An early weekend open thread

| February 28, 2014

My wife is forcing me to go that portal to Hell, Metro DC, today, so I’m giving you your weekend open thread now. My code monkey hippie chick says that the new TAH will launch tonight while most of you are sleeping, so don’t freak out when you dial us up tomorrow. She assures me that there will be problems, so don’t be hesitant telling us about things you might encounter and we’ll get them fixed as fast as we can. You night owls might experience problems if you’re on when she’s loading the new format.

Drop off links to your blog, news you’ve found that might be of interest to this crowd, or your favorite recipe in this thread of comments. Have at it.

And welcome back, Sparks, you have a lot of catching up to do what with all of the news that broke here this week.

Category: Administrative

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For people whose eyesight is not perfect, the background color is too close to the type color. The background needs to be a smidge lighter for the type to be easily read.


Can we please have the calendar back in the blog? It makes it easier to find things. Some of us search by the title or date of a post, not by category.





Nevermind…my bad. Working on too many things at once.

2/17 Air Cav

I envy the newcomer to this site who doesn’t have to relearn navigation here. I am having a very hard time following posts/replies. , some here, others there. I am accustomed to the single thread with a contiguous string of comments. I really do hate change.


Must say I agree 2/17 Air Cav. If someone replies to another person’s earlier post, you don’t see it unless you go back through the older posts. Maybe they will work out some of the details.


Guess we will all adjust to it. Eventually.

Am missing the list of topics in a sidebar most. The recent comments finally reappeared, but not the list of topics as they are posted. The “Top Posts & Pages” does not serve the same purpose.

Everything seems to work much faster. Thanks!

Toasty Coastie

Happy Sunday everyone~

Just read through the entire thread of Phildo and Psul…holy hell! What ever happened?

Just wanted to thank you all for letting me be a part of your group. I don’t know that I’ll be able to add much to these posers as my time in was short and not especially interesting.
I am married to an Soldier/ Sailor..he was prior Army and now finishing out in the CG.
I also come from a strong Military family.

I will do my utmost best to contribute to the continuing outing of these morons and while I am new, after reading about those epic failures, count me in as someone that will have your 6 no matter what.



PH2 is correct, could you lighten the gray background? As it stands it’s very hard for these old eyes to read for any length of time.


I don’t find anything slowing down now.

In fact, it’s much faster, even though I’m on an older browser and will be until I get a new computer.


I was hoping for a like button, but we can’t have it all. I like the new layout.

2/17 Air Cav

I have a global warming shovel, formerly known as a snow shovel. It actually is a grain shovel and pretty much sucks for anything else but pitching grain. It was a gift to me some 20 years ago. Know what I use to move global warming acculations? The grain shovel. Know why? Because I have been using it for that purpose for years. What’s the point? Change sucks.


“Stolen Valor” ran into some E-10 Navy SEAL guy, The “Seal” is so proud of his time in the Navy that he’s sporting a “Ranger” sticker.

I posted the following message, I doubt they’ll post it:

There are no “E-10s” in the military. Also, if this guy graduated from SEAL training, he would’ve said something about graduating BUDS, not “SEAL” training, because that’s ongoing.

Besides, it’s not normal to mention pay grade in lieu of rank. Besides, is that an Army “Ranger” sticker on the car?

I have a feeling that this guy isn’t who he claims to be… the rest of his story is suspect.

3/17 air cav

So Sparks, I was thumbing thru the male enhancement catalog.
Did you get the regular Funbeam screw master? Or did you get the Funbeam screw master Turbo? Just askin.


How come that when Scotty’s research was referenced there was a link to it, and now there is not?

Link, please!


Maybe you could get your “code monkey” to alter the link color so that it stands out more. Now it is only a fraction of a shade difference between it and the remaining text. I wouldn’t have know if I had not read this, and gone to look.

Green Thumb

Maybe we should contact APL and ask their opinion?

Green Thumb

I was watching TV and I saw Eddie and the Cruisers listed as I was surfing.

Then it hit me.

Commander Monkress will need a documentary when his days of stealing have been brought to an end.

It will be titled:”Phildo and the Losers.”