Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender

| June 10, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us their research on Derek Kent Rose who was arrested in Virginia last week for receiving stolen property and not registering with the sex offender registry. Apparently, he was also caught forging his DD214 a while back and using the Wounded Warrior program telling the tale that he was in a HMMV accident which killed four of his fellow Marines and he caught a TBI while they died in his arms. Here’s the DD214 he began to alter with an X-acto knife;

And how it ended up;

Really? It takes Marines a 4-week course to learn night land navigation? And at least he didn’t go for Force Recon or Scout Snipers and just made himself an MP. That ought to make you MPs feel a little better.

But here are his assignments from his FOIA, so unless he was a traffic control MP in the DFAC chow line, it doesn’t reflect any possibility for his self-awarded Combat Action Ribbon;

So, as with most of these phonies, he’s guilty of other stuff besides forging his records;

POW Network has several examples of the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn. you should check it out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Well I hate to add insult to injury to Mrs B, but this Rose guy is now dating a girl with a 5 year old child. The Grand mother is worried sick over the abuse charges. Can someone, anyone here tell me exactly what he was found guilty of so I can pass it on to the grand mother? This is why it’s a good thing that TAH posted this Mrs. B, now you have another child that may be in harms way.No need to post the charges here, but if you could just email me at that would really help. John, you and I have spoken before via POWnet, so you know I am not some scam.. Thank you


I was able to call the courts in WV and they sent me the came outcome. And also what the charges were and also the report fir the police. Seems there was NO child involved. The report states he was at a party in Hancock county and there was Drinking involved he was sleeping when a girl woke him up kissing him. The girl was 15 hardly a five year old. He was charged with a misdemeanor 61-8b-9 a charge punishable by 90 days in jail and court cost. And thats what he was given. SeSees like a lot of ppl are blowing this whole this way out of proportion. He’s bot a child molester as some of you claim this is all the work of some very mad girls and a lot of smoke and mirrors. I think its all crazy. But I can email the documents to anyone who wants them.


[…] a month ago, a few individuals showed up to comment on Jonn’s Derek Kent Rose article from 8 1/2  months ago.  At least one of these individuals appears to be defending Rose.   In […]


@253- it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the extensive list of crimes Derek has committed. Whether you believe what is written and documented or not, the facts have been provided for you out right, as well as numerous links to additional information. There is no excuse, period, for his decisions and ultimately, his actions, toward a 15 year old CHILD. You state “the girl was 15, hardly a 5 year-old”–are you off your rocker?! I sure hope you were not blessed with any children…especially if you are comfortable enough to write the above statement. Utterly disturbing. On a side note, instead of making yourself look ignorant defending him, maybe visit the “Virginia Court Case Information” website, and search Derek’s name…. I’m certain that will entertain you for a few hours.


I did not know the details of the sex abuse charges and was concerned about my two-year-old grandson. This douchebag was putting him down for naps and telling us when he should go to bed and when he should get up. I didn’t even know him and was surprised by his taking charge of my grandson having been a stranger to us. I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t making excuses for spending more time with our little man. Just the fact that this scumbag is registered with the VA State Police Sex Offenders Registry should send my daughter running in the opposite direction, regardless of the circumstances. Rose is a master at his game , and my daughter believes everything he says. Can someone repost the link to Rose’s old Facebook page that had all the pictures of him in his uniform, in combat, etc. Thanks.


His old Facebook pages were already exposed. It wouldn’t be hard for her to search his name via Google. Derek Kent Rose in Virginia will bring up plenty for her to be entertained by for quite some time! He is def the wrong person to have any child around. Very controlling and unpredictable. Good lunck to you both.


@ youdontsay,15 is still a child sicko, I have an 11 year old daughter, your telling me that in a few years it will be ok if some sicko touches her??? You are just as sick as Rose!!


Let me start by saying that i personally know Derek. And when i discovered his lies with the help of our mutual friend, the same excuses he had given “crazy ex girlfriend” is strangely familiar to YOUDONTSAY…. So guess what folks, youve been tslking to that sociopathic scumbag the whole time.


Heres his address from the Virginia sex registry is:
122 Tremont Street
Manassas Park, VA 20111

Green Thumb



I was fooled by him too. When is he finally going to get punished for this?!? Someone needs to do something about this scum!


I have something i would like to share, Dereck K rose aka as sicko , came into our life and we fed him gave him a job and felt bad for his sorry ass , in his returned he stoled from us made our life a living hell and to top it off killed my cat. There is much more I can say about him. that sicko of a man well i wouldn’t call him a MAN. made our life a living hell , God help him, he has hurt so many people… GOD HELP HIM !!! HOPE HE BURNS IN HELL……


Derek is now married to my sister and has been for months. We are just finding out about him. Is he dating anyone right now? He has an excuse as to why he can’t move to California . I am worried for my sister and niece. Please reply to I need anything you have


He’s dating lots of women right now


This is all comical anyone can say anything on here and you people believe whatever anyone says on here you people need a life.


youdontsay: I find it revolting that you’re coming here to defend someone who’s a registered sex offender and child boinker.

