Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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It was implied.

“Based on my google search, that isn’t even the right address for the hotel.”


For a little clarification. TSO did meet up with me at the Salute to Heroes Ball (yes, there is such an event and it has been going on for years). I was getting to the ball a bit late and he did ambush me in the lobby….so that may be a little creepy…but everyone has to have a mission. For the facts. I’m 6’2″…not six-one. Need to protect that stat since I’m getting older and it will begin to change. I’m not bald. My hair seems to be growing in a different direction…coming out my ears, nose and all over my back. I’m proud of my Canadian heritage (all my relatives live in Canada) especially when their doing good on the ice, although I’m an AVS fan. Few years back I was listening to the Womens Olympic Hockey game on my car radio and in the end the Canadian team just beat the Americans…what a game. I was so excited I called my Uncle George in BC, since he is a BIG hockey fan and I knew he would be watching it. I announced “Uncle George, we won, we won”. His response was “what the hell do you mean WE WON…your not Canadian.” I believe he was just joking…..right? Oh…and yes, a few Medal of Honor recipients did attend the CIC ball. Lastly, no matter your political views, we had the changing of the guard on January 20, a remarkable event in history. I’m proud to be an American….and France…it will give you something to stive for. Pete Lemon, Recipient, Medal of Honor (always in tribute to E Company “RECON” 2/8Cav 1st CAV Division, Casey Waller, Nathan Mann and Brent Street our three comrades we lost in the battle for which I receive the award)


Fact of the matter is, he did not attend. Kudos to Biden (even though he was not my pick for VP) if he did, in fact, attend. As a legion member, and relative of a purple heart and medal of honor recipient, I am disgusted, but not surprised. How dare he snub those who have sacrificed so much.

I know what Obama is about. He has duped so many people into believing that he is “The One” to lead our nation, that he needs to throw them all a bone, . After all, they spent a lot of money and time to get him into office. The dopes.

What would he say when he got there anyway? I voted for defeat in Iraq? I have a friend who bombed the pentagon but he is only sorry that he didn’t kill more?


Moe Green,

In you eye Moe…

“Its strange because while Obama was in the Senate he had a better record on veterans issues than McCain.”

Oh plueeze…

A thought

Here’s one thing I don’t understand. Why are those who support Obama, even those that do so zealously, frequently referred to as duped? Every 4 years a majority of Americans, (the 2000 election aside) buy into what one cadidate is saying over the other and believe that the individual is the proper person to lead the nation. I understand the press’ adoring behavior is often too much to stomach, but even my most liberal friends recognize that. The MSNBC’s of the world do not represent most of those who voted for Obama.

Donna- Obama likely would have said what he said in his speech or what he said at the CinC ball or whatever he may have said to any MoH winners who were on the podium at the innauguration. Why not adopt the sentiments of Mr. Lemon?


But the ball never happened, remember? It was all a demented lie by me cooked up to denounce the President, even though I EXPLICITLY stated in a different post that I didn’t care as long as he comes through on veterans benefits. Now I am the Beauchamp on the right (per a commenter at Pajamas Media) and all because a bunch of morons were so busy googling, typing etc and too busy to call the correct hotel and ask them.

And Mr Lemon is (of course) exactly right.



A link to some photos (not mine) of the event, the invitation and VP Biden.
No images to show exactly how large the hall was, or the MoH recipients, but it should hopefully silence the “it never happened” crowd.

TSO were there any MSM press covering the event at all?


Closure- honestly I don’t know. Didn’t see any, but wasn’t looking.

And I doubt that will silence anyone. To you and I, that would seal it, but people still think the moon landings were faked and that 9/11 is a conspiracy.

People just love to jump to conclusions which defy logic if the fact of it somehow injures their beliefs.


I guess you have to come up on a google search to exist in this day and age. 😉


A thought–
There has been more than one election where the majority vote did not reflect who won. If you’d like to revisit the 2000 election I’d be happy to, as long as the thousands of absentee military ballots the democrats threw out get to be counted this time.

