TAH News and open thread
Well, I became a full time blogger about two hours ago when I turned in my equipment to the boss. I’m officially retired. Again. The last time I retired, I spent a year as a full time student with a full time and a part time job and three teenagers. This time, I don’t see that happening, none of it. So this means that I have time to call phonies and the public affairs offices about military stuff that offends me.
I can actually read the documents that Manning and Snowden released now. I don’t have to worry about someone complaining and getting my TS clearance pulled.
I’ll be doing my own FOIAs for a change. My former employer was the National Archives and Records Administration, so I never filed FOIAs so no one could accuse me of using my employment to get their records. Hondo and Mary did all of that for us – and I left a paper trail to prove that I didn’t file the FOIAs. But now I’m unencumbered. You can report me to my employer all you want – it’s me.
In celebration, my code monkey hippie chick is designing a new blog for us, one that doesn’t look pink in your browser. We expect to roll out the new look on March 1st. Expect some of our enemies to claim that they’ve taken down the blog again.
Sparks said that he needed an open thread, so consider this to be that. I’m going out on the deck at the TAH corporate resort to smoke a fat cigar and washing it down with a little rum seein’s how the temperature is above freezing for a change. Enjoy.
Category: Administrative
John Robert Mallernee: I lived near the Mexican border for 15+ years during the era when you could do that. IMO, allowing that was an abomination and a huge mistake. Border entry controls were ineffective as a result.
At the time, if I recall correctly a government-issued photo ID showing a US address was all one needed to re-enter the US. Drivers licenses of the era were a freaking joke; fakes were so easy to obtain it was pathetic. And even today, drivers licenses don’t prove squat concerning one’s citizenship or legal resident status.
I shudder to think of how many people who weren’t US citizens or legal residents managed to get in that way using falsified documents. And I wonder how many did so with criminal (serious criminal intent, not merely unlawful immigration) or terrorist intent.
I have absolutely no issue with everyone entering the US being required to prove citizenship/legal status – including returning US citizens. Frankly, IMO we should have been requiring that at the US and Canadian borders since immediately after World War II if not before.
Ex-PH2: there are a some immigration/drug checkpoints on major highways near the US/Mexico border. I personally know of three, but there are probably quite a few more.
They’re at least somewhat effective. I was at one once when a drug-sniffing dog alerted on a vehicle. Let’s just say the guy they led away didn’t seem too happy. (smile)
Other than that, I’m not aware of any organized effort by the INS to stop travelers, either at random or systematically, on US public highways.
Don Shipley asked 155 for a copy of 155s DD-214. 155 Millimeter responded with a video titled, “Red Leg Combat Team Veteran 155 Shows Navy Seal Don Shipley his DD214.”
Here’s the diatribe that went with the video…
“This video goes out to the Honorable Don Shipley since he messaged me one time, and asked me to send a copy of my DD214 to him. Well Don I think it’s well time for an apology from you for asking a Red Leg Desert Storm Veteran for his DD214…
“Feel free to call CNN on me Don, anytime! I’ll be happy to report to them what they never knew about Gulf War 1…
“One thing Navy Seals need to learn is NEVER try to act tough with a RED LEG… We’ve been around since 1775… Much longer than you Navy Seals… And we were getting the job done before you were even thought about… ;”
155mm? Yeah, I guess that’s about how tall the guy will feel after the (verbal) beatdown Don may put on his stupid azz . . . .
The Walmart boonie hat doesn’t stand a chance against the SEAL veteran grown hair. 😀
Well, I lived near the Canadian border about 15 years ago and Customs agents partnered with the New York State Police would set up random checkpoints on Route 37 on weekdays. I don’t know if they still do that, but they did it pre-9/11.
Hondo, I wasn’t thinking about them there furriners, but only about us Murrahkans.
We could come and go as we pleased, anywhere we wanted, anytime we wanted.
Shucks, we could even go get on airplanes and fly places without being searched or questioned.
155 is one extremely retarded individual, I’m certain he’s another Boot Camp throwaway if he/it has ever even served at all!!
Ex-PH2, et alii:
Here’s the link:
Please be sure to scroll down and read everything, including and especially the critical update.
The incident with TSA stopping folks on public highways happened several months ago on the freeway in Tennessee, with the collaboration of Tennessee State Highway Patrol.
I’m surprised you don’t know about that, but I reckon you can find plenty of references using Google.
TSA has been BRAGGING about their new VIPER (which I’m spelling wrong – – – “VIPER” is an acronym) system, complete with portable watchtowers, for screening the public at supermarkets, shopping malls, theatres, sporting events, bus stations, and train stations.
John Robert Mallernee: and without some type of documentation, just how do you tell the “furriners” from the US citizens and legal residents? Do you just accept anyone at face value when they tell you, “Da, Tovarish – I am citizen USA” and let them enter the country?
In a perfect world, that would work. No one would ever lie, use fake documents, or break the law.
Last time I checked, the world ain’t perfect.
I still say that if our government will leave us alone, we citizens can do a far better job of protecting our own safety and maintaining good order than they ever could.
Jonn: the checkpoints I’m familiar with in the SW are fixed, long duration ones and are systematic. Never lived near the Canadian border as an adult, so can’t comment on procedures there. But what you describes neither bothers nor surprises me. Hell, it’s IMO probably more effective than the fixed checkpoints you see in the southwest.
Actually, America USED to be darn NEAR “perfect”.
But, sadly, traditional standards of our entire contemporary society has rapidly degenerated, so we’re undoubtedly doomed by our own hand.
Well, John, we will have to agree to disagree on that one! The USA used to be exceptional, a wonderful place to live, with unlimited opportunities, but it has never been perfect or anything close to being perfect.
