Shirtless poser seeks undeserved praise (Kyle Barwan).

| August 25, 2010

I wanted to post this phony before I closed out because of what he lied and how he did it stand out from your normal faker. Meet Kyle Barwan, (listed at the bottom of the page. )

He is claiming that he was a ” Ranger, MP, 1st Cavalry, a sniper, a First Lieutenant, and claimed to have served a tour in Iraq.

Also claimed that he earned a Silver Star by pulling eight guys to safety after a IED blast.

Also he tries to act like he has been there done that on FaceBook.

The only real problem is that he he has only been in the National Guard and was kicked out for impersonating a Officer in 2007. Oh and he is claiming that he part of ROTC and recenty went to Camp Atterberry

Considering he did such a bang up job pretending to be Army Lieutenant do we really want him to be in charge of real troops?

Added: Also Amy found a MySpace page that has the same info as our friend here.


I found what was posted his Myspace account for the entry Army Sniper. Also he has another one that refers to being in Iraq.

UPDATE November 24 2010:
Police in Knox County are holding Kyle Barwan of Crestwood, Illinois on charges of possession of cocaine and impersonating a public servant, and even more charges may be coming.

Yep still at it.

Update: goes under the following names/usernames.

Kyle Reacher, Kyle Felucifer, Klutch, Klutch_Reborn.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Kyle can’t find or get a job…. This site has ruined kyle’s life…kyle’s depressed… We can’t imagine the shit people are saying to Kyle… Kyle’s crying out for help… Kyle says he’s got suicidal ideatations… Boo hoo, poor Kyle. Poor, poor, Kyle. Has anyone noticed that with Kyle/ An Old Friend/ Blackthorn it’s always about “Me, Me, Me!!! Everyone is picking on Me!!! Everyone is ruining MY life (extremely lower case life, because you don’t have a life, Kyle). Nobody understands ME!!! Debra, please talk to ME, MY e-mail is… ” yadayadayad… Before the Army kicked your Sorry Ass out of the service Kyle, (before you had even completed AIT, translation: before you ever earned the right to the honor of being called a Soldier) I’m sure someone mentioned something about OUR (not yours, because you have no value or values) SEVEN ARMY VALUES. You know: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage… Well let me break it down to you Barney Style, why you are where you are: Loyalty: you have none, Kyle. It’s readily apparent that you use and abuse those around you. You’ve thought nothing about lying, stealing, and cheating from your own family… Duty: Kyle, you have a duty as an American Citizen to be a productive member of society. However, you choose to manipulate others, all the while looking for the next sucker to take as much as you can get while the getting is good. You are scum Kyle… instead of being productive, you leach off of others. Respect: You don’t have any. Not for yourself, or anyonelse. If you did, you wouldn’t have the need to lie, steal, manipulate, or cheat your family and friends. So instead you try to cloak yourself in OUR Respect by assuming the identity of a Soldier (a title you that you never could attain) to garner some “Respect” Selfless Service: It is all to clear that you’ve lived your life in service of your self. Kyle, it’s obvious this Army Value is the one you never could have understood. Your belief in life has… Read more »


I’ve never heard of anybody in La Leche League who nursed a child to the age of 10. And the way that you put it is not exactly representative of what LLL teaches.


You and Debbie are perfect for each other.


My hats off to to you CAV69. You nailed it. Spot on…. “Fire For Effect!!!!”


Debbie, hunny bunny, we all thought you were done? How’s Kyle doing? (do I/we even care???)


Debbie, I noticed that you said you never ” heard ” of anyone breast feeding their child past age 10… I’m sure that you know at least 1 or 2 LLL members who are breast feeding their children past age 5… I know more about this ‘sick’ group than you realize, with their prostelyzing of the “mother child bonding via the the tit.” Fact: breastfeeding a child beyond 9 months of age has zero physical/ immunological benefit but does exponentially increases a child’s likely hood to develope inappropriate social bonds and behavior…


You’re very ignorant. So much so, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

Michael in MI

Smoke523 — Have you seen the movie Grown Ups?

Chris Rock’s character’s wife asks Kevin James’ character how old is his kid, who’s still breastfeeding from his mom. James awkwardly says “he’s 48 months”. Rock replies “that’s 4”. James awkwardly again… “yeah”. heh

Did a quick Google on LLL, since I’d never heard of it, and one of the first articles was “Breastfeeding until 3, 4, 5 years of age? More common than you think.” Thankfully the Blackhawks game is about to start so I can put my focus on more testosterone-related and less estrogen-related stuff.