I’d venture a guess that most Americans don’t realize that unless the number of accepted absentee ballots (using whatever criteria that particular state chooses to use to accept ballots) exceeds the “spread” those ballots are never opened and are detroyed. They are never counted, and statistically most of those ballots typically come from military voters or their families who historically vote more conservative. Just like the Coleman-Franken race has highlighted, this process is far less than objective.

Suffice to say that regardless of the winner, we will never know who won the popular vote of any election. At least not until the system is changed. And democrats are the ones opposed to changing it with legislation. I guess they don’t want to disenfranchise minority voters but disenfranchising military voters is okay. Maybe military voters can become their own minority and be covered by the Voting Rights Act.

If we want to discard the Electoral College that’s mandated under the Constitution then let’s start letting every vote count. Until then, the 2000 election was won by President Bush with no caveats. No more whining.


[…] the rest here!orGateway PunditorThis ain’t HellorCassie […]

A thought

I was really just poking fun at the whole thing. Sort of like your shot at the Democratic Party yesterday. I have no problem with how President Bush won the election. Even if I did, the proper avenue would be to push for reforming the Electoral College as opposed to tearing down President Bush.
I was just talking about Coleman-Franken at lunch with a conservative colleague of mine. So what happens with Minnesota’s vote if no winner is declared?


Don’t know what the Minnesota Constitution says, but Harry Reid has already said he was going to seat Al Franken. He also said he’d never seat a Blagoivich (sp?)appointee yet there Roland Burris sits. What’s going to happen when the Minn Supreme Court says it’s such a farce and embarrassment and imposes rules that result in a Coleman win? Will Sen Reid whip out another crow pie and seat who the people of Minn sends or will he try to override their choice and impose his will?

That guy is such an ass. “This war is lost!”

A thought


I was just taking a job at President Bush, sort of like you did at the Democrat Party yesterday.
Bush won with the rules in place, change the rules if you don’t like it.


[…] but he made an even bigger blunder later Tuesday evening. The newly sworn-in President opted not to appear at what should have been one of the most important Balls on his agenda that evening – The Salute to […]


“Here’s one thing I don’t understand. Why are those who support Obama, even those that do so zealously, frequently referred to as duped? Every 4 years a majority of Americans, (the 2000 election aside) buy into what one cadidate is saying over the other and believe that the individual is the proper person to lead the nation.”

I do not believe that there are so many Americans who actually believe that America is such a horrible place to live, that we need to change (to what, has never been defined), and the government is the only answer to our problems.

The man has socialist ideas. What makes you think his ideas will work in this country? They don’t work in other countries. And if you give me some idiot comment about how our country is in trouble, then I will strongly suggest that you stop drinking the kool-aid and take a trip to Britain.

I am sick of explaining what the man is to those who watched him talk instead of listened to what he was saying or looked into his voting record (or lack of).

I wholeheartedly wish that the only ones who would be affected by his policies were the ones who voted for him, and the rest of us could sit back and watch the show. That will not happen, though, so until I am proven wrong, you have been duped.


The news of this oversight has been blasted all over the country–reaching us here in NH today–so I thought I’d research the event, too. Like CURIOUS, I could find no listing of the ball on the official D.C. website, no postings on American Legion calendars, etc., not even any youtube footage, so I finally wrote a media relations person at the American Legion who responded with this statement, sent via e-mail, a short while ago: Yes, there was a Salute to Heroes event Tuesday evening (I know, I was there). The first Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet and Ball honoring Medal of Honor recipients was in 1953 on the occasion of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s swearing-in. He, and every subsequent incoming President, with the exception of Barack Obama, has made an appearance. With regard to this year’s event, here ‘s what I’ve been sending inquiring bloggers: The American Legion, as it has on every inauguration evening since 1953, hosted the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball on January 20th. The quadrennial event is co-sponsored with fourteen veterans service and military service organizations and honors recipients of the Medal of Honor. Forty-seven of these heroes attended this year’s event which was held in the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel. President Obama was invited but did not attend. Vice-President Joe Biden did appear, however, and was very warmly received. The new President’s absence was understandable considering the unprecedented logistical challenges presented by the vastly increased number of visitors to this inauguration and the necessary attendant security measures. The American Legion, as an organization, does not feel offended or “snubbed.” ——- I should note that he also attached two photos, one faintly showing Biden. I think it’s also fair to point out the new President and First Lady’s attendance at the Commander in Chief’s ball, and First Lady and daughters’ hosting of a concert for military families prior to election night. I personally NEVER would have passed up the opportunity to meet FORTY-SEVEN Medal of Honor recipients. Maybe that does say something about Obama and his priorities, maybe not, but I hope he or… Read more »