Perhaps you need to find yourself a better life.

Green Thumb



2/17 Air Cav

“you people need a life” I ordered one from Amazon just last week but it’s on back order. Why don’t you return yours? You don’t need it.


I saw the court documents from his charge it said nothing of child molestation and people what to coke one hee and make up crap about a person they never met or from ex girlfriends who have a video and make different profiles to comment on here to make it more realistic for them what a bunch of crap all of it and the exs nine different names she has on here pretending to be other ppl


Its all public record if you call WV state police and the court he was charged in


So you are saying that the county that convicted him lied about it? If I am not supposed to believe their official records, why should I believe you, or whoever else you are referring to in your screed above which really could stand a bit of punctuation and/or capitalization with a bit of spellcheck thrown in just because it is available, out there, free, easy to use, and would cause immense improvements for the reader of whatever it is that is quite inexplicable as you wrote and presented it as well as being rather indecipherable assuming one is able to decode at least some of the misspelled words and assorted errors in use of syntax, grammar, and word usage throughout.


youdontsay: You should learn to speak english, boy. Try that one on for size instead of telling people to “get a life”


people what to coke one hee

What the fuck language was that? Apparently it doesn’t make use of capitalization or punctuation.

I have to wonder, who is more needing of a life? Is it us, or the person who has nothing better to do than tell us to get one?


I have no clue what that guy was trying to say in comment 273.



That’s ok. They don’t know either.


Yes you all need a life instead of spending your lives here


And I have had breakfast in bed!!! So don’t know what you are referring to with that one

Green Thumb


Why don’t you have Derek douche your spunkhole and get back with us next week.



Isn’t that special? Someone left their web browser unsecured at the home and one of the inmates is posting.

Green Thumb


My bad but I get to add another comment.

Make sure he wears gloves.


I have had breakfast in bed, too!!!!

See, at least those words strung together make some sense. How they relate to anything is yet to be determined. We may not even be referring to a similar kind of event.


I was referring to the multiple people on here that don’t know what they’re taking about ny boyfriend makes my breakfast in bed on Sundays all the time I have a life and you yuts come on here to try and blackmail people


LOL Breakfast in bed…what the hell.

Someone is off their meds.


What does Breakfast in bed have to do with anything? Blackmail people? You must have a comprehension problem…show me where this occurs please.


Holy shit that meth is a hell of a drug.


Sunday was a long time ago.


I don’t do meth what I do is none of your concern all I see on here are people running there mouths about things they know nothing about ex girlfriends with a vindictive additude I mean b responsible is still longing after this gut after decades and the others I don’t know but seems to me there are a lot of people making up stories talking to each other then coming on here on different names to stir things up to keep a blog going thats discusting that you have nothing better to do with your life then to constantly go after this MAN. Its unbelievable if he is not in the ex gf’s lives why not leave him alone why keep going after him makes no sence at all.


But the fact remains, you’re doing SOMETHING that’s affecting your higher cognitive brain functions.

And that’s all that matters, right?

William Blake's Penis


Under WV law..

“A person is guilty of sexual assault in the third degree when:

•The offender is 16 years old or more and engages in sexual intercourse or sexual intrusion with the victim who is less than 16 years old and who is at least 4 years younger than the offender. This also includes mentally handicapped and mentally incapacitated victims.


Fort I did some research as I’m sure you ALL do on here . He was charged in WV for SEXUAL ABUSE not assault huge difference. The code for his charge for that was 61-8b-9 it is not the same charge he had against him in the case he was arrested for then RELEASED. You come on this blog throwing anything around yet you don’t even know the REAL charges he’s ACCUSED of. His conviction in WV was a not a crime that requires him even to be on the VA sex offender registry. Here’s WV code for the charge notice what the charge carries at the bottom. It states 90 days in jail and court cost. NOTHING ABOUT HAVING TO REGISTER so the state of VA have it wrong. Here’s WV law. 2010 West Virginia Code CHAPTER 61. CRIMES AND THEIR PUNISHMENT ARTICLE 8B. SEXUAL OFFENSES. §61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree.§61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the third degree when he subjects another person to sexual contact without the latter’s consent, when such lack of consent is due to the victim’s incapacity to consent by reason of being less than sixteen years old. (b) In any prosecution under this section it is a defense that: (1) The defendant was less than sixteen years old; or (2) The defendant was less than four years older than the victim. (c) Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the county jail not more than ninety days, or fined not more than five hundred dollars and confined in the county jail not more than ninety days. So is her on the registry yes should he be under the law no. And look at his conviction date 2000 he first registered in 2010 ten years after he was convinced. He never registered nor was required to register in any other state. Get your FACTS straight on here if you know nothing of what you speak about… Read more »


seems to me there are a lot of people making up stories talking to each other then coming on here on different names to stir things up to keep a blog going

For someone who doesn’t like “people running there mouths about things they know nothing”, you’re sure guilty of it.