You know this thread is getting bad when breastfeeding is brought up on a military blog… oy…


Nope, I’m not ignorant Debbie. Pets revisit the facts…

Fact: You have stated that you are a former MP. This statement implies that you have served.

Fact: You’re a three timed married mother of a young child over the age of 40. Your previously sited dates of service puts you at or / near this age range.

Fact: you have now married for the the third time. If you didn’t know, repeating the same behavior with the expectatation of a different outcome, defines insanity. Good luck with this relationship. It will most likely self destruct??? Let us all know how this one works out for you. I’m sure as tax layers we’ll soon foot the bill.

Fact: most members of LLL are over 30 yrs of age.

Fact: admirably that it is…you think it’s your DUTY to save/stand up for Kyle. you deem his humanity worthy of this. Where as we (VETS and SOLDIERS) demand a public retraction of his willfully deceitful statements…

Fact: like 1stAIRCAV69 in summatation said,” let us know how your fixing Kyle works out, (adit won’t because it won’t change just like you cant change)…

Fact.: so we all sit here watching this train accident…


So right!!! Mike MI!!! My thoughts exactly!!!


“You know this thread is getting bad when breastfeeding is brought up on a military blog… oy…”

I think it’s just the natural progression of things when you’ve got an 8-year Army veteran who then goes on to become a nursing mother… (I’m a grandmother now, though, with two grandbabies who are both nursing from their mother.)

@Michael, actually breastfeeding is not associated with estrogen, but rather the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which are very beneficial hormones that relax the mother and promote nurturing feelings, while estrogen levels in a nursing mother are lower. These hormones are released in males, also, to some degree, associated with fatherhood. According to things I’ve read, long-married couples with a close relationship often have an oxytocin kind of thing going on between them. It’s a hormone that promotes feelings of well-being and bonding, first discovered in nursing mothers, but then it was realized that it is not exclusive to nursing mothers, though they have the highest levels. Actually, I suspect that many of the pleasurable activities that people pursue are unconsciously a pursuit of raising their oxytocin levels, which brings on those good feelings. (Of course, there are other beneficial hormones, too, as anyone who is very into distant running or working out probably knows.) But I think oxytocin is truly the bonding hormone. There are whole books out on the subject now.

Also, here is a short article on the LLL website which explains the importance of nursing for several years and places the practice into perspective, culturally and biologically:


Smoke523, I repeat, you’re very ignorant, you know nothing about me, most of your facts are wrong, you have a twisted way of looking at things, and I would tell you to STFU and mind your own business, except that you’re obviously so socially maladjusted that you lack the sense and sensitivity to catch on to how wrong and childish you are to act like this. The only train wreck I see here is you.


No shit!!! Debbies post explains it all!!! She says ” I breastfeed beyond 9 months because it makes me feel good enough to stand up for Kyle!!!! Oxtocin made me (a former Soldier) stand up for him… Oxytocin gonna keep you breastfeeding past 2 hrs Debbie? I’m sure 2yrs is hopefull, as your child is probably older than that, right debbie???


Debbie, how’s Kyle doing??? We’d all like to know….


Smoke523, besides being a very ignorant person, you also have other serious problems. I think you need to see 1AirCav69 for counseling.


Aside from the fact that I’m socially better than you, (I’ve only been married once) all of my children have achieved at least a masters degree, finally and most importantantly…”we’ve never raise our children’s children” never the hell mind the idea of having a child and raising that child after the age of 40. LLL membership says it all about u


Smoke523, you’ve already proven to me that you have serious problems by the way you are making up lies about me and attacking me without provocation. Even though I’ve made it clear to you that I want the harrassment to stop, you continue. I wonder what causes a person to act so very inappropriately. I also wonder why you’re not embarrassed to act like that in a public forum.

Michael in MI

“@Michael, actually breastfeeding is not associated with estrogen…”

Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be technical, just trying to be clever with a male/female association regarding the testosterone/estrogen thing regarding hockey/breastfeeding. Unfortunately, my name isn’t Tyler Durden, so the clever thing didn’t work out very well for me.

Now, back to see if the ‘Hawks can come back from this 3-2 deficit in the 3rd period…

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