More Info

I just called all three Renaissance Hotels in DC. None of them hosted a Salute to American Heros Ball.

TSO are you sure you were not at the Illinois State Ball?

also you sya that the American Legion is posting photos, got a link to them from their web site?

I did learn that the organizers of this years MOH ball cancelled it on the 19th



More Info

My bad, there is such a ball and in 2001, Bush did what Obama didn’t, attend.


Mea culpa, mea cupla!

richard wheeler

Herk As you know 2000 is not about the 200,000+ Gore plurality nationally but rather the 300+ Bush win in FLA.that swung the Electoral College.


[…] Obama skipped out on the opportunity to see our Medal of Honor Heroes, the first Pres in half a century to do […]


More Info — you need more info. The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet and Ball, co-sponsored by 14 veterans and military service organizations, WAS held at the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel (999 Ninth Street, NW) the evening of January 20th. Attendees included 47 Medal of Honor recipients, former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, CSI actress Marg Helgenberger and Vice-President Joe Biden. There are 1200 witnesses (plus a few secret Service agents and a sniffer dog).

The Illinois Ball was the previous evening. A completely non-affiliated veterans ball was cancelled earlier in the week due to fiscal irregularities(check the Fox News site).


JembiB – nicely put.

I too think it was a very, very poor choice to not attend and honor the MoH recipients. I think he missed a perfect opportunity to meet with people who are typically not in his camp. That said, I don’t think it warrants the slander, bigotry, disrespect, and hatred in some of the entries above and on other blogs.


I can’t believe so many people are so silly that they think Obama sat down with a list of the dozens of balls in Washington on the night of his Inauguration and personally picked each one. Just plain silly.

From reading these posts it appears that those in charge of putting together the ball and getting in touch with the appropriate people to ask whether the President would attend did not do their job. It’s not the job of the President or his social secretary to ferret out balls to attend. It’s the job of the people hosting the ball to make sure his social secretary knows about it, about its importance, and all that. It’s hard to find references to this year’s ball even on the internet. Where’s the evidence that anyone in charge of this ball just picked up a phone and tried to get the attention of the President’s social secretary? It happens only once every 4 years and Obama is supposed to personally be aware of it and to plan for it on his own? That’s laughable.


Dominica, then how do you explain Biden coming to it if no one told the PIC?


My gosh, it appears there seem to be quite a few “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Banquet & Ball” deniers out there that do not want to admit that their beloved BO could have snubbed the Medal of Honor recipients!
Heaven help our country. We are losing veterans from the greatest generation every single day. It’s not like he has ample opportunity to grace them with his presence in the future.

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“I can’t believe so many people are so silly that they think Obama sat down with a list of the dozens of balls in Washington on the night of his Inauguration and personally picked each one. Just plain silly.”

What’s just plain silly is that for over a half century and 14 inaugurals, even a loser like Jimmy Carter got the job done.

Obama didn’t get the job done. Is it because he’s black you don’t expect as much from him? That is the velvet glove on the iron fist of liberal racism.

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richard wheeler,

I have a “Sore Loserman” sign I’d be happy to send you.

Think of it as my personal bailout to you.

A thought

The vote made it clear that many Americans thought change was needed. That doesn’t mean that they think our country is a horrible place to live. That’s called a straw man argument.
Simply because I think America can be better than it currently is doesn’t mean I think other countries are currently better or that I would rather live someplace else.