You don’t KNOW that what you’re claiming is true, yet here you are, running your suck over it.

Hypocrisy much?

2/17 Air Cav

How youdontsay does it:

1. Steal can of Alphabet soup

2. Go to TAH

3. Open can

4. Pour soup in a comment block

5. Hit submit button

6. Hope letters form words

7. Feel better about self

Green Thumb


That’s funny.


@ 291 … what did you say?


Good one, AC!

Meanwhile, GT, Sparky? You been using multiple names pretending to be somebody’s exes? Then maybe deleting those posts prior to submitting them??

The up side is that most of our pet trolls seem to have gone into hiding lately. We may need a new one and seem to have an applicant. Or a new name at least.


It would be funny, Green Thumb – except I’m thinking she’s Rose’s current G/F. IMO, that makes it sad vice funny.

“youdontsay” – an adult banging someone who is underage is by definition “child molestation”. See 28 CFR 549.93.

Someone found guilty of doing that is a sex offender. That’s apparently precisely what Rose was convicted of doing. And from your comments above, you know that – and are willing to give him a pass.

If you’re indeed his G/F (or one of his “stable” – by all accounts, Rose indeed “gets around”) . . . well, maybe you two deserve each other.


First did some research as I’m sure you ALL do on here . He was charged in WV for SEXUAL ABUSE not assault huge difference. The code for his charge for that was 61-8b-9 it is not the same charge he had against him in the case he was arrested for then RELEASED. You come on this blog throwing anything around yet you don’t even know the REAL charges he’s ACCUSED of. His conviction in WV was a not a crime that requires him even to be on the VA sex offender registry. Here’s WV code for the charge notice what the charge carries at the bottom. It states 90 days in jail and court cost. NOTHING ABOUT HAVING TO REGISTER so the state of VA have it wrong. Here’s WV law. 2010 West Virginia Code CHAPTER 61. CRIMES AND THEIR PUNISHMENT ARTICLE 8B. SEXUAL OFFENSES. §61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree.§61-8B-9. Sexual abuse in the third degree. (a) A person is guilty of sexual abuse in the third degree when he subjects another person to sexual contact without the latter’s consent, when such lack of consent is due to the victim’s incapacity to consent by reason of being less than sixteen years old. (b) In any prosecution under this section it is a defense that: (1) The defendant was less than sixteen years old; or (2) The defendant was less than four years older than the victim. (c) Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in the county jail not more than ninety days, or fined not more than five hundred dollars and confined in the county jail not more than ninety days. So is her on the registry yes should he be under the law no. And look at his conviction date 2000 he first registered in 2010 ten years after he was convinced. He never registered nor was required to register in any other state. Get your FACTS straight on here if you know nothing of what you speak about then… Read more »


I ran across this blog by accident its been a very long time since I have seen Derek. I was engaged to him alond time ago when he was in the military. I had been in contatact with him for along time up until about four years ago. He has told me several stories of his dealings with some of his ex-girlfriends and what not I never knew that there could be as brutal and vindictive and sour people as these women are. They truly do need to let things go and move on from him. As was said it looks as thought they make names to further slander and add to this persona that they are trying to paint on here. I knew about Toni and what she did. About his so called son he had with her. That I find hard to belive from her side. She was with Derek when he was 17 then moved to CO then two or three months after moving there called to say she was preg. He wanted a DNA test and that never happened. That is the story that he told me. I also say some letter from here that where a year or two old that confimed what he had told me. Now I see she is on here trying to say differently. I also see looks like one or two of his other ex’s commenting on this blog. Theres alot to read. I have heard about Jill and Whitney in my talks with Derek all were about the same. How they BOTH cheated on him. One with a guy the spent 9 months in NJ prison for selling drugs inn a school zone. One other cheated on him with a guy she met at her work. I dont know the whole stories just what I was told by Derek. I was called by Whitney a few times before But she wanted to know how I knew Derek. I told here I was a friend and it was none of her buisness. They all want to paint pictures of themselves… Read more »


Gee, “youdontsay” and “longtime” must know each other. They’re sharing the same CenturyLink static IP while posting comments here today. That usually means they’re posting from the same location – maybe even the same computer.


@ #300: And I should care about ANY of that why? This is a milblog, not a support group for victims of sexual abuse, although most of us do have some sympathy for them generally.

2/17 Air Cav


“General Hospital”

“Days of Our Lives”

“As the World Tuns”

“This Ain’t Hell”