morning. He was clearly intoxicated or under the influence and was wearing the ridiculous get-up you see pictured above. When he was denied access to his stepdad, he became belligerent, not realizing that my drill sergeant was ranked number four in the Army amongst heavywight combatives fighters. Instead of ripping this dude apart, my drill sergeant took a picture and went and got the battalion commander and XO, who questioned him and told him to f*ck off with this fake uniform. The Drill Sergeant called some other Drills and they proceeded to draw a story out of the guy. They basically laughed at him and told him to get lost before they called the MPs. He left the battalion with his tail tucked and showed up at the ceremony the next morning in civilians, but wearing an Army SF hat. The private/stepdad explained to all of us that the stepson apparently has mental issues, abuses drugs and alcohol and was denied entry to the Armed Forces (NO SHIT!), which explains his compulsion to wear the uniform and wear every award in the known universe. This guy should have been a blowjob! The stepson was a solid guy and a top performer in my company. I felt sorry for him because he is now known as this dude’s stepfather……..


Haha I was in his “step dad’s” platoon at OSUT. We were actually walking back from chow when this went down.


Hey, at least he shaved

Wholy Cow

If I read this right, the step dad is 6 years younger?! This guy is the perfect arguement for getting an abortion. He is definitely a POS, probably a butt baby.

yo man

True that Combat action badges cant be transfered, but people who earned them are proud of it and will disregard the rule.


Too many awards – too little chest. You should stop receiving awards when you run out of chest. In the case of this loser it would have been after pinning on the National Defense Ribbon.

Retired Grunt

Get the f*ck out of my way, Curtis LeMay:
Master Bater Soup Sandwich is here to save the day!!!!!!


As a woman, this freaks me out…hardcore. I mean, unless you saw him in this get-up, I’ll be he looks decently normal in regular clothes. Creepy.


Yeah, except for the spaced out look on his face, judging by all the shoe cleaner he inhales along with various assorted narcotics in his system. Totaly normal aside from that.. 😐

Dave Wells

This guy truly is one of my all time favorites. Could you imagine graduating BCT and running into this guy? I’d of done my best to get a picture with him…….Then wonder what the hell was I thinking about 6 months later.


Hes still a boot


[…] 7th, 2012 I know that during this election season, you’re wonder to yourself “how would MSG Nick Androski aka Soup Sandwich vote?”. Well, thanks to one of our alert readers, Joe, you don’t have to wonder […]


oh hell cant even begin to find a place to start with this poser. geez… what is the sam hell was the gate guard doing when this winner came through….

dont think my ribs will stop hurting for a month and soon as I can out my eyes back in my head I will print this up and take it to the post office and have them put their “most wanted” idiot back up on the wall.

SDS Tw1tch3

WTF!!!!? douche better be glad he wasn’t at one of my grads. i’da said something. thats bullshit….giant, loaded down, freight train. thats what i hope comes to him…


I wish I could have executed him with a set of salad spoons for this fuckassery.


It appears our friend posted this on Ron Paul’s facebook page recently…

“Wounded Veteran and you Sir have my support Sir!! USAF brat & Flyer, RANGER, SF MEDIC, HALO JUMP MAster!! The VA claims that my PTSD is not a combat injury but a mental disorder; so I enlisted and have a TANGO SEIRA CLEARANCE AND I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER?!! So I get my disability from social security!! I hate it Sir!!!


TEXAG11: Already noted. See comment 368 above.


@363 funny shit


Now he’s claiming mental disorder? I wasn’t aware shoe polish would cause that, but then again, any bennies he ever thought of getting he’s pissed (sniffed?) away with that little court-martial he had.


And he’s claiming he has a ‘TANGO SEIRA CLEARANCE’. He doesn’t have a mental disorder. He’s just vegetable-level stoopid.


Yer insulting innocent carrots and broccoli, Marine_7002.


@377 Ah, you’re right, Hondo. Veggies don’t get no respect! (except from PETA).

revere reaper

WOW! He must be one badassed dude with an Airsoft MP5 in his hands. Better watch what you say or he will send his 1/6 scale GI Joe/COBRA Action Figure Hit Team after you…


And his literal ‘crowning’ achievement in this display of fakeitude – he is wearing a toupee.


[…] […]


Isn’t one of those ribbons a UN action (Korea) decoration?

Man! He’s got more decs than Nikita Krushchev, Leonid Breshnev, Saddam Hussein, and Kim Jung-Il all rolled into one. Wow!


is it just me or is that guy wearing a female uniform jacket?, the cut looks wrong and there is no chest pockets maybe its just me


I believe you’re right. No fashion sense, and didn’t have his blazer tailored.


And this year’s Ballduster award goes to….mwahhahaha!!


His mom had better be hot! No other reason to have a turd for a stepson!


This dude is wearing Tan boots whith a dress uniform. He must feel like a complete ass. If I was the MP (which im not) I would have laughed my fuckin ass off. This guy is a super retard…


[…] clear, but it looks to me like there’s some redundancy in the ribbons, too. I guess that Soup Sandwich has raised the bar for the number of awards airmen feel they should be wearing in […]


Apperently He is a big Ron Paul supporter, Here is his message on Ron Paul’s Facebook Campaign site:

“Wounded Veteran and you Sir have my support Sir!! USAF brat & Flyer, RANGER, SF MEDIC, HALO JUMP MAster!! The VA claims that my PTSD is not a combat injury but a mental disorder; so I enlisted and have a TANGO SEIRA CLEARANCE AND I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER?!! So I get my disability from social security!! I hate it Sir!!!

Should someone call him?


@389, I sent “SKI” a text. I hope he gets back to me. 🙂


I think the number is good. I got a text back from it. The person said they were enroute to fort riley, ks. What should I do now gentlemen? 🙂


I think he thinks I’m a girl who has exchanged pictures with him in the past. He called me love. I feel dirty.


I’m done with this weirdo. He thinks I’m some girl and said he loves me. When I get a chance, I’ll take a picture of the text log and email it to Jonn.

Have at him boys and girls. The number is good.


Send him a big wet one for me. MWAH!!

Doc Savage

Oh. My. Everloving. God.

This kids gonna be paying on those ribbons longer than I will be paying my kids student loans off.

I cant even be mad…..but I would reccomend a therapist.


I’m just wondering if he showed up at Ft. Riley with that rug. It looks like a smashed racoon.


made he won all the medals playing COD4 or Medal of Honor . we get wanker like this in australia on ANZAC Day


I served over 22 years in the Army and have know some of the finest men and women to have ever served in the Army and none of them come close to the fruit salad this douche is displaying. They need to pin a big medal to his forehead that says “FUCKTARD” with a V for valor


Also, having served as a Commissioned Military Police Officer if I would have come across him I would of told him he had the right to remain silent because where we are taking you no one will hear your screams anyways.