Your post is a fine example of the inconsistencies of the Right. You say you don’t know what the change is, but then talk about his socialist ideas. Which is it? Do you not know what he wants to do or does he want to make us socialist? You can’t have it both ways.

Your last sentence is by far the best. Until proven otherwise I’ve been duped? The honest truth is we simply don’t know if I’ve been duped. Let’s wait a little bit longer than 3 days before making that pronouncement. Maybe you are right, maybe Obama will abandon all of his promises and the country will fall apart. I certainly hope not. I do know that we are far more likely to fail if people don’t adopt the mentality of our resident hero of the board Medal of Honor Recipient Mr. Lemon.


A thought:
“Your post is a fine example of the inconsistencies of the Right. You say you don’t know what the change is, but then talk about his socialist ideas. Which is it? Do you not know what he wants to do or does he want to make us socialist? You can’t have it both ways.”

Maybe I should have been more specific. Obama is the one who has never described just what kind of change he thinks we need. He just repeats “hope and change”. Now I am not too arrogant to know that there are some out there who are not happy with their current circumstances. Last I heard, though, the Constitution guarantees us the “pursuit” of happiness, if we are not currently happy. It doesn’t guarantee that my government will give me what it takes to make me happy.

To deny that those who consider themselves to be in dire circumstances and with no control over their destiny will listen to anybody or any authority who promises them a “change” is just plain naive. When people are scared, they tend to be less rational than when they are content. People in that situation will tend to believe anything, including ridiculous lies propagated by left-wing loonbags bent on destroying the reputation of a sitting president. Throw “crowd mentality” into the pot and you have a successful campaign.

I will still have to make my mortgage payment and buy my gas, even though BO is the new prez, but you know there are people out there who believe that he is going to take all their ills away.

Why should I bother to give him a chance? I have visited the whitehouse.gov website, and have seen what is on his agenda. I don’t like it, and I don’t agree with it. If he successfully accomplishes everything on his agenda, this country will no longer be a superior place to live. But, of course, I have a feeling that that is the main objective….

D Smith

So how many veterans voted for Obama? If I remember correctly, McCain was their candidate. It would my choice to thank those who put me into office first by attending their galas. My understanding is that there are too many inaugural parties for the President to attend them all. Much more important that he was in his office bright and early in these tough times…And I find myself agreeing with Rush..who said Republicans have no leader. And that George Bush is a decent man. Doesn’t seem to be a good reason to vote for one for President though, does it?


Richard Wheeler 321…

The point of the post was twofold. One is that the oversaes military voters (and any other absentee voter) are seldom added to the final count so no final count accurately reflects the popular vote, to include the number you want to use from the 2000 election. That’s the one where Al Gore and his party actively campaigned and brought court challenges against counting absentee ballots. I’d say that’s pretty indisputable.

The second was what you alluded to. The electoral college is what decides the election, not the popular vote. That’s how Obama supporters claim a “landslide” when the popular vote hardly supports that assertion. And once again, people like Franken are disenfranchising absentee voters so the final vote does not accurately reflect the real popular vote. Doesn’t mean Obama wouldn’t have won had they been counted, though. But they weren’t…again.

Regardless, just as in 2000, the electoral college has spoken and here we are. Hopefully you can have a respectable disagreement with me, if in fact you do disagree.


I’ve been lurking on these comments for awhile, its been fun to see everyone playing investigative reporter and dropping tags like “colored” in their comments, way to class it up guys. Take a step back from your agenda and think for a minute, regardless of how Obama really feels about the military he is a skilled politician who is very conscious of how he is perceived. Look at the campaign he ran, look at how well he played the game, do you really think this guy is going to now start “snubbing” groups? The Obama team is going out of its way to be inclusive to typically right leaning groups, evangelicals and the military in particular.

This whole thing seems like you’re trying to marry your belief that Obama hates the military to a non-story. Its preaching to the choir, the story doesnt have legs if you look at the whole picture of how he made the military a big part of inauguration.