@247: John, I don’t take it personally. I know what I do, why I do it, and that I am fulfilling my blood oath. That’s enough. Thank you for your service and enjoy the First Amendment rights you’ve given much to safeguard.
For the record, MCPO (probably) does not work for my agency, but we are both involved in supporting the security for the Super Bowl, in different capacities.
The VIPR (Visible Intermodal Protection & Response) teams don’t do shopping malls, but they do other forms of transportation (i.e., trains, buses) as well as National Security Special Events like the Super Bowl. TSA is responsible for all forms of transportation security, not just aviation.
VIPR might not be doing shopping malls at the moment, but some time back, at their official web site, they were bragging that they plan to do it, unannounced, in the future, as well as other venues.
@259–When I was up in Jay, VT a couple of weeks back the Border Patrol was doing “hidey behind the bushes” on some of the back roads (VT-105, IIRC) and the like, so yeah, it still happens.
John at the Vet’s home. I enjoy reading your posts. However, you sound a bit off the rails on this one. I am certain we provided an appropriate blanket of security well within the confines of our constitution.
Any distrust you may have is unwarranted, I can assure you that we go great lengths to secure and protect … In order to preserve our constitution and our way of life here in the US. No other country does it better.
There’s always going to be a line between making a society secure and encroaching on personal freedom. Sometimes the line gets crosses but we do a much better job than most countries where thugs with uniforms and badges do what they want.
Just An Old Dog: yep. The problem is as old as democratic society – if not older.
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”
@238 2/17 Air Cav. Hey you kinda hurt my little feelin’s with that one. 😀
@Hondo: one of the reasons I have no problem being filmed while performing my duties. We are public servants.
@271 – MCPO NYC USN Ret., Et Alii:
Actually, when it comes to security, I suspect Switzerland and Israel probably “does it better”, for as I see it, our Constitution is deliberately and flagrantly ignored whenever convenient.
In my sixty-eight (68) years dwelling upon this Earth, I’ve witnessed three (03) significant events occurring in our beloved United States of America:
1 – Over time, as a people, we have willingly forfeited a LOT of personal freedom.
2 – In an amazingly brief amount of time, we have chosen to arrogantly become a morally degenerate society.
3 – In only a few short decades, our standards of literacy and intelligence have been drastically reduced and severely compromised.
Remember, also, that New York City does not share the same values as much of the population of United States of America, and what a New Yorker might enthusiastically endorse, other Americans might see as repugnant and offensive.
Thus, we are condemned, by our own hand.
There you go again.
I know what you are saying.
Say it. You have gone half way.
Don’t be so damn cowardice … Say what you really feel about the morality of those living in the NYC metro area.
Say it!
I was going to post this long rebuttal, but I know my views are a lot different than most are here so I’ll stay out that part.
I do have to ask Why a fellow Vet is disparaging others for continuing to do their part to keep people safe? That’s like blaming the ocean for it’s waves but not taking into account the Moon’s pull on it. Times and things change, and there is always a few bumps in the road it’ll get sorted out in time and with people sticking together not pointing and blaming.
Master Chief, NYC is a fine city to visit, but it’s too expensive for mere mortals to live there.
And in my (nearly) 68 years on this planet, most of the loss of morality, literacy and freedom is in the mind of the complainant, not actuality.
If people are SO dreadfully illiterate, then why do they buy books to read? If people are SO terribly immoral, then why are they outraged over bullies in school and driveby shootings?
And most of all, if people have LOST their freedom to move about, then how come I don’t see a decrease in traffic anywhere in my state, or any other state? Why are there no KGB boiars asking for papers at every street corner and building entrance? If going to my place of work requires that I have an ID and a mag card to get in, it means that people who don’t actually work in my office will not be able to get in without an escort.
I don’t consider that a loss of freedom, especially since Laurie Dann sat in the reception area of the company I worked for in the 1980s and refused to leave, until she decided to vacate the premises and go on her rampage at a school in Winnetka.
Opening ceremonies are cool.
Although the media (commentators) are trashing Russia and other countries.
Is what it is, but, shit…..lighten up.
It’s the Olympics!
Gotta love Obummer’s media backers.
And someone owes me 1000 Obama dollars.
I get Russian history, I do.
But damn these commentators!
O’bungles got “punked” on the world stage and now the media just points out historic faults. But hey, look at us….
Liberalism at it’s best.
And I am a very moderate Democrat.
Sad that something like this is so politicized for asinine and O’bummer’s failures (I mean reasons.)
I saw the Iranian team; did the Syrians have one?
@281 – GT
Not watching until they get to some events…
Russia or at least it’s failed Socialism, should be pointed out and made sport of, The Shitty craftamanship and lack of motivation for people to excel and the overall failure of a system. Its incredible that the Russains are that far behind on their ability to complete construction projects.
Watched much of the opening ceremony and enjoyed what I saw. (Got a touch of something unpleasant here and slept through most/some of it.)
Just got a peek at the Adler Stadium, with the fans from Holland. Now THAT’s what I watch this stuff for! They were having a lot of fun. Watched the Norwegians win the gold in Women’s X-Country Pursuit (called a skiathon, or something now).
I don’t know if this has something to do with what happened yesterday or not but when I come to this site I am taken to “Friday’s” site. Meaning the first article I have is the Walking Tall article and the comments that were there before we went down. This happens on my phone and computer even after clearing the history and cookies (I ate those) and typing in the full address instead of coming in through my bookmarks like I normally do. Is it only me, or is this happening to others as well? Not really a problem I just click on “This Ain’t Hell” because that is how I make sure the comment’s section is up to date, just wondering if it’s just me or a “site” wide problem. Cheers!
You probably need to clear your internet cache.
Jonn, Congrats on your 2nd and well earned retirement!!