Angelo Otchy, another phony hero

| August 4, 2010

Zedechek sent us an article last night about military barfly Angelo Otchy, the New Jerseyian who managed to get booted from nearly every branch of military service, and then engineered his own award of his community’s Distinguished Service Medal with his fantasies;

The 35-year-old Army veteran told a reporter that day about his three tours of duty in Iraq. Voice dropping to a near-hush, he spoke, too, about the buried bomb that ripped through his Humvee, injuring him and claiming the lives of three friends, one of them a soldier from Paterson.

“I’m haunted by that day every day of my life,” Otchy told The Star-Ledger.

But Otchy wasn’t in that Humvee. He was at home in New Jersey when the soldiers died. And he didn’t serve three tours of duty in Iraq. He served half of one tour before he was sent back to the States for extended rest and relaxation.

Sweet Marie. And who busted him? It was his own uncle, a colonel. The Star Ledger says he had an extensive military career;

Records show he joined the Army in December 1993, only to be discharged four months later. In May 1996, he enlisted in the Marine Corps but washed out of basic training. Otchy said he failed to qualify in weapons proficiency.

Just three months later, he joined the Navy. Again it didn’t stick. Otchy lasted less than a year before he was discharged.

“I didn’t want to do it anymore,” he said.

Now someone compare that quote with this statement from Otchy;

“I was feeling down and out, and I guess I wanted someone to appreciate what I did for this country, because I sure as hell don’t feel appreciated,” Otchy said. “I’ve been home two years, and maybe two people said ‘Thank you for your service.’?”

Poor guy, he didn’t do anything and feels unappreciated.

Category: Phony soldiers

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A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Itchy-otchy, YOU FUCKED YOURSELF,’lil rudy-poo!! YPUR MOMMA SAID that if you can go through today without cussing on the internet, she’ll have a nice, warm enema for you before bedtime tonight!!


Italian mobsters in Jersey? Tony Soprano is that you? Angelo, you pimple of puss, go fuck a duck.

Green Thumb

Do a wanted poster on this Turd and he will go ballistic!


Tough guy Angie Poo and his Uncle Sally. Both of them are *LITTLE BITCHES*.

Oh you’re from Toms River? You’re a bad ass? I have family that’s well connected in Toms River, Pine beach and Seaside Heights and the general cranberry area around there. (Lakehurst/Dix/Mcguire)
ALSO two of them are Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans and one is currently working as a “contractor” and his brother is now on his second enlistment (was in, got out and then went back in ) as a U.S. Marine.

Were I to say the word, they would like to come downtown and have a little chat with you.

They would also offer to bring a few of their other “family” members that would also stick around afterwords to ensure that you were very generously and kindly taken care of, maybe buy you a slice of pie at one of their favorite *establishments*, when their “brothers” have to return to their duties supporting the U.S. Military or having to return to their active duty units.

First time I met “Grandpa” he explained that I should take care of myself and his grandaughter (now my wife) as to not incur a “knee injury”.

I explained to him, I knew people that had a sizable cache of nuclear weapons that were very dusty as they had not been used in oh, about 55 or 60 years.

He laughed, clapped me on the back and kissed me on the cheek.

/nuff said there Joisy Boi. I know of what I speak.

That Assalo is NOT from Toms River


Angela – while you may wish nothing but the best for Jonn, should he finally go to Fiddler’s Green, the shit aimed at little girly wannabes like you will not end. Jonn is not the only one who seeks and destroys nuggets like you – there are many. People like you make this way too easy and sometimes fun. You try to take advantage of someone else’s hard work, dedication and sacrifices, and then cry like a little bitch when the rest of us give you shit over it. COL George Patton IV once said “Find the bastards, then pile on”. We’re just following orders Angieeeee.


“usmc I failed rifle range for the simple fact that soldiers in my platoon knew I was prior service and felt I didn’t deserve to be a marine”

Horseshit. What did the other members in your platoon do to “fail you” at the rifle range? (and note, you don’t “fail” the rifle range. You either qualify, or don’t (i.e, go “UNQ”). Did they whisper sweet nothings in your ear to distract you as you were at the 200 yard line trying to maintain sight alignment/sight picture? Did they magically divert your rounds after they left the barrel of your rifle and cause them to miss your target, thereby resulting in a number of well-deserved “Maggie’s drawers”? Were you kinda stressed because your drill instructors weren’t in the habit of kindly asking you to roll out of your rack in the morning and asking you how you wanted your eggs done for breakfast at the mess hall?

Quit being a whining, woe-is-me, quivering pile of jello and stop making excuses. “Rounds don’t lie.” Your prior service didn’t have a bloody thing to do with your inability to qualify. Either you hit what you’re aiming at, or you don’t. You didn’t.

Also, no Marine calls another Marine a “soldier”. Guess that’s a moot point, since you didn’t make it through boot camp and earn the title.


Marine_7002…In this case with little Angie…it’s a MOOK point.


Green Thumb

Otchy is just a little oozy, loosey dude that not only calls himself the “Italian Stallion”, but cannot drive.

Otchy, how is that “habit” coming along?

Green Thumb

Otchy, Stermer and LTC BH Austin.

I wonder who would win that fight?

A Proud Infidel®™

They’d all run away unless you left a jelly doughnut out on the table, then MAYBE they’d rumble for it!

Green Thumb

I wonder what this diseased turd is up to these days?

Anyone know?

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