Jonn wrote: Yeah. “colored” appeared four times in this thread – one was yours and another was in reference to tinted glasses. So two people used the term in over 300 comments so we’re all racists. Other reasons we might have for mistrusting Democrats (well, besides the fact that we’re all racists) might be that they’re already planning on slicing our budget, our healthcare, our pay – oh, and the guy that they put in charge of the VA is universally hated by the military (well, at least the Army – the largest service personnel-wise). And it’s all stuff we go through every time a Democrat gets in the White House. So go figure why we’re mistrustful of this Democrat.

someone else


Jonn wrote: I kinda figured that after we proved it was a real event and that Obama didn’t attend. the next stage would be “So what?” After three days and nights of drama, all of the arguing and name calling, TYPING IN ALL CAPS, they’re going to try to convince us that it wasn’t a big deal. We shouldn’t get upset about it (like they did trying to convince us it didn’t happen).


Planet Patrol

I tend to agree with you to a point (see post 286). I hold him (or any elected official) responsible for the choices their staff makes. That’s part of the deal they get stuck with. Not sure why he (or his staff) chose to be the first president in 50+ years to miss this event but it does show a break with a tradition that honors some real military heroes.

Having said that, I agree with you and assert he’s just ignorant (see my first post). That by no means indicates stupid and this faux pas is not the end of the Republic. However, it is another brick in the wall that he began during the campaign, intentional or not, of being dismissive of the military. It fuels a fire. We’ll just have to watch and see if the bricks form a wall or get buried in the dust over the next four years.


Planet, I missed the “colored” thing.

That is just asinine, and I hope it stops. Black, White, Greed, Red, who really gives a shit? This is why I liked the army, where the content of ones character really did define who you were.

I disagree partially on this. I think he is playing politics with it, but then again, I suppose he is supposed to. And the security argument may have *some* basis. Truth be told, I still don’t care as long as he follows through on VA funding.


Blood will run in the streets of America soon,and you are all worried about the Fake in chief going to a dance. Forget him and the me me me half of our great nation who elected him Prepare yourselves for the worst time the country has seen since the Civil War. Good Luck and God Speed

