Marines against Shamar Thomas

| October 20, 2011

I know Sporkmaster has written a few times about Shamar Thomas, the huge clown who thought it was appropriate to pin his ribbons on his utility uniform and yell at police. Apparently, some other Marines have taken exception with his behavior and formed a Facebook group called Marines Against Shamar Thomas…and he’s not happy about it. Paul sends us these screen shots;

Category: Shitbags

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Impeach Osama I mean obama

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

@202, SHUT UP and go buy some ad space, CHEAPSKATE!!

29 Palms Grunt

Typical POG. Probably got his CAR standing post and a round went over his head. Such a jack ass. Thanks for embarrassing the Corps…


Thanks for embarrassing freedom, justice and the American way, and for embarrassing all of us Americans and our nation by shamefully representing us and our ideals so poorly by acting like a jerk, a bully and a prick to the rest of the world, and by being a jackass jarhead and not standing beside your fellow soldier upholding the freedoms & civil rights in our own streets which you all claim so much that you “fight for” or have “fought for”, “over there”. Selfish brainwashed bonehead.


Shut the ever living fuck up, first of all it’s Marine(s), not a god damn fucking soldier, second, why do you god damn civies believe you know anything about anything when it comes to OUR world and when we police our own, why you seem to miss to point as to why we are all pissed off, speaks volumes of your ignorance and supports the FACT that you simply need to shut your cockholster, keep your opinions to yourself and worry about your own little problems. P.s. eat a bag of baby dicks.


You think you guys are better than everyone else just because you’re a Marine,really?! He has every right to speak his mind,as does everyone else.FYI,Marines are soldiers here is the definition
1.a member of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea, in particular a member of the US Marine Corps.
You may go through more rigorous training than most,but you are still a soldier..


Screw you all. Screw this blog. You defend bully coward pig cops because you are aholes just like they are! Praise Sgt Shamar Thomas for standing up to injustice and putting those law breaking, civil rights violating pigs in their place!! He’s not embarrassing them, THEY ARE EMBARRASSING THEMSELVES! And he’s just pointing it out and standing up for what’s RIGHT!! Can you say the same?? What’s the point in going to other countries and “fighting for freedom” when there is no 100% real true “freedom” here at home? — just an oppressive, fear-inducing police state that is “justified” by the need for “security”. Pig cops beating teenage girls and killing innocent people is “security”?? I don’t think so. Screw all you haters. Sgt Shamar Thomas is a Superhero! He’s a Black Superman, fighting for Justice and the American Way !!! Your, sir, are the “clown”. Nice clown website!! Circus freaks.


Shut the fuck up, you ignorant pussy. Go suck that attention whore off while wearing your tinfoil hat since he’s such a “superhero”. Seriously, how much of a pussy can you make yourself sound?


What in the world are all you boots effin crying about??? you jackasses have that much free time to make up a pathetic little website dedicated to shaming and clowning on an American, ONE OF YOUR OWN, for standing up for his own people which also happens to be his hometown??? The guy may be a POG but at least he has more balls than most Americans to do what he feels is right and stand up against the opression that is brought on by greedy Elitists and turning cops into fascist pigs. Our government spies on us and murders people for exposing their little programs in hopes of saving this nation and putting evil in check. We go away and get messed up and come home to be treated by the VA like second rate citizens…. So before all you little oorah jackasses be so quick to judge a man (who is considered by many to be a hero), ask yourself what his intentions were and why do you think he did what he did. I truly dont think he did that to get any attention, but to call out attention to the injustices committed by uniformed officers who swore to “protect and serve” while beating the weak and unarmed whos right lets them gather and try to rally cause. Yes, our traditions and uniforms mean a lot to us…I get it. But he’s no longer apart and forced to follow any rules like the petty ones you all seem to be complaining about. He did not disrespect it in any way. PERHAPS you jackass brain washed boots should all cry and make websites when you see models who never serve cut and alter old cammies to give them a slutty look while holding a 240. YOU GAY-WADS, leave him alone and stand up for a REAL CAUSE. I swear……The uniforms and medals he earned while doing his time can be whatever he wants them to be once his contract is up. Damn he can choose to grow out his hair and trash every single item and piece of… Read more »


Sgt. Thomas is an absolute disgrace to the uniform and the entire US military. I viewed his video with several Marines and other branches and every single one of us said “what a disgrace” Thomas stands there shouting in attempt to provoke anyone he possibly can to get his voice heard. He claims that police were just grabbing people and assaulting them “punching a woman in the face” He claims that police are scared of video cameras because they don’t lie. Where are those videos of all these assaults that took place. Honestly EX SGT THOMAS, police officers love cameras because it does show the truth. As a Marine and a Police Officer myself for many years, you know how many people I have had sitting in my office making the same accusations that you are making of these assaults and police brutality. Then when I play the video in front of them they have apologized and walked out completely embarrassed by making such unfounded claims. I am not saying there are not bad officers. There are bad everything, doctors, lawyers, teachers whatever you can imagine. The biggest problem I have with this, is the complete approach to being heard. If you know of incident specifically that is unjustified in your mind then by all means bring it to light. By all means show the videos of how the officers randomly yanked a woman out of the crowd and punched her in the face. But If I sat here and spoke about how fucked up and what a piece of Shit Marines are because they rape and sexually assault teenage girls still in high school, then that would be misconception and MOST DEFINATELY OFFENSIVE TO ALL US MARINES. Because of a few bad Marines that have done some terrible things, it is wrong to think badly about the entire Marine Corps and its HONOR. Unfortunately that is now how everyone thinks. They will use that one bad experience (Bad Cop) or circumstance and automatically make an association that all cops are bad. Just an example Nobody likes to be associated… Read more »


Against the Grain @2ndmar, Sgt. Shamar Thomas and to the men and women of the entire United States Marine Corp, greetings to you and wishes of the best of fortune as your fortune is entwined with my own. I am thankful to the one who has intelligently set the universe in such a perfectly timed order that it can be monitored with the science of clockwork. And that he has seen fit to grant fortune to us as Americans by having a group such as you all are, as an aid to us. As you undoubtedly now by my words thus far that I am not of any government funded servitude, but a civilian. As such that I am, I do understand that there are and may be many aspects of conflict, combat and tactics of various types of ever changing alternating landscapes and last minute adjusting to circumstance engagements that I do not and cannot have knowledge of without the specific specialized skill set training that must be learned. Whatever profound blindness, handicap or disadvantage that you may perceive that I may have because of me being a civilian I am still a human being whose existence is the very origin and purpose for your own. We (yours like my own) are interconnected, eternally dependent and inseparable of/from each others. Just as the rich have their place/position because of or on the backs of the poor, and like there can be no wet without dry or up without down etc. The balance in the universe will be maintained. The strong (like un-censused antibodies) will always spring up to defend the weak be it conventional or non. And while there is always strength in numbers, energy is contagious and one can never know (and should never say for surety) how one will act or respond to any situation or circumstance at a given moment when alone until faced with it. These are my perspectives and the rules of engagement like all rules are subject to much. The ideals of honor duty pride and responsibility to family, though very noble have… Read more »

Aaron Day

This is funny, that’s what this is. I question if this “Marine” ever really served. In the video his ribbons aren’t in the correct order, and how old would his parents have to be to serve overseas in Iraq? The math doesn’t add up. He is a disgrace to my beloved Corps. Where was his Alpha jacket? How about his dress blues coat? Who did he serve with? Unit? This bag needs to present his service record for inspection, and stop defending people who are sucks on society. Guarantee his MOS wasn’t anywhere close to 03 if he was actually in.

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