Parker P

Is this the first time the MOH recipients were given a special invitation and prime podium seats at the Inauguration? From what I can find, I have never seen another instance where they had that level of treatment. Certainly, it’s the first time the Tuskeegee Airmen were guests of honor with special seats also on the podium. So, go ahead with your “Obama snubbed the MOH at the Ball” meme if you must but be fair and mention how they were included in the actual Inauguration as special guests of honor.


~~~I see seven CMH recipients “lining up” to meet him~~~

You should read the caption a little closer. It says they were “lining up” for a photo.

Seems like these seven CMH recipients were perfectly happy to be at this ball.


Well his backers are getting what they paid for. Wonder how many “living” CMH holders actually voted for Obama, about seven the way it looks. Then again, isn’t he from Chicago where all dead people in the cemetary vote?


someone else,

Scott Isaacs offers a piss poor defense of President-reject Zero.

The bottom line is that all those previous Presidents over more than a half centurey, 14 inaugurals maganed to get the job done and Obama came up short.

What’s your next excuse, “It was his first inaugural?”

All those others managed to get it right the first time.

Obama, Worst President Ever.


Parker P,

See above.

And oh yeah…Obama, Worst President Ever.


First – I remember when the bastard-in-chief dropped his plans to visit a med unit in the sandbox when he found that there would be no cameras allowed for his ‘visit the troops’ photo op. Gutless POS.
Second – can’t we just change the title of this post to
just plain “Obama blows”????


TSO… Wow. I go away for a few hours and you throw feces in the rotating ventilator. Hooahh!. Bravo Zulu! I only have three points. Point one. There WAS a Salute to Heroes Ball. It was NOT an official Ball, but it has been attended by every incoming POTUS since 1953 until Obama missed this year’s. Fact. Deal with it. Sometimes the truth hurts. Point two. I don’t care if Obama is a little green man dancing around with his “Lucky Charms”, a tall Black man or a chubby Caucasian woman. Race does not enter into my assessment of him. Sorry. I take every man, woman, and child as an individual regardless of all that PC BS. Being Black does not give him any negative OR positive attributes in my eyes. Point three. I think Pete (Thanks for posting… I feel like I just met Elvis LOL) and TSO are correct in pointing out that this is not as big an issue as Obama’s future treatment of the military will be… but I also think it is a discomforting precedent and a Dufus mistake. Jonn/TSO, Sorry to add to the already Herculean post count… but some of these ObamaMama’s really need to get back on their meds. If you nonbelievers would just look into past posts, you would find that TSO has been talking about this Ball for a few months like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. The Ball is not a fevered dream he suddenly came up with in his sleep. As much as we kid TSO, (and by “kid” I mean degrade and humiliate him LOL) I have NEVER seen him post something I could not verify via other sources. I AM sure that, if he had a stroke and decided to post something blatantly untrue, Jonn would see that he was placed back in the Home for the Criminally Uncool. Rock on TSO my Brother. We that have come to know you via these pages and your other blogs have faith and trust in you. As for the others? Joke em if they can’t take a… Read more »

richard wheeler

Herk 69,457,000 to 59,934,000 seems pretty sizable though 365-173 seems huge.I agree all votes should be counted.Best R.W.

richard wheeler

In my opinion everyone should read post #302 and move on.Semper Fi

Does anybody really get it?

Hey folks,I find it curious that you all really don’t get it. A lot of liberals see Obama as the Messiah. One (SkyeChild) even stated as much. These people will follow him into the fire. Others support him because he is of race and these people will defend him for that reason. (The race card which has shown itself in this thread.) Still others are just ignorant of the real truth in the world and believe all of the BULL that he is going to throw at us will actually make things better for them. I think that he is arrogant enough to believe that he knows all and that he can do anything that he wants and we will just take it.
I say he is just another puppet on a string and that things will get much worse before they get better. So brace yourselves for a wild ride. The Communist Cowboy is riding in!


Wheeler 346 Point is less than a 8% margin does not constitue a “landslide.” Second point is not even every legitimate vote was counted because absentee ballots were not even opened so we don’t really know if your numbers reflect the real “popular vote,” which is irrelevant anyway.

Waaayyy back at 106 it was asserted “this is not Sparta…” Well, yes and no.

This great country of ours has so many different cultures we really couldn’t begin to count them all, but the one that truly transcends all the sub-cultures divided by race, ethnicity, religion and whatever category you choose is the warrior ethos. Whether you want to call it Spartan, Bushido, Southern Military Heritage (an accepted term not having to do with slavery or racism) or whatever, it is a rich culture in our country. It is not confined to any geographic region but is becoming less and less known to the rest of the citizenry. I saw incredible racism when I first went on active duty almost 30 years ago but getting shot at really tends to clean that crap out. It kind of takes you right to the Hierarchy of Needs level and helps you focus on what’s really important and the common purpose bonds people for life. It’s been written about by Sun Tzu, Shakespere and many other greats and has been in existence forever. And it is alive in this country as well.

In our country it has been honed to a razor’s edge and is constantly being refined. It is the best of our country made up of the best of our country who are willing to “…give my life in their defense.” to quote the Code of Conduct President Eisenhower initiated.

Yeah, there is a Spartan culture in the United States. If that scares you that means you fear what you don’t understand. It is truly a wonderful thing you should try to understand before you deride and ridicule it.


i appreciate everything the military has done for our country. it takes courage dedication and strength to do what you have done.
obama didnt go to the ball but he did honor our families at the neighborhood ball and he did step out of his vehicle to honor our heroes during the parade.
president obama does what he can.
“you can make some of the people happy all the time, and all the people some of the time but you cant make all the people happy all the time.”

Jonn wrote: Yes, and the people he chose to “make happy” speaks volumes.

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